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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions about Physical Science

1) Why do students need to use colored lined paper?
Students spend a great deal of class time writing their about what they are observing and doing in the various activities as well as answering follow-up questions to this work. Together, this forms much of the Notebook Check that is collected and graded. By using colored paper for their science writings, it makes it easier for students to find their science work and easier for me to identify students who are not working or who may be attempting to do work for other classes.

2) Is there Extra Credit in this class?

In a given quarter, students will have between 30 and 40 graded assignments totally 600-700 points. Doing poorly on one (or even two) assignments will not have a significant impact on the quarter grade. It is far more important that students keep up with the current work and do their very best on the next assignment. However when we are working on Chapters 12, 4, 6, 7 and 2 students may do the "Chapter Challenge" for extra credit. Details for each chapter challenge are in each text packet and on this website under each chapters information.

3) I/My son/daughter was not in class, what did they miss?

Check the timeline. The timeline for each chapter, which is available on the website, spells out what is happening in class everyday and provides due dates for all homework, quizzes,tests and the Chapter Challenge. Students should have this printed out and check it daily, preferably the night before.

4) Why isnt there a text for this class?

Actually, we do use a text. The title of our text is Coordinated Science for the 21st Century. The complete text is over 1000 pages and weighs almost 5 pounds. In order to encourage students to be prepared for class, which includes bringing the text to class every day, and to work at home, I have photocopied the six individual chapters we will be using during the year and will distribute these chapters as packets as needed.

5) Is there an on-line version of the text?

Wilton High School has no agreement with the publisher for on-line access to this text.

6) Can I/My son/daughter get a textbook?

Yes. Hard-covered texts may be signed out with the teacher. Students will be responsible for returning the text at the end of the year or pay for a replacement.

7) I/My son/daughter am/is not happy with whom I/they are working with in class. Can I/he/she change groups?
Students form their own lab/class/project groups and as long as the group is working well, they may continue to work together. Students may change groups at any time and as often as they wish.

8) Why is the pace in this class seem so rushed?

The state of Connecticut has outlined the science content they believe all sophomores should master. This is called "2004 Science Framework". Although the framework lays out goals for the entire sophomore year, student testing takes place in early March of the sophomore year with the CAPT exam. In essence, we have roughly 100 school days to cover 180 days of content, not including review.

9) I/Myson/daughter is interested in getting some extra help. When are you available?
I am available for extra help every morning at 7:45 AM. I can also come in earlier if needed. Extra help is also available during our common "free" that occurs when we do not have double lab. It is always best to let me know you are coming.

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