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In partial fulfillment of the requirements In Nursing Care Management (NCM) 102 Submitted to: Miss Michelle Ann Bangaysiso, RN Submitted by: Cornelia, Roderic Quinol, Maria Mariles Undang, Mishel i

ACKNOWLEDGMENT We would like to extend our deepest appreciation and gratitude for the contributions of some important individuals who have been with us in making this case book possible. First and foremost we would like to offer all our thanks to our Almighty God. He has always been our source of strength, will and of all things. To our patient Mrs. Jonalyn Belucora that made this study viable. For the acceptance, respect, understanding and cooperation of the purpose and objectives of our study, for without her genuine spirit, we would not come up with this book. To our beloved parents, wife, children and friends, we are forever thankful for their consistent patience, understanding and unending encouragement and support throughout the process. To the medical team and staff of NOPH especially in OB-GYNE and LR-DR Department who have been very accommodating and willing in helping us to our needs the best way they could. To our group members who were enthusiastic and willing to lend and offer their time, abilities, and talents. All efforts are greatly valued. Lastly to our ever dynamic clinical instructor, Miss Michelle Ann Bangaysiso, who never feel tired of lifting our spirits to continue on this walk. For the knowledge shared and guidance given, we are utterly thankful to you maam. For the learning both on theory and practice taught to us throughout the whole LR-DR Rotation. The learning is priceless and surely it would be carried by us in the practice of our profession. Maam you made our journey as one of a kind as it was enriching.


LIFE PURPOSE: The life purpose of Foundation University is to educate and develop individuals to become productive, creative, useful, and responsible citizens of society.

VISION: Foundation University envision itself as a dynamic, progressive environment that cultivates effective learning, generates creative ideas, responds to societal needs and offers equal opportunity for all.

MISSION: In its quest for excellence in mind, body, and character and the pursuit of truth are freedom, Foundation University commits: 1. To develop sound character and broad culture; 2. To prepare individuals for a definite career; 3. To imbue citizens with the spirits of universal brotherhood, and 4. To advocate truth promote justice and advance knowledge. iii


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