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Human Sexuality Reading/Lecture Guide Ch.

13: Sexuality and the Adulthood Years

Chapter 13: Sexuality and the Adulthood Years

I. Living Single

44.4 % of the US population ages 15 and older are single Married people experience higher levels of sexual satisfaction and higher levels of sexual activity than do singles. What is serial monogamy? Is having a succession of sexually excusive relationships. What percent of men and women reported enjoyed the experience of a one-night stand (among single people)?



What explains the significant increase in the number of cohabiting couples in the US?

What is the relationship between premarital cohabitation and subsequent marital stability? How do you explain this relationship? Domestic partnership:


What are some functions of marriage?

Marriage in Current Collectivist and Individualist Cultures How does each view the purpose of marriage? o o interracial marriage in the United States? Collectivist Cultures: Individualist Cultures:

Polygamy: Polyandry: Interracial Marriagewhat is the current status of

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Human Sexuality Reading/Lecture Guide Ch. 13: Sexuality and the Adulthood Years

What factors are most likely to predict marital satisfaction? Take a look at Table 13.1. What do you make of the reasons behind the statistics on percentage of men and women usually or always having an orgasm? What are the primary pros and cons arguments for legal same-sex marriage? (Sex & Politics, pp 386-388) Pros: Cons:

IV. Extramarital Relationships (Nonmonogamy)

Consensual extramarital relationships: Swinging: Open Marriage: Polyamory: Nonconsensual extramarital sex:

How common are extramarital affairs? What are some reasons given for why people engage in extramarital relationships?

V. Divorce
What are some possible explanations for the high divorce rate in the US?

VI. Sexuality and Aging

What is the basis for the double standard in the sexuality of older men and women?

What are some psychological and lifestyle changes that occur in older individuals that can enhance their sexual lives, and help with maintaining sexual activity?

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Human Sexuality Reading/Lecture Guide Ch. 13: Sexuality and the Adulthood Years

How is the postmarital adjustment of widowhood different from that of divorce?

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