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Variable-Delievering a bad news.

TITLE-Some reflections on explanation in negative messages Limaye, Mohan R found that the receiver of negative messages have expectations of getting explanations for rejections. The study says that many people are reluctant to give explanations since it is waste of time and resources. It also says when they are not given explanation it affects senders integrity and credibility. Rejecters are likely to respond positively to the negative messages initiated by the sender if the messages contain explanations on both general and specific levels. Variable-delivery of message TITLE- Communicating effectively.Bazzett, Duane suggests the points for effective communication. They are being clear and accurate, not adding invalid points if not clear about the topic, encouraging feedback to assist knowing whether the message is properly received and understood. Telling them what they need to know and making sure that they understand it. Variable-delivering bad news. Title-The Secret of Communicating Bad News to Employees. Ackley, Dennis, suggests a good employee communication program as just as effective as it is with good news. Organizations should use ten elements of bad news communication when they are planning to communicate good or bad. Effective use of the those elements helps the audience to take the message in a better way.

Variable-delivering bad news Title-Delivering bad news,Tyler, J Larry Says , delivering bad news is a part of every executive's job. CFOs are particularly "blessed" with this responsibility. Being the harbinger of bad news requires a skill set that is not innate for most people. Rather, the skills are learned through trial and error and continued experience. Problem-solving abilities, strategic vision, strong communication skills, a results-oriented outlook, and willingness to take a stand are critical. Presented are some strategies can help healthcare financial leaders improve their ability to effectively and appropriately deliver bad news: 1. Don't let bad news be a surprise. 2. Be clear and get to the point. 3. Take the lumps up front. 4. Take the lumps in one fell swoop.

VARIABLE-asking feedback

TITLE-Communication feedback: Putting it all together.

Birkner, Lawrence R; Birkner, Ruth says, Feedback can be measured if you have set

specific, observable performance objectives at the beginning of thecommunication cycle and if you use delivery methods appropriate to the person or audience, such as face-- to-face presentations, verbal (telephone), written, nonverbal, kinesthetic and computer-based. Whether you are giving a platform presentation, discussing an issue between a supervisor and an employee or working through a family issue, keep your message straightforward and simple. Effective feedback must be two-way, engaging, responsive and directed toward a desired outcome.

Variable-gender on communication

Title-gender differences and similarities in management communication Brenda m.wilkins attempts to provide conclusions about male and female managers communication differences.although there is a significant difference with a small variance.he says that there is no meaningful gender differences in positive affect behavior,influence strategies,autocratic behavior,communication facilitation.

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