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TEACHING PORTFOLIO Table of Contents I. Teachers Profile A. Educational Attainment 1. Baccalaureate 2. Masters Degree 3. Doctorate Degree B.

PRC License C. Membership in Professional Organization Teaching Philosophy Teaching Goals Teaching Responsibilities and Methodology Instructional Materials Developed Teaching Improvement Activities A. Seminars/Workshops Attended B. Kaizen Projects Implemented to Improve Delivery of Instructions C. Best Practices Shared to Faculty Members D. Exchange Teaching Opportunities Evaluation of Teaching Researches/Publications Involvement in Community Projects and Extra-Curricular Activities Appendices A. Evaluation by the Department Chair B. Faculty Evaluation Remarks by Students C. WLAPS D. Seminars Attended E. Recognition Certificates F. Pictures while teaching with caption/ Teaching video of faculty members in CD



Educational Attainment

Baccalaureate Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Adamson University, Manila March 1998

Masters Degree Master of Information Systems UP Open University, Los Banos April 2007

Teaching Philosophy

Teaching is

a lifetime goal that we keep on achieving; an ability that we keep on improving; a true expression of love.

Rodelyn M. Aguinaldo

Teaching Goal

For me, it is a lifetime goal to keep on improving from my previous best, for myself and for my students.

Teaching Responsibilities

As a teacher I should: 1. Always attend to my class regularly

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Be responsive and responsible Never be selfish to share my knowledge and abilities Continue enhancing my abilities Think for the welfare of my students Treat my students fair and equal Encourage my students to study Be a role model to my students Treat my students as my children Use God as a center of my profession

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