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Questions to Dacian Ciolos (DC) from Rob Yorke (rural surveyor & commentator) for the Brecon &

Radnor Express newspaper

(Unedited except for RY green highlighting post DC reply)

Question 5 of 5 Does the UK lag behind Europe in co-operatives/producer groups? If so, why and how would it help our farmers? One thing that I have discovered since becoming Commissioner is how diverse the different agricultural systems are in the different Member States. Indeed, it's one of Europe's great strengths. I don't need to tell you here in Wales about the stark differences in farming simply within the UK. But there are cultural differences, too. And it is not for the Commission to force a particular model or management method. I was interested to read about the recent dairy farmer demonstrations in Britain, linked to frustrations over the farmer's weak negotiating position in the food supply chain. Following the milk crisis we saw in 2009, one of my first big initiatives as Commissioner was to propose a milk package which would address certain structural issues and facilitate better collective bargaining conditions for dairy farmers in terms of coming together to negotiate farmgate prices. This package has now been agreed and will come into force in October but it's not for the Commission to prescribe how British dairy farmers should take up the options available. In broader terms, our reform proposals also seek to facilitate Producer Organisations in all sectors, based on the broadly positive experience in the fruit & vegetables sector. But again, this will be one of the options available on the Rural Development menu, and it will be up to the individual regions and the farmers within those regions - to decide whether to take up these options.

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