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PREVENTION OF TRAIN ACCIDENTS DUE TO LANDSLIDES Name of the student Nishanth Chandra Rakesh Jyothi Ramesh Munavath Nishchal

KarthikBashetty Subham Baranswal Roll No 09404EN012 09404EN014 09404EN015 09404EN016 09404EN017 07000409 09104EN076 c Grade c c d c c


Background: The Indian railways are the largest in Asia and the second largest in the world. It has a daily passenger freight of more than 20 millions. Throughout, the Indian railways has more than 200 tunnels, some of them are as long as 6.5 km e.g. Karbude railway tunnel in Maharashtra on Konkan railway in Western Ghats. There is a high chances of frequent landslides or mudslides on these tracks in the hilly areas mainly around tunnels especially during monsoons. Many a times it causes severe railway accidents as the railway tracks are blocked by rocks thus causing collisions. It causes death of many people as well as a huge loss to the railways. E.g. An accident occurred on the night of June 22, 2003, when a landslide caused an express train travelling from Karwar to Mumbai to derail at the entrance to a tunnel. Fifty-one people died as a result of the accident, and several others were injured. Another accident occurred on the line on June 16, 2004. The Matsyagandha express bound to Mumbai from Mangalore derailed and fell off a bridge after colliding with boulders on the tracks, killing 14 people. The cause of both the accidents was falling of earth and boulder on tracks. The alternatives today existing are limiting the speed of trains during the monsoon to 75 km/h (47 mph) as opposed to the regular speed limit of 120 km/h (75 mph), as well as undertaking several geo-technical engineering works, including boulder netting,(providing fencing on landslide prone areas) Rock-bolting (A long anchor bolt to stabilize rock excavation which may be tunnel or rock cut It transfers the load from unstable exterior to the stronger interior of the rock) micro piling and vetiver plantations (a type of plant planted on hills to reduce rate of erosion) along the line to increase safety. But these alternatives dont have a high success rate and cant survive under extreme circumstances. But before we design, we must determine what exactly is needed how are we going to select one alternative over the other, and what constraints are operative on the design.

1. REALIZATION OF NEED: The need basically arises from the blockage of railway tracks has caused disastrous.

2. PRELIMINARY NEED STATEMENT: a) A system which can make the railway driver alert in case of blockage of tracks near tunnel due to landslide so as to prevent collisions. b) A technology preventing the landslides.

3. NEED ANALYSIS: a. Specification: must give an idea of, the speed of running trains and the distance it will take to stop in case of emergency brakes are applied. What is the overall load (the weight of rock) going to be on the system? Considering the average density of the rock to be around 2-3 gram per cc and the size of the rock well enough to cause damage to be 1x1x1 meter cube the mass of rock comes to be 2000-3000 kg or 2-3 tones. The average speed of the train is about 60kmph which may rise to 120kmph at maximum speed. In practical scenario the retardation provided by emergency brakes is 1.5 meter per Second Square. So the distance required for 60kmph speeding train will be 90m and for 120kmph speeding train would be 360m. Therefore the specifications of our systems are as follows: 1. To bear a load of more than 2-3 tones by switches. 2. The distance required for train to stop is 90m (average) and 360m (maximum).

b. Standard of performance Above are functional requirements. In addition to these, the standard of performance must also be set: 1. One of the most important performance requirements is of safety. This technique has to be very safe with no other risk, should withstand natural disaster and anti-social elements. 2. It should be highly convenient in use..The only hurdle resides in identifying the landslide prone areas. 3. It should be adaptable to rocks of weight varying between, say 1- 5 tones. 4. Acceptable reliability and maintenance requirements depend upon the type of design If the system is easy to service, frequent maintenance may be may be acceptable. As the maintenance calls for skilled technicians, it will be to less frequent. They can have a regular check ups once in two months in normal days and twice a month during the monsoons by expert technicians. 5. While specifying cost, one will have to be careful about fixed and recurring costs. High installation cost with minimum maintenance cost makes the system a very reliable option. 6. The systems effect on the physical environment will depend on the type of system used. But it wont cause much damage to the environment. The system should fit into the category once installed lifelong disposal is no matter. 7. Considering the environmental factors which can affect the performance of the design. Extreme in hostile natural disaster (earthquake extreme flood) appears to be the most relevant adverse factors of the problem.

C. Constraints: a. b. The system can be affected by the vigorous landslides.. If the system fails due to any fault in the system it would be disastrous.

There can be some modifications in present system because of our system 4. GENERATION OF DESIGN IDEAS: DESIGN 1: To prevent the landslides following methods can be implemented: a) Netting: Proving mechanical netting or support tro prevent the rocks from falling. b) Plantation: Massive plantation on the hills to reduce chances of landslides by holding the soil Construction of wall besides railway tracks which can prevent accumulation on rails. DESIGN 2: To construct a system such that no or less damage is caused even though the train collides: The speed of the train is kept minimum at landslide prone areas so as to keep minimum damage. Anti-collision devices can be attached to all such train passing through hilly areas. To prevent the train from collision the train driver has to be informed in advance about landslide so that he/she can prevent collision. DESIGN 3: Use of electrical switches: such that they will detect any extra weight on them by putting on the switch in circuit, Pressure sensors can be used which can detect change in pressure

DESIGN 4: Use of mechanized robot: which mechanically checks any error or fault on the tracks. Use of satellite imagery, multi-spectral analysis and interferometry to detect any irregularity.

6. EVALUATION OF DESIGN IDEAS: Design No.1: Physical reliability: Though feasible for minor landslides wont withstand major landslides. It is highly costly, as it has to cover a vast Financial and economic feasibility: area over the hills. Utility: this prevents minor landslides on track.

DESIGN NO. 2 PHYSICAL REALIZABILITY: reducing train speed is not an effective measure.Anti collision device can only reduce damage. FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY: installation of anti collision devices and slowing down the trains speed will cost railway a huge cost. UTILITY: reduces the damage.

DESIGN NO. 3: PHYSICAL REALIZABILITY: a good idea which can withstand both minor and major landslides. FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY: though installation cost is a bit high , but the maintainance cost is very low. it is much cost effective. UTILITY: it prevents the accident by making the driver alert.

DESIGN NO. 4: PHYSICAL REALIZABILITY: Here physical realizability is much low.minor landslides may not be detected by satellite. FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY: Though installation cost is very high , but the maintainance cost is very low. UTILITY: It prevents the accident by making the driver alert.

8.DESIGN DEVELOPMENT: DESIGN FOR FUNCTION : The design is to prevent the train accidents due to landslides. Our design has been broadly divided into 2 broad parts. 1. Detection of landslides: use of electric switches.

use of pressure sensors.

2. Alerting the train driver or railway personnel. Alerting driver through red lamp post.

detection of landslides has been divided into 2 main categories 1) Use of electrical switches on the railway tracks: to detect any landslides or rock debris falling from upper hill on the railway tracks.

2) Use of pressure sensors beneath the railway tracks: to detect any irregularity if the land under the track crumbles as a whole.

DESIGN FOR PRODUCTION : Alerting can be done: Through railway personnel: The electrical circuit is extended up to the nearest railway station. The station master gets the alert of any irregularity by means of siren or light, then the driver is informed by the stations working personnel. Using lamp posts. A sequence of lamp posts run besides the track. Distance between consecutive lamp posts is 200m. As it takes maximum 360 m for a train to stop once detected so lamp post have to be inserted at 400m from the occurrence of landslides to make driver alert such that he can stop train without casualties. Color of the lamp is kept red.

DESIGN FOR MAINTENANCE : Not much maintenance is required. To be extra cautious, regular check is done during monsoons.


This system is totally automated and hence, no manual work is required. Only external supervision is required for maintenance. 7) EVALUATION OF FINAL DESIGN: We are proposing a simple design to prevent rail accidents due to landslides. The design is safe, is easy to maintain and is economically viable and also reliable. Making the driver alert is the best technique, as it is highly reliable which has minimum chances of failure. This is also cost effective. /use of electrical switches on the railway tracks to detect the rocks falling from above, and making the railway personnel alert can serve our cause. 8) DETAILED DESIGN: a)Use of electrical switches: Electrical switches are laid in between the track. In normal circumstances i.e. during no landslides the switches are in open condition. During any landslides or rock debris falling on tracks the switches get closed. All switches are connected in parallel so as the circuit gets completed if any one of the switch has detected landslides.

So, if the landslide occurs at even a single place of the total landslide prone area the switch gets ON ie circuit is completed.

Switch specifications:

The switch has to be such that the circuit gets closed when a load of about 1000kg falls on it (as such loadcan cause damage). Each switch plate has dimensions 1.676m(width of the track)*1m. Number of switches used depends on the length of the track under landslide prone area. The connecting wires are made of copper insulated with PVC so as they dont get damaged due to landslides. Two conducting plates are used. Insulated springs are used between the plates when a load of 1000kg is given to upper plate two conducting plates touch each other as spring gets compressed. Upper plate is rectangular (dimensions-1.676*1 meter square.). Lower plate is as shown in figure has dimensions-1.2*1 meter square. Distance between the two switches is 0.5m. DC supply can be used to light bulbs.

a)Optimization: In order to optimize our design, we are using Highly insulated copper wires which doesnt get damaged due to landslides.

Red lamps are installed at a regular distance of 200m, for easy visibility even in foggy conditions. b)Standardization: Upper plate is rectangular (dimensions-1.676*1 meter square.). Lower plate is as shown in figure has dimensions-1.2*1 meter square. Distance between the two switches is 0.5m.

9. IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING: For testing our design, the whole design should be first of all installed highly landslide prone area, for a fixed period of time and one should check its practical reliability and effectiveness. After this testing process turns out successful, then it can be used.

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