Life Like A Candle

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Life like a candle

There are a few questions which have been asked for centuries and since now there is no
answer for them like what is the purpose of life? Who am I? And what is life? People
have said differently , said beautifully but no one really knows, not as they are not clear
in what they are saying but as they don’t know and how can they know as they just think
about it, and there whole system of thinking is based on there past there is nothing new, I
think there is nothing know as the original idea as ideas in themselves come from the past
al the idea you have of any thing and every thing is nothing but just your past what ever
you have seen or read what you do is put some of it here and some of it there and make
an opinion , make your idea about it.

What ever is original should not come from your memory it simply can’t, it should come
from your being, and it can come from your being but not your brain.
Let keep this thing this idea in our mind and think and then try to leave the thinking and
see what is life, what is this situation in which all of us are all these days and nights and
the same circle of life or what is it?? We think we do and we think and we do and still
seems that we are not doing what we are thinking and no one really knows why all the
philosophers, thinkers, saints tell, talk about it but do they know and what is the
possibility that even if they know its not the idea , there own idea of what they are
thinking about the truth as if its some thing beyond the thinking then its some thing for
sure beyond words as well, and they always talk in the language of words.

Now some of us will think that there have been people saints, enlighten people who have
stopped talking about it, they just kept quite when ever any question came about the truth.
Do they have the key?? Have they discovered the truth??? But you will never know you
don’t understand the language of silence and I am not saying that there is no language of
silence but you will never know and also all these people might have been tired to trying
and so they are just keeping quite.

Its always the case that when you don’t have any explanation for any thing and you know
that you will never be able to explain it you say believe what ever you want to believe. so
there might be a possibility that these guys are also doing the same keeping quite as they
have realized that what ever they are thinking about were thinking about is going in

Both possibilities are there either we are going in circles or they are going in circles. Lets
try to see what is this circle I am talking about is all about. These circles are questions
and answers of those questions and which in time become bigger questions and so these
saints they have the answers of all the questions but they don’t say any thing as they
know these answers will create more questions, bigger questions, so they keep quite. But
keeping quite is not the answer, its just like running away I guess even those who have
kept quite have missed as if they have really realized they should know keeping quite
also creates a lot of questions. And if you will say for them it doesn’t matter as they have
realized it all doesn’t matter then how come answering to questions matters, for a real
saint its all the same keeping quite or talking as he knows in both the cases there will be
questions and answers in one case there will be just one question out of one question and
on the other case the case of silence there will be a lot of questions, infinite questions.
The root cause for all the questions coming out of all the answers is the opposite words
and in the case of silence all the words are opposite all the sound is against the sound so
there will be infinite questions.

I think its all misunderstood when it was said he was enlighten and when he reached that
state he became quite it doesn’t mean that he stopped talking but it simply means he was
talking but there was a silence in him even when he was talking its not the absence of the
language but it’s the absence of the confusion.

Lets try to see this unknowable mystery called life, I think it’s not different then a candle,
burning every day, dying every day and getting a new life every day. Just as the candle
burns every day and dies every day and still the wax the essence of the candle remains in
the same manner body dies and still the essence remains and its not the so called death
and birth I am talking about , its happening every day, every second of our life. We are
not aware that is all when you leave the breath you in a way die and when you breathe in
a way you are born again. When you sleep you die and when you wake up its birth again.
In fact some of the mystics believe that this whole universe dies and is recreated every
moment and that is why its always so fresh as a whole, well there is no proof for it but
then there is no proof for any thing I guess as what ever proof you give its only in time
and time is moving and all these proofs are unable to move. I think it can be true and we
also die and take birth every single moment else how can we do the same mistakes
forever why don’t we get tired of them and even when are don’t like them we keep on
doing them all our lives? Why do we burn ourselves every night when know it’s our
death. Why don’t we realize in the morning that now its enough?

This is article will also go in circles and while you will be reading it you will also go in
circles your mind will also be a going round and round , but its natural what we call mind
is on the circumference, its not the centre, no its just the periphery and one who is on a
car taking turns on a circle can never know what is there inside the circle for him even if
some is telling what is inside he will be too busy taking care of the steep circular turn as
if he will not pay attention he will fall. Fall out of his job; fall behind from all the others
who are racing with him on this circular racing track.

There is a word in Sanskrit, Brahman which says a lot and comes here for our rescue. Till
the time you become a Brahman there is no possibility that you will not burn there is no
possibility of you not being a candle. There will be night and there will be death. And
there will be pain. Till the time you don’t go beyond the mind it will all be in circles,
mind in itself is circular so is universe and the way of going beyond both is going beyond
thoughts, the moment you become the Krishna there is no confusion for you, confusion is
nothing but going in circles and when you become the centre then you become the silent
watcher, you are a part of it, you are participating in it but still you have a deep silence in
you. Then you have become a sun and not a candle and then for you there is no death
then the candle dies just the sun survives smiling at the candles as a motivation for them
showing them the way towards him.

© Copyright 2008 by Samvit Audichya

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