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Model Test Paper HUMAN VALUES AND PROFESSIONAL ETHICS Section A (All questions are compulsory) a) b) c) d) e) Differentiate ethics

and values What are the steps needed in confronting moral dilemmas? How is dishonesty a dangerous issue? What do you understand by Sukh and Suvidha? Explain the meaning of Nyaya?

Section B 2. What is the method to fulfill the above human aspirations? 3. How can I and the material Body coexist together? 4. Are Sukh & Suvidha, the same? Support your answer with suitable explanation Section C 5. How are nature recyclability and self-regulation important in todays world? 6. Explain the system of Undivided Society? 7. What do you undersand by Trust and its various components?

Section D 8. What do you mean by the term Professional Ethics? 9.What is definitiveness of Ethical Human Conduct 10. Giving an example explain the strategies used to have Universal Human Order (Note: Attempt any five questions from section B, C, D. selecting not more than 2 questions from each section)

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