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Volunteer Hours

Quick Info
Fatima and Avishek

Elevator Pitch
Nowadays, people are mentioning volunteering hours in their resumes and there is a need for a product that proves it. So, that's where volunteer hours comes into play Its a website that enables community service groups to create events, publicize it and then track the volunteer hours It will encourage users to be more active in community service by joining groups they like and participating in more volunteer services This is exciting because it promotes the sense of reaching out to contribute to the community and has very exiting gamification and social elements included. Using Volnteer hours you will say Volunteering has never been more fun. Imagine it like a Linked-in for volunteers

Vision and Mission

Add Value to the following groups and perspectives Community Service administrators Volunteers Staff in the community service organizations Volunteerism in general...encouraging people to volunteer and be more engaged in service 5. Creating a social network of volunteerism (linkedin for community service organizations) 1. 2. 3. 4.

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