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Film analysis

Before you watch the film, read through the questions below and check any words that you dont know with your teacher. While watching: Think about the questions below as you are watching the film and 5. Which of the older boys is kindest to Shaun? 6. How does the music reflect the

1. What are the main

2.When is the film set? What visual clues in the opening sequence tell you this?

mood during the montage of Shaun playing alone?

themes of/issues in the


7. Why does Gadget resent Shaun?

3. What differences and similarities do you notice about the town in the film and England today?

8. Who is the gang leader? How do you know?

9. Why is the reggae music important to one of the themes of the film?

4. Why does Shaun get picked on?

Page 2

10. Why is Shauns Mum angry with


11. Why is she pleased with Woody?

12. What is your first impression of Compo? Why? 19. Why is the punk song that plays during the scene in Compos car on the way to the National Front rally important? 13. How do the characters react when Compo does an impression of a Jamaican? Why?

20. Why do Compo, Shaun and the rest of Compos gang steal from the shop and attack the 14. How does the music when Compo is telling his story reflect the mood of the scene? 17. How does Compo manipulate Shaun to make him take his side? shopkeeper?

15. Why does Compo tell Woody and the others off? 21. Whats the relationship between Lol and Compo? 18. Why does Gadget take 16. What are Compos views on immigration? Compos side as well?

22. Do you see a different side to Compo after his conversation with Lol? What is it? How does it make you feel about Compo?

22. Why do you think that Milky telling Compo about his family makes Compo so angry?

23. Why do you think Compo attacks Milky and the others?

24. How does Compo feel after? How does he react?

25. How are the images from the Falklands war relevant to the ending of the film?

30. Why do you think Shaun throws the English flag into the sea?

Discussion Topics
Is Compo a racist? Why? /Why not? Is there a difference between racism and nationalism? Do you have similar issues in your own country?

Suggested Essay
Tell the story (or part of the story) from the point of view of one of the following characters:

Woody Compo Gadget Milky

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