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InterAction: NGOs bring 'assets' to US aid

Devex Jenny Lei Ravelo July 25, 2012 Why should the U.S. Agency for International Development strengthen its collaboration with U.S. nongovernmental organizations? Because they bring accumulated knowledge, experience and social capital to development practice, InterAction said in a July policy paper, the first in a series of white papers exploring the relationship between the aid agency and U.S. nongovernmental organizations. NGOs, according to the paper, have already established partnerships with local populations and have worked in areas beyond the reach of U.S. government staff. They are also not afraid to take chances to determine best practices in the field. These assets are vital for a donor such as the United States, which is gearing toward a more results-based approach in its development activities. The paper lists several ways for both parties to be able to increase development effectiveness. USAID should: Restructure the Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid to include development NGOs or create a consultative mechanism in which NGOs will be able to consistently take part in strategic policy discussions. Identify all areas where both parties can potentially collaborate. This means not limiting NGOs role to project implementers, one of the concerns raised by InterAction in the paper. Partner with NGOs which also raise money from private donations to optimize available development resources to boost the impact of U.S. aid.

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