Ylkd2 Guidelines Final

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Qualifications Open to all employed college graduates not above 31 years old Applicants must have a leaning towards

ds development issues in the country (Population, Health, Environment, Politics, etc.) Preferably (A.) has done actual work in these areas; (B.) held a leadership position in addressing these issues Good communication skills Willingness to commit certain number of hours for the program Skills in Microsoft Office Suite, online applications Knowledge of basic statistics General Criteria Applicants shall be evaluated based on the following set of criteria: Leadership (50%) Empowering leadership and inspiring vision for the country Community Involvements (30%) Involvement in socially-relevant activities Awards & Recognition (20%) Academic, Leadership, and/or Service awards Search Rules and Guidelines Companies may nominate their young employees to become Youth Leaders for Knowledge and Development. The nominating party (a colleague, HR personnel, superior, etc.) must accomplish a nomination form addressed to the organizing bodies (ASoG and World Bank-KDC). In case of self-nomination, the applicant must look for an endorser or nominator who consequently writes a nomination letter addressed to the organizing bodies. Nomination Form (with all attachments) and Assessment Forms must be submitted in one packet on or before AUGUST 17, 2012 (emailed to ateneoylse@gmail.com or faxed to (02) 433-1440). Assessment Forms must be duly accomplished by 3 assessors, who may be colleagues and superiors from work who can provide an honest assessment of the applicant in the leadership and involvement areas. Forms The following forms must be submitted to the Secretariat: Nomination Form (complete with all attachments) Assessment Form (3)

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