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The importance of Mathematics in everyday life By Laure Gouba African Institute for Mathematical Sciences 6 Melrose Road, Muizenberg

7945, South Africa

06 May 2008

Importance of Mathematics in everyday life

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Quotes about Mathematics

1. Education

should be started with mathematics. For it forms well designed brains that are able to reason right. It is even admitted that those who have studied mathematics during their childhood should be trusted, for they have acquired solid bases for arguing which become to them a sort of second nature.
Ibn Khaldun, al-Muqaddima (born in 1332, Tunis), historian, sociologist, philosopher Strongest personalities of Arabo-Muslim culture in the period of its deline.

2. Dieu a utilise de merveilleuses mathematiques en creant Paul Dirac (Born 08 August 1902, Bristol) Theoretical Physicist.

le monde.

Importance of Mathematics in everyday life

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denition of mathematics from Britannica concise encyclopedia is Science of structure, order, and relation that has evolved from counting, measuring and describing the shapes of object. It deals with logical reasoning and quantitative calculations. 2. The literal meaning of mathematics is things which can be counted now you can think that counting has vital role in our daily life; just imagine that there were no mathematics at all, how would it be possible for us to count days, months and years?

1. The

Importance of Mathematics in everyday life

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Mathematics in everyday life

a basic level you need to be able to count, multiply, substract and divide. Mathematics is around us. It is present in dierent forms whenever we pick up the phone, manage the money, travel to some place, play soccer, meet new friends; unintentionally in all these things mathematics is involved. 2. There are huge illustrations that testify the presence of mathematics in everything that we are doing. We hope you will enjoy the following slides that illustrate mathematics in everyday life. Enjoy!

1. On

Importance of Mathematics in everyday life

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Cooking: the idea of proportion

For a Chocolate cake: 5 eggs,3/4 cup of sugar, 1/2 cup of vegetable oil,...

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Importance of Mathematics in everyday life

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Bank: savings and credit

With some good understanding of simple and compound interest, you can manage the way your money grows.

Importance of Mathematics in everyday life

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Chance to win in lottery: Probalility

The mathematical concept that deals with the chance of winning a lottery game is probability...

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Importance of Mathematics in everyday life

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Geometry in clothing

Importance of Mathematics in everyday life

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Geometry in house decoration

Importance of Mathematics in everyday life

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Geometry in art: the Volswagen Logo

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Geometry in architecture: the Eiffel/Paris

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symmetry in the nature: the paw

Importance of Mathematics in everyday life

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symmetry in the nature: a ower

Importance of Mathematics in everyday life

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Social game in Africa: combinaisons

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Importance of mathematics for a future career

1. Most

of university degree require mathematics. Students who choose not to take mathematics seriously or to ignore it in high school forfeit many future career opportunities that they could have. They essentially turn their backs on more than half the job market. The importance of mathematics for potential careers cannot be over emphasized. To get degrees in the following areas one need to have good knowledge of mathematics and statistics

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The physical sciences (chemistry, physics, engineering) The life and heath sciences (biology, psychology, pharmacy, nursing, optometry) The social science, including Anthropology, communications, Economics, Linguistus, Education, geography The tech Sciences, like computer science, networking, software development Business and commerce Medicine Actuarial science, used by insurance compagnies

Importance of Mathematics in everyday life

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The physical sciences (chemistry, physics, engineering) The life and heath sciences (biology, psychology, pharmacy, nursing, optometry) The social science, including Anthropology, communications, Economics, Linguistus, Education, geography The tech Sciences, like computer science, networking, software development Business and commerce Medicine Actuarial science, used by insurance compagnies

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The physical sciences (chemistry, physics, engineering) The life and heath sciences (biology, psychology, pharmacy, nursing, optometry) The social science, including Anthropology, communications, Economics, Linguistus, Education, geography The tech Sciences, like computer science, networking, software development Business and commerce Medicine Actuarial science, used by insurance compagnies

Importance of Mathematics in everyday life

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The physical sciences (chemistry, physics, engineering) The life and heath sciences (biology, psychology, pharmacy, nursing, optometry) The social science, including Anthropology, communications, Economics, Linguistus, Education, geography The tech Sciences, like computer science, networking, software development Business and commerce Medicine Actuarial science, used by insurance compagnies

Importance of Mathematics in everyday life

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The physical sciences (chemistry, physics, engineering) The life and heath sciences (biology, psychology, pharmacy, nursing, optometry) The social science, including Anthropology, communications, Economics, Linguistus, Education, geography The tech Sciences, like computer science, networking, software development Business and commerce Medicine Actuarial science, used by insurance compagnies

Importance of Mathematics in everyday life

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The physical sciences (chemistry, physics, engineering) The life and heath sciences (biology, psychology, pharmacy, nursing, optometry) The social science, including Anthropology, communications, Economics, Linguistus, Education, geography The tech Sciences, like computer science, networking, software development Business and commerce Medicine Actuarial science, used by insurance compagnies

Importance of Mathematics in everyday life

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The physical sciences (chemistry, physics, engineering) The life and heath sciences (biology, psychology, pharmacy, nursing, optometry) The social science, including Anthropology, communications, Economics, Linguistus, Education, geography The tech Sciences, like computer science, networking, software development Business and commerce Medicine Actuarial science, used by insurance compagnies

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Mathematics and applications

Every area of mathematics has its own unique applications to the different career options. For example Algebra: computer sciences, cryptology, networking, study of symmetry in chemisty and physics Calculus (dierential equations): Chemistry, biology, physics engineering, the motion of water, rocket science, molecular structure, option price modeling in business and economics models, etc... Students are encouraged to give serious attention to their future. The career world is competitive!

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Mathematics and applications

Every area of mathematics has its own unique applications to the different career options. For example Algebra: computer sciences, cryptology, networking, study of symmetry in chemisty and physics Calculus (dierential equations): Chemistry, biology, physics engineering, the motion of water, rocket science, molecular structure, option price modeling in business and economics models, etc... Students are encouraged to give serious attention to their future. The career world is competitive!

Importance of Mathematics in everyday life

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Mathematics and applications

Every area of mathematics has its own unique applications to the different career options. For example Algebra: computer sciences, cryptology, networking, study of symmetry in chemisty and physics Calculus (dierential equations): Chemistry, biology, physics engineering, the motion of water, rocket science, molecular structure, option price modeling in business and economics models, etc... Students are encouraged to give serious attention to their future. The career world is competitive!

Importance of Mathematics in everyday life

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Mathematics and applications

Every area of mathematics has its own unique applications to the different career options. For example Algebra: computer sciences, cryptology, networking, study of symmetry in chemisty and physics Calculus (dierential equations): Chemistry, biology, physics engineering, the motion of water, rocket science, molecular structure, option price modeling in business and economics models, etc... Students are encouraged to give serious attention to their future. The career world is competitive!

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