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This activity contains 32 questions.

The following is used to describe a manager:

asks, what and why plans strategy and tactics acts to bring about change creates vision asks, how and when

The following phrase is used to describe a leader:

uses traditional influence challenges status quo relies on control strategies maintains and allocates resources acts with established culture

The theory that some people have specific characteristics that differentiate leaders from nonreaders is called:
Path-goal. Contingency. Trait. Behavioral. Situational.

Leadership research indicates that all of the following are traits that have been identified to be consistently associated with leadership except:

Self-confidence. Consistent behavior. Ambition and energy. Job-relevant knowledge. Honesty and integrity.

Some research seems to indicate that individuals who are highly flexible in adjusting their behavior in response to different situations possess the characteristic of:
Low self-monitors. Guaranteed success. Dominance and power. High self-monitors. Dominance.

If trait research had been successful, we would ______________, whereas if behavioral studies were correct, we would ___________.
only hire women; hire either men or women select the right person for the job; train leaders change jobs to suit people; change people to suit jobs teach people managerial principles; teach people certain behaviors teach people certain traits; teach people certain behaviors

The two dimensions of leader behavior explained in the Ohio State studies are:
Motivation and charisma.

Employee-oriented and production-oriented. Power and influence. Coercion and motivation. Initiating structure and consideration.

According to the Ohio State studies, the extent to which a leader shares mutual trust and respect for his/her employees is referred to as:
Concern for production. Consideration. Employee-oriented behavior. Task-oriented behavior. Initiating structure.

A leader high in initiating structure would be characterized as doing which of the following?
treating all subordinates as equal assigning group members to particular tasks showing concern for subordinates status and satisfaction focusing on performance evaluation helping subordinates with personal problems

Leaders who emphasize interpersonal relations are described in the University of Michigan studies as:
Relationship-oriented. Contingency-oriented.

Initiating consideration. Country club leaders. Employee-oriented.

If a leaders main concern is accomplishing his/her groups tasks, the University of Michigan studies label this leader:
Achievement-oriented. Single-minded. Goal-oriented. Employee-oriented. Production-oriented.

The graphic portrayal of a two-dimensional view of leadership style by Blake and Mouton is known as the:
Leader-participation model. Least preferred co-worker scale. Path-goal model. Managerial grid. Autocratic-democratic continuum.

In the University of Michigan studies, low group productivity and lower job satisfaction were associated with:
Production-oriented leaders. Goal-setting leaders. Humanistic leaders. Employee-oriented leaders.

Technical-oriented leaders.

Blake and Moutons Managerial Grid has all of the following management styles except:
Authority-obedience. Team. Country club. Impoverished. Democratic.

According to Blake and Moutons Managerial Grid, the country club style of leadership is generally described as:
Balancing output while maintaining morale at a satisfactory level. Minimum effort exerted to sustain organizational membership. Comfortable and friendly organization atmosphere and work pace. Structuring of efficiency to minimize interference of human elements. Common stake centered on trust and respect.

According to the path-goal theory, a leader who consults with employees and uses their suggestions before making a decision is referred to as:
Participative. Directive. Charismatic. Supportive. Institutional.

The leadership behaviors identified by the path-goal theory are:

Participative, goal-oriented, supportive. Supportive, directive, participative, achievement-oriented. Achievement-oriented, humanistic. Participative, directive. Supportive, achievement-oriented.

Which of the following is not an example of a hypothesis that has evolved out of path-goal theory?
Achievement-oriented leadership sets challenging goals and expects followers to perform at their highest level. Supportive leadership results in high employee performance and satisfaction when subordinates are performing structured tasks. Directive leadership leads to greater satisfaction when tasks are ambiguous.

Directive leadership will lead to higher employee satisfaction when there is substantive conflict within a work group. Subordinates with an external locus of control will be more satisfied with a participative style.

It is generally considered that leadership is important to an organizations success. All of the following are actions that leaders take to make an organization successful except:
Control deviations from a standard. Practice charismatic standards. Anticipate change and vigorously exploit opportunities. Make rapid and firm decisions. Motivate employees to higher levels of productivity.

Currently the two most popular approaches to leadership are contingency models and the study of:
Education and experience. Leadership neutralizers. Charisma. Leadership substitutes. Traits.

Sometimes leadership may not be important. _____________ make(s) it impossible for leader behavior to make any difference to subordinate outcomes.
Participation Situational variables Externalities Neutralizers Task structure

The type of leaders who guide or motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements are:
Charismatic leaders. Transactional leaders. Transformational leaders. Employee-oriented leaders. Process-oriented leaders.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a transformational

provides vision and sense of mission encourages innovative approaches to old problems inspires exertion of extra effort for goal achievement communicates high expectations treats all employees collectively as one

Engaging in all of the following behaviors will contribute to becoming a charismatic leader except:
Sharing a vision for the future by communicating it to others.

Understanding individual needs and developing intensely personal relationships. Conveying confidence, talking directly to people, speaking clearly.

Demonstrating confidence in people by stating ambitious goals for them.

Using tried and traditional approaches to solve problems.

Which of the following is not true of a charismatic leader?

They have behavior that is out of the ordinary. They are sensitive to the environment. They are sensitive to member needs. They have a vision and the ability to articulate the vision. They are perceived as managers of the status quo.

In a recent survey of senior leaders, the key trait required of CEOs for

the year 2000 was:

Shareholder equity. Global abilities. Intelligence. A strong sense of vision. Integrity.

Leaders of teams find themselves in a role of:

Autocrat. High power. Follower. Coach. Director.

With self-leadership, individuals and teams set goals, plan and implement tasks, evaluate performance, and _________________.
supervise effectively motivate others solve their own problems consult with managers make decisions cautiously

Characteristics of self-management include all of the following except:

Planning of time, schedules, and specific job goals.

Access management relative to availability and interruption.

Catch-up activities concerning taking work home or coming in on days off.

Emotions management concerning aggressiveness and professional relationships. Clear specification by the organization to guide self-management.

All of the following are characteristics of leading without authority except:

Waiting for the coachs call to take independent action.

Taking opportunity to raise harder questions and look for less traditional solutions. Working more closely with stakeholders with subsequent access to more information. Seeing a need and taking action to fulfill it rather than being required to act.

Focusing on a single issue rather than be concerned with many issues and problems.

All of the following are differences in the inherent leadership styles between women and men except:
Men are more likely to use a directive command and control style.

Men rely on formal authority for their position.

Men share power and information.

Women tend to lead through inclusion and rely on interpersonal skills to influence others. Women attempt to enhance followers self-worth.

Women have a greater representation among the entrepreneurial ranks, where they are starting businesses at _____________ times the rate of men.
5 to 1 2.5 to 3.5 3 to 4 1 to 2 1.5 to 2.5

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