Lesson Plan For Kindergarten. Theme: Part of The Body

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Lesson Plan 4 Time Place Theme Component Core Curriculum Focus Content Standards : 50 minutes. : Field.

: Parts of the body. : Physical development. : Science and Technology - Early Science and Early Math. : ST 3.0 : ST 3.2 ST 3.4 ST 2.3 Learning Standards : ST 3.2.2 Investigate the nature of life. Explore the environment using the senses. Carry out exploration on the properties of animals commonly found Compare and classify objects. Using the following sense of exploration in an open environment: a) Vision. b) Hearing. c) Touch. d) Smell. e) Taste. ST 3.4.2 ST 2.3.1 Specific Objective Recognize the sound of animals commonly found Compare and gather the objects according to one feature,a. color : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Encourage student knowledge about sense of major part of the body. 2. Do fine and rough motor skills. 3. Detect differences of each sense. 4. Know the function of body towards the sense. Previous knowledge : The children have learnt the part of face.

No. of students: 15-20

Stage / Time Set Induction (5 minutes)

Content 1. Food: sugar, salt, ice-cream, chili lemons oranges 2. The objects in the mystery box: pencils, erasers, paper clips, teddy bears, cotton, stones, books, and coins. sauce, or tomato sauce,

Teachers Activity 1. Teachers materials; a. At the hearing station, place the CD player on the table. b. At the taste station, place food into the plate or bowl and place it on the table. c. station, At the touch put objects arrange the

Children Activity 1. Children warm-up with teachers.

Teaching Materials 1. CD player 2. Food 3. Plate or bowl 4. Mystery box 5. Table

Comments / Remarks

into the mystery box. 2. Teachers lead the warmup session.

Step 1

Group discussion.

1. Teacher



1. Children




rules and step of the game. 2. Teacher children person learning teams. 3. Teacher asks student to Step 2 1. CD content of animals: cats, tiger, that the go to the starting line. 1. Teacher will blow the whistle when the children are ready. 2. Each team have to run toward the hearing station. When they are arrive, teachers assistances have to turn on the CD player and the team have to guess what is the sound of animal that they heard. 3. Teacher tell the children to guess at least five sound of animals to pass this station. to asks the form fivecooperative

explanation of the rules of the game. 2. Children form five-person cooperative teams. 3. Children go to the starting line. 1. Children start the game when teacher blow the whistle. 2. Children run to the hearing station. When they are arrive, children have to guess what is the sound of animal that they heard. 3. Children have to guess at least five sound of animal correctly to move on to the next station. 4. Children taste all the food provided and they have to state the flavours and 1. Whistle 2. CD player 3. Taste objects. 4. Touch objects. 5. Box. learning

recorded sound

horses, snakes, frogs, cricket. 2. Sensory motor skills.

4. At the taste station, teacher asks the children to taste all the food provided and state the flavours and name of the food correctly. 5. After correctly guess the flavours, teacher allow the team to move to the touch station. 6. Without look into the box, teacher asks the children to identify the object by put one hand through each hole and feel the mystery objects in the box. 7. Teacher tell the children to name at least five difference objects to move to the next station, see Step 3 1. Different station. 1. At the see station,

name the food correctly. 5. After correctly guess the flavours, children move to the touch station. 6. Without look into the box, children have to identify the object by put one hand through each hole and feel the mystery objects in the box. 7. Children have to name at least five difference objects to move on the next station

1. At the see station, children

1. Different

colour of wooden block: Red Blue Yellow Green

teacher asks to arrange the blocks that have same colour whether blue, red, yellow or green into the bucket according to the label on the bucket. 2. After finish categorize the wooden block, teacher allow the children to go to the smell station, the last station. 3. At the last station, teacher tell the children to smell five kind of objects that teacher place on the table. 4. The first team that correctly is the guess

have to arrange the block according to the shape and size. 2. Children have to arrange the blocks that have same colour whether blue, red, yellow or green into the bucket according to the label on the bucket. 3. After finish categorize the wooden block, children have to run to the smell station, the last station. 4. At the last station, children have to smell five kind of objecst that teacher place on the table.

shape colour

and of

wooden block. 2. Smelling objects.

2. Smelling objects: durian, perfume, orange, nasi lemak, mangoes.


winner of the sense game. 1. Teacher asks the children about what they learn in this activity.

1. Children 2. Children

give listen to

their the

opinion about the activity.

2. Teacher tell the children that each sense have their own body part to detect it.

teacher about the sense.

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