Cultivation, Collection and Preparation of Ergot A4

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Cultivation, collection and preparation of Ergot

Life cycle of Ergot

Stage 1: Sphacelial stage Germination of ascospores Ovary of the rye plant (Base) Influenced by Flavourable conditions: wind and insects moisture, damp climate.

Infected by ascospores of the fungus in spring or summer season Hyphal strands Secrection of Honey-dew Hyphal strands Invading the wall of ovary ( by enzyme) Mycelium (soft, white mass of tissue over the surface of ovary) Secrets Honey-dew (viscous and sugary fluid) (attracts the insects and ants which leads to spread of conidiospores to other host plant) Stage 2: Sclerotium stage (contains maximum amount of ergot alkaloids) Hyphal strands
Invade into the deeper parts of ovary

Produced asexual spores conidiospores (remains in Honey-dew)

Slowly replace the entire tissue of ovary by compact tissue (pseudoparenchyma) (hard and dark purple)

Sclerotium (collected)


Stage 3: Ascospore stage Uncollected Sclerotium (on ground) in favourable season (spring) gives out Stromata Stromata: Globular head contains perithecia (flask shaped) and Sacs contain ascospores (thread like) A Stalk The various chemical races of fungus can produce only specific ergot alkaloids like ergotamine, ergometrine and ergotoxin in appreciable quantities from their sclerotia. The ascospores of this spices with the specific chemical race are germinated on nutritive medium and by this way large bulk of conidiospores are formed. The suspension of this strain of fungus is sprayed on rye plants in large cultivated areas.

Saprophytic Production:
Fermentation: Fungus and nutrients pH : 4.6 6.3, Temp.: 20 - 30C 7 to 21 days Isolation, Separation and Purification. e.g. Claviceps paspali (fungus) gives clavines and simple lysergic acid derivatives. It is much easier to manufacture clavines and simple lysergic acid derivatives and then convert them to different peptides alkaloids (ergot alkaloids). The Saprophytic Production is much practices now-a-days because mycelia dry weight gives even more than 20 % of alkaloids, while natural sclerotia contain less than 1% of alkaloids.



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