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Physics 211 Lab The Kinematics and Dynamics of Circular and Rotational Motion Introduction: When discussing motion,

it is important to be aware that there are several diffe rent types and that each type is dependent upon a particular frame of reference. Linear motion is the most basic form, involving the translation of a particle from one point to another in one dimension. Projectile motion, although two-dim ensional, is easily analyzed by separating it into its linear components. Circu lar motion is a special case of two-dimensional motion in which an object transl ates in a circular path. Rotational motion is observed when an object itself ro tates about some internal axis. Consider the following examples: A car traveling along a straight road exhibits linear motion from the perspectiv e of a person standing on the side of the road. The wheels of the car exhibit r otational motion about the axle. A pebble embedded in the tread of the car exhi bits circular motion about the axle. A baseball spins towards a batter at home plate. From the perspective of a spec tator, the ball is undergoing translational motion across the infield. However, the ball itself is rotating about its own axis. The stitches of thread on the outside of the ball are moving in a circle relative to the spinning axis of the ball. (These circles differ depending upon the location of the particular stitc h.) The earth rotates on its own axis as it also moves in a circle from the perspect ive of a stationary sun. In addition, people located at the surface of the earth undergo a different circular motion each day around the axis of rotation of the earth. (These circles differ depending upon the latitude of each person.) It is important to notice that circular motion connects the concepts of linear a nd rotational motion. For any object that is rotating, a particular point on tha t object is moving in a circle. One of the goals of this lab activity is to exp lore and understand this connection. The translational motion of any point particle can be described in terms of sta ndard Cartesian coordinates. In other words, Cartesian coordinates can describe both linear and circular motion. However, in the case of circular motion, the p article moves an arc length, s, around a circle with a (constant) radius, r. Th erefore, in this case it is simpler to use Polar coordinates where the position of the particle can be specified by r and the angular position, , rather than x a nd y. Notice that the right triangle defines the relationship between the location of the particle in Cartesian and Polar coordinates. The following equations descri be how to transform between Polar and Cartesian coordinates.

The radius of a particle undergoing circular motion is always a constant. The an gular position, however, will change with time depending on the motion of the pa rticle. Since only the angular position changes with time its behavior is exactl y analogous to the behavior of the position in one-dimensional motion that was s tudied previously. Thus, the angular equivalent of the kinematic quantities for one-dimensional motion can be defined as follows: Arc distance traveled Angular position Linear (tangential) velocity Linear (tangential) acceleration Angular velocity Angular accelera

tion The relationships between the angular position, velocity, and acceleration are e xactly the same as the relationships previously determined for one-dimensional m otion. For example, for motion with constant angular velocity, : For motion with constant angular acceleration, :

The Net Force that causes an object of mass, m, to move in a circular pa th is called the centripetal force, Fc. At a particular constant linear speed, v, the following equation (Newtons Second Law) describes the dynamics of the obje cts circular motion: where the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration is given by: For circular motion that is not constant, the total acceleration (magnitude and direction) of the object, at every moment, is determined by adding the centripet al (radial component) and linear (tangential component) accelerations together. Note: ac and at are vectors that form a right triangle when added together beca use they are perpendicular to each other. Remember that tangential acceleration is a consequence of any change in the line ar (and therefore, angular) speed of the object. Centripetal acceleration is a consequence of the rate at which the direction of the object changes at every mo ment. The centripetal force, the component of the net force directed towards the cente r of the circle, is caused by different types of forces. Here are some examples for the case of a single force causing circular motion: Tension in a string (such as when a ball is whirled in a horizontal circle at th e end of a rope) The normal force (such as on the Rotor ride found at many amusement parks) Gravity (such as the orbits of planets around the sun) Static friction (such as a car traveling around a level curve) Here are some examples for the case of two forces in combination causing circula r motion: Tension and gravity (such as when a ball is whirled in a vertical circle at the end of a rope) The normal force and gravity (such as when a person rides a vertical loop on a r oller coaster) The normal force and static friction (such as a car traveling around a banked cu rve) In this lab, you will explore the case of a penny moving in a circle on a level surface due to the force of static friction. Recall that static friction is a v ariable force, able to provide resistance up to a particular maximum value. At this point, the object is said to be on the verge of slipping. The following eq uations describe the relationship between static friction and the dynamics of th e non-constant circular motion at this moment.

where, on a level surface, the normal force is equal in magnitude to the force o f gravity. Remember that the magnitude of atotal is determined by taking a vecto r sum.

Physics 211: Lab The Kinematics and Dynamics of Circular and Rotational Motion Goals: Compare the graphs of circular motion for a rotating turntable. Determine the coefficient of static friction between the turntable surface and a penny. Predict the magnitude of the angular velocity that causes a penny at a given rad ius to slip. Equipment List: Rotating Platform with attached Rotary Motion Sensors Stickers located at two different radii Pulley String Hanging mass and hanger Penny Ruler Computer & Equipment Set Up: 1. Start by making certain that the string used to turn the turntable is no t attached to any hanging mass. 2. Set up Science Workshop to read the data collected from the Rotary Motion Sensor. You will need to change the default settings of the sensor; Double cli ck on the rotary motion sensor icon in the experiment setup window this opens up the sensor properties window. In the sensor properties window select the measu rement tab and un-check the box marked angular position (deg) and check the box that reads angular position (rad), angular velocity (rad), and angular accelerat ion (rad). 3. Create a graphing window to display Angular Position ( ) vs. Time.

4. Check the calibration of the sensor: Press Record; rotate the turntable exactly once; Press Stop; look at the Angular Displacement values recorded on yo ur graph. (They are measured in radians.) Decide whether or not the graph verifi es that your turntable is correctly calibrated. (If it is not, see your TA imme diately.) Import your graph to the Word template and clearly explain your decis ion.

Activity 1: Kinematics of Circular Motion The purpose of Activity 1 is to compare the graphs of rotational motion for an o bject, the turntable, which starts from rest and rotates with constant angular a cceleration. 1. Add to the Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration to the Angular Pos ition ( ) vs. Time graphing window. You should now have all three graphs in one w indow. 2. Carefully wind the string around the base of the turntable. Place the st ring over the pulley and attach the hanging mass (use 100 grams or 150 grams) to

the other end of it as shown in the picture above. 3. Press Record and, releasing the turntable from rest, gather data describ ing the rotational motion of the turntable as the mass falls. The angular accel eration of the turntable should be relatively constant. 4. Using the Statistics capabilities of Science Workshop , calculate the Angula r Acceleration, , of the turntable using two different methods. Explain each of your methods and state your results. 5. Copy the graphing window (including the statistics information that you calculated) into the Word template by using Paste Special. Paste each as if it we re a picture. 6. Compare your three graphs and explain, mathematically, how the Angular Position vs. Time graph & the Angular Velocity vs. Time graph are rel ated to each other. the Angular Velocity vs. Time graph & the Angular Acceleration vs. Time graph are related to each other.

Activity 2: The Dynamics of Circular Motion There are two purposes for Activity 2. The first is to use the results of a penny slipping off of the turntable at a particular radius to determine the coefficient of static friction between the surface of the turntable and a penny . The second is to use this value of the coefficient to predict the angular vel ocity at which the penny will slip when placed at a different radius. Part I: Determine the Coefficient of Static Friction on the Turntable 1. Measure the radius of the circle created by the outer blue sticker, Ro. Record this value in the table below. 2. Carefully rewind the string around the base of the turntable and place t he string over the pulley with the hanging mass attached. (Note: The size of th e hanging mass must be large enough to cause a penny to slip at both the blue an d yellow positions, but small enough to keep it from slipping too quickly. Reco mmended: 150 grams) 3. Place a penny at a distance, Ro, from the center of the turntable. [Note : Do not place the penny directly on top of the blue sticker.] 4. Press Record and, releasing the turntable from rest, gather data describ ing the rotational motion of the turntable as the mass falls. Using your hand, stop the turntable at the very moment the penny slips from the surface. Then, P ress Stop to end the collection of data. 5. From reading your graph of Angular Velocity vs. Time, determine the magn itude of the Angular Velocity of the turntable at the moment just prior to when the penny slipped. Record this value in the table below. 6. Record the value of the Angular Acceleration, , of the turntable (determi ned in Activity 1) in the table below. (Note: This value should agree with you r current data.) 7. For the moment just prior to when the penny slipped, calculate the linea r (tangential) velocity, the tangential acceleration, and the centripetal accele ration of the penny. (Note: The tangential acceleration will likely be much sma ller in magnitude than the centripetal acceleration.) Record your results and ex

plain your calculations in the table below. 8. Determine the coefficient of static friction between the turntable surfa ce and the penny. Record your results and explain your calculations in the tabl e below. Clearly and completely explain your method of calculating s.

Quantity Result Explanation of how Result was obtained Ro = Radius (meters) This radius was measured using a ruler. = Angular Velocity (radians/s) = Angular Acceleration (radians/s2) V = Linear Velocity (m/s) at = Tangential Acceleration (m/s2) ac = Centripetal Acceleration (m/s2) atotal = Total Acceleration (m/s2) s = Coefficient of Static Friction Part II: Predict the Angular Velocity at which the Penny will Slip at a Differe nt Radius 9. Measure the radius of the circle created by the inner yellow sticker, Ri . Record this value in the table below. 10. Record the value of the coefficient of static friction (calculated in Pa rt I) in the table below. 11. Predict the Angular Velocity of the turntable that will cause the penny to slip when placed at a distance, Ri, from the center of the turntable. Clearl y and completely explain your method of calculating . Quantity Result Explanation of how Result was obtained Ri = Radius (meters) This radius was measured using a ruler. s = Coefficient of Static Friction See Table in Part I. = Predicted Angular Velocity (rad/s) 12. Test your prediction: Place a penny at a distance Ri from the center of the turntable. [Note: Do not place the penny directly on top of the yellow stic ker.] Press Record and, releasing the turntable from rest, gather data describi ng the rotational motion of the turntable as the mass falls. Using your hand, s top the turntable at the very moment the penny slips from its position. Then, P ress Stop to end the collection of data. 13. From reading your graph of Angular Velocity vs. Time, determine the magn itude of the Actual Angular Velocity of the turntable at the moment just prior t o when the penny slipped. Record this value in the table below. = Actual Angular Velocity (rad/s) 14. By what % does your Predicted value differ from the Actual value? Show

your calculation in addition to your final answer. Does the % difference seem r easonable? Can you account for this difference in terms of the inaccuracy of yo ur measurements? Explain.

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