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Reason to Believe I don't understand why if I believe n you don't then why do you even care Simple semantics

and letting go is what I apply to you're non belief I travel the road of life right between the lines you should too to be fair So called "Liberal" has meaning not narrow minded judging others what a relief You believe what you want to believe and I will do the same exclamation point I still live by what my Father taught me as simple as he said "To each their own." So hey, next time you get worried about my belief more power to ya I anoint To live life without strife or resentment is to have serenity not piss n moan I will always be me as I was raised to be; I will not be swayed or made to change However; I do have an open mind and heart to listen with reason to another We all should learn to agree to disagree really quite simple nothing off or strange All our lives are a family recycle products of our surrounding Mom Dad sister brother I do not live to satisfy another if I am unhappy with me how can be happy with another Without contentment in myself I will carry resentment toward another which is silly The person with resentment is wasting their time thinking about another...oh brother Like you drinking poison expecting the person to die rather silly thinking all willy-nilly I only have three people to be happy, myself and I not selfishly; responsibly If one has to make another feel bad to feel good it is them self that they deceive Live simple you'll feel better if you don't like it close your eyes no need be crotchety The agree to disagree is defined as a democracy therefore I have a Reason to Believe 2012 I.M. Nobody

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