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Describing people

Introduction Name of the person; time you met/saw her/him Main Body (2-3 Paragraphs) 1 Paragraph Physical appearance 2 Paragraph Personality characteristics + justification 3 Paragraph Hobbies, interests or any activities a person takes part in Conclusion Comments and feelings about the person

A wide variety of adjectives and adverbs will make your description more interesting

II. Describing places/buildings

Introduction Set the scene (name and location of the place/building, reason(s) for choosing the place/building) Main Body 1 Paragraphs 2. 3. Overall look and particular details (Place: sights, facilities, free time activities Building: first look and specific details) Conclusion Feelings and final thoughts about the place/building and/or a recommendation

III. Describing events Introduction Set the scene (name, time, place of event, reason(s) for it Main Body 1 Paragraph Preparations 2 Paragraph Description of actual event Conclusion Comments,feelings and final thoughts

IV. Describing objects

Description of the objects are found in leaflets, catalogues, advertisements or as a part of letters, stories, reports or articles. Be accurate and give clear picture of the object you describe. You should give information concerning: size and weight, shape, decoration and pattern, colour, origin, material

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