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Are Cordially Invited to a Breakfast Honoring:

Congressman Rick Larsen

(WA-2) Transportation and Infrastructure & Armed Services Committees Co-Chair, U.S. China Working Group

Thursday, August 2, 2012 Johnnys Half Shell 400 N. Capitol Street, NW Washington, DC

8:30 9:30 AM

Please RSVP: Cliff or Ryan (703) 354-7444 Fax: (703) 354-5569 Contribution: $5,000 Host $2,500 Sponsor $1,500 Guest Citizens to Elect Rick Larsen P.O. Box 326 - Everett, WA 98206

Contributions or gifts to Citizens to Elect Rick Larsen are not tax deductible. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle. Corporate checks cannot be accepted. Email paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and authorized by Citizens to Elect Rick Larsen.

Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.

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