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Surviving Pirate Kidnapping

"What makes this training unique is the real, hands on experience of the trainers. Jurica is a seafarer, who was actually held hostage in Nigeria. He knows what he is talking about. Mike is a psychologist who is a real expert in this. Together, they are just amazing."

Surviving Pirate Kidnapis an intensive one How do I survive being held day training program that gives seafarers hostage? operating around the East and West African After you are released. coast the practical skills they need to survive Supporting the team & being taken hostage by pirates. This training organisation. will give the seafarer all the tools and knowledge they need to survive being Approach kidnapped, and to minimise any risk of psychological and physical injury. The programme is simple, direct and delivered in the language of the shipping The training provides a seafarer with three industry. It is also informed by the very important tools for survival: latest psychological research in surviving trauma and building resilience. Knowledge and the awareness of how kidnappers behave; The training is in English and can be Knowledge and the awareness of delivered anywhere in the world. We can how hostages can react; deliver the training on vessels or platforms What sort of behaviour and ways of or your ofces or a venue of your choosing. thinking will help the hostage to survive physically and mentally. Handling stress; How to behave in ways that minimise the pirates aggression; Knowledge about Nigerian and Somalian culture and religion; The program provides active training in specic actions that a hostage can take to maintain his or her strength and dignity in a hostage situation. This not only helps the hostage muster the strength and energy to survive the kidnapping, but can also reduce the post-traumatic effects once life returns to normal after release. Objective: To maximise the ability of seafarers to survive being held hostage.

Mr Jurica Ruicis a Maritime Consultant and

Mike Drayton is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and recognised expert in the UK on the psychology of trauma. He is an For more information, contact us at: Opus expert adviser to Hostage UK and has much Aimed at: experience in helping former hostages, their PO Box 15159 families, and organisations who they work Birmingham B30 9DR Seafarers, security ofcers, ships ofcers, for. Mike is a Fellow of the Royal Society of United Kingdom executives in the oil and shipping industries. Medicine, an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society and a clinical Tel/fax: +44 (0) 121 459 0636 Programme content: psychologist registered with the Health Secure (encrypted) email: Professionals Counsel. Mike is an honorary The programme is divided into the following lecturer in psychology at the University of modules: Birmingham, and the University of Warwick. What is being held hostage like?

Lecturer specialising in vessel security in high risk areas. He has rst hand experience of being kidnapped and held hostage by West African pirates (MEND). Jurica has spoken various international conferences about the importance of training of seafarers prior sailing in High Risk Areas. Juricas goal is to help shipping companies to implement additional training and prepare seafarers for the worst scenario. Prior to his career as a consultant and speaker, Jurica was a seafarer, his last appointment being as second ofcer working for Chevron.

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