William Park Press Release

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July 26, 2012 William Park, SR.

Advisor to Houston Council Member Helena Brown, was never banned from the Securities industry despite the lies by the liberal press. The Houston Chronicle, the sex-traderag called the Houston Press, Fox Channel 26 News and their neophyte reporter Greg Groogan (who made a libelous statement when he called William a shady financier), all seem to have one thing in common: destroy the common sense conservative Christian voice. William Park held these licenses for a total of over 20 years: Series 24 General Securities Principle Series 26 Investment Company Products & Variable Contracts Principle Series 51 Municipal Funds Securities Principle Series 6 Investment Company & Variable Products Rep Series 7 General Securities Rep Series 63 Uniform Securities Agent Series 65 Uniform Investment Advisor Additionally he was Securities and Insurance licensed in Mexico and a Certified Estate Planner. For over 20 years, Mr. Park ran and supervised offices and thousands of agents in over 37 states in the United States and in every State in Mexico. For over 20 years he was regulated, audited, examined, and inspected by the regulatory bodies of the industry including but not limited to the SEC, FINRA, NASD, and a plethora of State Securities and Insurance Boards. Countless hours, days and months were spent by these regulatory offices going through his books, records, correspondence, files, emails, advertising, business and personal bank accounts and in ALL of those years he was NEVER FINED nor had any BLACK MARKS whatsoever on neither himself nor his firms! This is extremely rare in the securities industry, especially since he hired, trained and supervised thousands of agents in 2 different countries! On the other hand, take the Mayor and the Council Members all of whom, except for Council Member Brown, voted to award the Broker Dealer First Southwest Company a $4.2 million dollar contract from Houston taxpayers dollars. This particular Broker Dealer has been censured and fined $100s of thousands of dollars! The city of Houston has been doing business with First Southwest Company Broker Dealer for several years. William Parks Broker Dealer was NEVER censured or fined! Why isnt the press all over this? Not many, if any of the Council Members, much less their staff members, have the experience in the business world and general-all-around experience such as what Mr. Park has and therein lies the problem, Mayor Parker and her cronies fear him because of his knowledge and experience. Oh, and did you know that he is doing this on NO salary?

William Park believes that the citys responsibility is to take care of the roads, sewers, and water needs of Houston and stay out of the way of businesses and peoples lives to allow them to develop to their fullest potential. He believes that people will rise to the level of their mentality and expectations: some will win and some will lose and that is life. Learn to play the hand that life deals you or change, is Williams philosophy. And he will shamelessly tell you that you DO need to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and as your personal Saviour as that is MOST important. 1. When William Park met with the Mayor the first time, he asked the Mayor what he could do to help her help Houston. The Mayors response Let me know how the Council Member you are going to vote before she votes. Are you kidding me? 2. William Park helped privatize and save the social security retirement system of Mexico. He can do exactly the same for the Houston pension plans. 3. William Park came up with solutions that would potentially solve the pension problems and the Mayor would NOT listen. The pension plan currently is not achieving the 8.5% guaranteed return and is a $4.5 billion dollar unfunded liability! 4. William Park worked with the Council Member on the budget spending 100s of hours reviewing the budget, the CAFR, the task force and pension reports. Additionally he spent many hours visiting with those behind the research such as Bill King, Bob Lemer, John Diamond, Mike Nichols, Craig Mason, Kelly Dowe and others directly involved with the citys finances. 5. William Park tried to discuss solutions to help Houston avoid filing bankruptcy, and the Mayor basically stated that the task force, Bob Lemers and Craig Masons numbers were all WRONG and that the city was NOT in serious financial trouble at all!!! Houston has a $2.7 billion dollar deficit! 6. William Park went on the Asia trip because he has been to Asia a multitude of times on business, speaking on joint Oil & Gas and Commercial Real Estate investing in the USA. He was also invited to speak at the prestigious CIFIT in Xiamen, China. His experience and business knowledge was extremely valuable for the city of Houston to bring in businesses and potentially billions of dollars in revenue. Yet, the mayor did all she could to sabotage the trip! 7. William Park was the individual who had a preliminary phone call with Douglas Hodges on plans for the Houston Astrodome. He then scheduled a conference call with Council Member Brown that led to an introduction of Douglas Hodges to Ray Gutierrez that has with huge potential upside for the taxpayers of Houston on the dilapidated Astrodome. The membership regulatory body, FINRA, is a SRO (self regulatory organization) that requires reps to join. In August of 2010 William Park voluntarily withdrew his membership from FINRA and voluntarily resigned his licenses to pursue a career in Oil and Gas Consulting. FINRA suspended Williams license on May 18, 2011, almost 1 year after he had resigned from FINRA. Most interesting is why. I have acquired the FINRA response which I will quote from FINRA here:

Does the order constitute a final order based on violations of any laws or regulations that prohibit fraudulent, manipulative, or deceptive conduct? Response NO If the regulator is the SEC, CFTC, or an SRO, did the action result in a finding of a willful violation or failure to supervise? Response NO (1) willfully violated any provision of the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, the Commodity Exchange Act, or any rule or regulation under any of such Acts, or any of the rules of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board or to have been unable to comply with any provision of such Act, rule or regulation? (2) Willfully aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, or procured the violation by any person of any provision of the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Commodity Exchange Act, or any rule or regulation under any such Acts, or any of the rules of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board? Or
(3) Failed reasonably to supervise another person subject to your supervision with a view to

prevention the violation by such person of any provision of the of the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Commodity Exchange Act, or any rule or regulation under any such Acts, or any of the rules of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board? Response NO Then on April 25, 2011: (of course dates dont make sense, when do regulators ever make sense?) William Park received this from FINRA: Sanction(s) Sought: Allegations: Suspension William Park failed to respond to FINRA request for information.

Does the order constitute a final order based on violations of any laws or regulations that prohibit fraudulent, manipulative, or deceptive conduct? NO Resolution Date: Sanctions Ordered: Summary: 04/25/2011 Bar (Permanent) Pursuant to FINRA rule 9552(h) and in accordance with the intent to suspend and notice of suspension letters, dated January 19, 2011, and February 14, 2011 respectively, on April 25, 2011, Park is barred from association with any FINRA member in any capacity. Respondent failed to request termination of his suspension within three months of the date of the notice of intent to suspend, therefore pursuant to FINRA rule 9552(h) he is automatically barred.

William Park is barred from FINRA SRO membership for failing to request termination of his suspension within three months of the date of notice of intent to suspend. How is that for a mouthful! Very interesting since William had already canceled his membership with FINRA the year before. I guess the press missed that part and prefer libel and slander as an alternative. Ah, but THEY have all the power to write and do and print what THEY want without any supervision or accountability. By the way, shame on those who even believing the press! Even so called conservative pundits, friends and supporters have voiced their concerns about retaining William Park as CM Browns Sr. Advisor. Of course the conservatives are known to eat their own. Really? Have any of them taken the time to call William Park, or do they base their facts on a left wing sex- trade birdcage paper? What is it that they say about fair weather friends? William should thank Joseph McReynolds, Paul Bettencourt, Brenda Winfree, Don Hooper, Leticia Ablaza, Joe Ablaza, Rasuali Bray (son of alleged New Black Panther member), and many others, for their faithful support and for having someones back in the good times and in the bad. This is exactly why we have LOST our Constitutional Republic! Oh, did I fail to mention that the Secret Service raided William Parks place of residence in midFebruary with intent on taking-him-out using the NDAA rule HS1000 with NO probable cause to raid the place and interrogate him. Another story for another day, but I will say thisYOU HAD BETTER WAKE UP AMERICA! Be sure to check out his movies on www.parkintegrity.com and http://www.youtube.com/user/ascoutshonor? Once again another story from which Fox News Groogan tried to portray William holding a shotgun at a Korean girl. Watch the actual video here. FUNNY! William is the MOST INTERESTING MAN IN TEXAS. William is available for radio talk shows, TV shows, interviews, etc.


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