Making India Globally Competitive: Prof - Asok Kumar Banerjee

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Making India Globally Competitive

Kolkata 22nd JAN 2011

Prof.Asok Kumar Banerjee

Forces Shaping Global Economy

Economic Pragmatism

Aging of affluent markets Why focus On emerging markets

Collapse of Communism

World is flat

Economic Growth Engines for the world

Western Europe


US/ Canada


Large emerging nations

21st Century

New Measures of world economies The new measure is Purchasing Power Parity

1) 2) 3)

US China Japan

$ 11 trillion $ 7 trillion $ 3.7 trillion

5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

Germany UK France Italy Brazil

$ 3.3 trillion
$ 2.3 trillion $ 1.8 trillion $ 1.7 trillion $ 1.6 trillion $ 1.5 trillion $ 1.4 trillion

10) Russia

Repositioning of India
Focus on Resource Advantage

New India

Domestic Orientation

Global Orientation

Old India
All Sector Economy

The Current Global Economy

Canada United States

European Union


Realignment of Global Economy: First Round

North America (NAFTA)

European Union (EFTA)

Japan (ASEAN Block)

Realignment of Global Economy: Second Round

900 Million People

North & South America

EU & Eastern Europe

Asia Pacific Region

Including China

600 Million People

1800 Million People

Global Repositioning of India

Low Price High India must aspire & Globally compete in best value as well as premium markets



Best Value Country (Japan, Korea)

Premium Country (Swiss Model)


Cheap Goods Country (China, Russia)

Hit & Run Country (Emerging Economies)

Reengineering Industrial Policy

Ideology free Policy Globalization of Public Sector Enterprise Incentives for quality, innovation and productivity Employment through growth Develop and protect intellectual property rights Enforce environmental policy Convertible currency anchored to trade partners Selective exports based on resource advantage Anchor exports to selective markets - US, EU & China Balanced trade with anchored partners

How to compete in the Global Market

Create Brand Equity Organise Global Supply Chain Global Mindset

Quality Reputation

Get access to low cost of Capital Productivity through infrastructure

Invest in design & research

Globalise public sector enterprise

Leverage Human Capital

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