Developing Good Work Ethics

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PAUL JOHN JENNIFER IVY NOREEN Attitude is a little thing that makes a big 7/27/12 difference.

- Anonymous

Work werk, n. Effort; Labor; Employment; a task; result of force acting. werk, vi. To put forth effort; to take effect; to tend or conduce; to seethe.

Work is both a PERSONAL and a SOCIAL activity.

As a personal activity, it is aimed at developing a person. As a social activity, its purpose is the preservation of human society.

Work is the legitimate use of our mental and bodily powers for economic gain or profit. R. Agapay.

Work is the use or application of our physical powers to accomplish certain tasks. It is the use because nobody can own another mans body, nor can anyone sell his body or any part of it, for purposes of material advantage and gain.

The purpose of work is to obtain an economic gain or power. This is part of the essence of work.


In Biblical point of view, God is seen as the author of work and He also blessed and sanctified work.

Old Testament Genesis Chapter 1:1-31 And Chapter 2:1-3

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New Testament When Christ became man, humanity was blessed and sanctified, including human work. Christ, the Son of God, also worked as a carpenter.

St. Thomas Aquinas is an angelic doctor of the church that publish the book of theology called Summa Theologica. For St. Thomas Aquinas, man is called to serve God through his work.

The four purposes of work

Summa Theologic a By St. Thomas Aquinas

It provides for ones daily livelihood. 2. It prevents idleness which is a source of many evils. 3. It curbs the rebellious flesh; and 4. It enables man to give alms from his material 7/27/12 surplus.

What is work for you? Is it important for your daily living? What other benefits you receive by doing work?

A task to be done

The human person



When he works:
--He accomplishes something -- He defines himself --He measures his work as a person --He develops himself --He provides an occasion to relate with others



What is work for you? Is it important for your daily living? What other benefits you receive by doing work?

1. Practice the Golden Rule. 2. Guard you mouth. 3. Stop green jokes. 4. Practice ethical behavior. 5. Learn to forgive. 6. Be generous. 7. Respect superiors and coworkers. 8. Be considerate.

9. Perform your work and fulfill your duties to the best of your ability. 10. Be grateful person. 11. Do not bring the problems at home to the workplace or vice versa. 12. Be an inspiration to others. 13. Read the Bible everyday. 14. Develop a personal relationship with God. 15. Smile and enjoy your work.

R.AGAPAY, 1991

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. - Anonymous


1. Respect the dignity of the workers; 2. Appreciate their work; 3. Never treat them as slaves for making money. 4. Never assign them tasks beyond their strength, nor employ them in work not suited to their age or gender; 5. Give them commensurate and fair wages; 7/27/12

Provide their health and social recreation; 7. Provide them time for the practice of their religion; 8. Instruct them on how to use their money wisely; 9. Instruct them to love their family; and 10. Provide them with opportunity for promotion.


Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. - Anonymous


Work honestly and comply with all agreements; 2. Never injure capital, nor steal from the employer; 3. Never outrage the person of the employer; 4. Never employ deceit or violence in presenting a cause; and 5. Never consult with agitators or men of evil principles.


Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. - Anonymous


Martin Luther (1483-1546) He started the Reformation during the Renaissance period as a protest against some of the doctrines of the Catholic Church also came up with a new perspective of work for his

Luther believes that:

People could serve God through their work; A person should work diligently his chosen occupation and should not try to change from the profession to which he has called. To do so would be to go against Gods will;

Work is perceived to be the universal base of society and the cause of differing social classes; and

Each person should earn an income which 7/27/12

Max Weber He developed the Protestant Work Ethics which was founded on Calvinist tenets.


Weber believes that:

Predestination the belief that God has chosen the elect. Hard work Success Heaven

All men must work, even the rich, because to work is the will of God.

Key elements of Protestant Work Ethics Self discipline, hard work and ability to save money.

Weber believes that:

Reinvest the profits of their labor into financing further ventures.

Selection of the occupation and pursuing it to achieve the greatest profit possible is perceived as a religious duty.

Other key elements of the Protestant Work Ethics Diligence, Punctuality, Deferment of gratification, and Primacy of the work domain.

Thank you for listening attentively. We hope weve learned a lot. God Bless. Group 9

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