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-The Next DayIU's POV: Will he be nice to me?I'm scared..MANAGER OPPA!!HELP ME!! IM:IU,don't be nervous.

Act like yourself and you will be fine. IU:Oppa,Can you give me some tips? IM;Okay.1)Act like yourself 2)Compliment him at times 3)Notice what he does,for example if he starts looking at another girl,you shouldn't act like your okay with it 4)Smile 5)Get to know him Iu:Oppa,thank you. IM:You start filming at 7:00 pm. IU:Adeso. IU gets out of bed and makes breakfast.She goes on the internet and searches up We Got Married and she realizes that a lot of neitizen know who her husband is. Iu thinks:Should I find out who my husband is or should I just wait...Lets wait and watch the surprise :)

Wooyoung's POV: Nichkun: Woo,are you nervous? Wooyoung:Does it look like it? Nichkun:First meeting is sometimes the most important meeting in We Got Married. Wooyoung:What should I wear?Do I have something in my teeth...? Nichkun:Just eat breakfast first..show how you prepare when they film :) -6:45-

The camera crew was at wooyoung's and IU's house. Start Of show: [Studio people]

MC 1: Today is a very special broadcast on We Got Married..Today we will be introducing a new couple but not just an ordinary couple...A Permanent couple on We Got MArried. MC 2:Lets see who this couple is. (On Cam) IU's House: [Just to tell you,the date was January 14th]
(She had her best friend Jiyeon from T-ara over for help) IU:Jiyeon!!Stop eating and help me pick an outfit!!

IU's backstage interview:

IU:Annyeonhaseyo!IU imida :) Im very nervous to meet my husband! Q: Who do you think your husband is? IU:I don't know?Can you give me some suggestions? Staff:Pick someone from a group. SHINee? IU: I don't know? Key? Staff: 2AM? IU:Seulong Oppa Staff: 2PM? IU: Wooyoung or Chansung.

[Studio People]
MC 1: OHH..IU sshi Mc 4: She is so pretty!

Back to IU:In
J:Don't make it to fancy or to simple and today is cold so wear a cardigan then over that with a black trench coat..Then with Blue skinny Jeans and then wear your Uggs, Then the doorbell rings!

IU:COULD MY HUSBAND BE HERE!!!! Jiyeon goes and open the door and then she was like OMG HELLO!!JOKES!! J:Its just a mission

Dear IU, Welcome to We Got Married! You will meet your husband very soon.Go to the JYP Headquaters at 7:50.There you will have to sit on a red chair by the side..then you'll meet your husband!Good luck and have fun!FIGHTING :) -WGM Crew
IU:Omo,Its 7:25 now!! Jiyeon:I'll you put on makeup and you dess up!

Wooyoung's dorm with 2PM:

Chansung:Hyung,get dressed Taecyeon: Our little boy is getting married so fast!!He grows up so fast*Fake sobbing* Wooyoung:YAH!Help me pick an out. Nichkun:Just wear something casual. Wooyoung:He takes his shirt of [Studio People] MC 3:OH HIS ABBS!! MC 1:Oh please I can get those...In my world.. All:Laugh

Back to Wooyoung's dorm:

Junho: Yo,You got a mission

Dear Wooyoung,

Welcome to We Got Married,You are about to meet your wife very soon! At 7:57 go down to JYP Headquarters and you will see your wife sitting on a red chair by the side..Good Luck and Have a happy Marriage :) FIGHTING!! -WGM staff and crew
Taecyeon:You better go down there soon,Its 7:45

Wooyoung's Back stage interview:

S:Who do you think your wife is? W:I don't really know?Suggestions please? S: Girls Generation? W: Tiffany S:2NE1? W:Dara S:Solo-ist? W:Hmm, Maybe IU?!

Back to IU:
IU gets into her Managers Van and starts driving to JYP HQ. IU:Oppa,What do I do? IM:Like I said,Be yourself. 5 Min past IM:we are here. IU:Wish me luck oppa. IM:Break A leg IU:*Glare* IU goes into the building,She looks around and she just sees workers. She sit on the red chair as told and waits. She looks at her watch..7:50.

Back To Wooyoung:
2PM:We will go down with you :) W:THANK YOU!! They walk to JYP HQ since they live near there. He goes from back door and they slowly go closer to the red chair. Taecyeon:I think I see her.The girl on the red chair. Junho: Thats a guy dude...0_0"(There were 2 chairs) Nichkun:Its time.. Wooyoung slowly walks up to a girl that he think looks like IU and she was sitting on a red chair.2PM slowly follows behind. PREVIOUSLY: they were going to meet each other for the first time on We Got Married. IU is sitting on a red chair while 2PM and Wooyoung walk closer..

[Studio People] MC1:They are about to meet each other...Even I'm Nervous.. MC2:Were You nervous when you got married... MC1: No.. ALL:*Laugh* Wooyoung's Side:
They are just 1 metre away...they walk a little closer. 2pm: Annyeonhaseyo..2PM imida.

Both Sides:
IU: Oh,Annyeonhaseyo,IU Imida.. Junho:Are you looking for your husband? IU: Neh,Im looking for my husband.

Taecyeon: We Are you husbands... IU:Bwuo?(What) Chansung:Hahhaaha,He was joking around...but one of us is your husband. IU: Which one of you guys are my husband? Taecyeon: Lets play a game. 2PM/IU: Suree. Taecyeon: We will turn around and then start from whoever you don't think your husband is,push them away and the it getes to 2 people,you hug which ever one you think your husband. IU: Neh. They line up in a line and she walks around.

[Studio People] MC2: 2PM is really playful. MC 3: If she gets it right then it will be kinda like Yongseo couple. But the game is more violent because you have to push them away. MC 1: Doesn't that remind you of how you got pushed away by your first love? MC 2: Yeah real funny.. IU and 2pm:
IU: Hmm.. She pushes Nichkun out since he is already in WGM....Then Junsu...then Junho..and then Taecyeon,Left with Chansung and Wooyoung. IU:I don't know...*Sigh* Taecyeon: We will give you a clue.. IU: neh,

Junho: He loves Chicken and he loves to goof around. IU: Don't they both do that?! Junsu:*laugh* just pick one. IU slowly goes to Wooyoung and she shyly gives him a back hug.

[studio people] ALL MC:AHH!!!YOU WERE RIGHT!! 2pm and IU:

IU: Is Wooyoung really my husband? 2PM except Wooyoung:YEAH!!HAPPY MARRIAGE AND BYE NOW.. Wooyoung and IU is alone now. Wooyoung: Annyeonhaseyo IU Sshi *Bow* IU: Annyeohaseyo Wooyoung SShi*Bow* Wooyoung: Uhh, lets get into my managers van first since you are freezing.. IU: Okay.. -Awkward-

[Studio People] MC 4: All guys are always like...Get into my car and they talk.. MC 1: Why did a guy do that to you? MC 4: Yeah...He was really cute! MC 3: If you keep saying that,your husband will tell you to get into the van and kiddnap you.. ALL:*laugh* Wooyoung and IU in the Van:

Wooyoung: It won't be that awkward if we know a little bit more about each other even though we kinda know each other from Dream high. IU: Neh..Have you eaten? Wooyoung: Ani,You? IU: Ani. Wooyoung: Lets go eat.. IU: Kimchi stew? Wooyoung:Yeah i know a really good place to eat that. -Awkward SilenceWooyoung: What are you looking for in a guy? IU: Humour and Personality and looks. Wooyoung: Ahh, okay.

IU's Backstage interview:

Staff: How were you feeling when you knew that Wooyoung was your husband? IU: I thought about what the fans used to name us like Milky Couple and Woou couple.It was cute.I was like oh my husband is wooyoung..I see, I was happy because he wasn't a stranger to me because we met each other before and worked with each other before in dream high so I'm glad we kinda know each other.

Wooyoung's Backstage interview:

Staff: How were you feeling when you knew IU was your wife? Wooyoung: I felt very happy because she was my love interest in Dream High and I tried to be close with her but I couldn't because Seulong hyung said its hard to be close to her.But now I have the opportunity,I feel very very happy. IU and Wooyoung:

IU: What are you looking for in a girl? Wooyoung:Umm,There personality and how they treat a guy and others. IU:Ohh,I see. -Awkward SilenceThey get of the Van and they go to a restaurant and while they were walking,a lot of people especially teens were looking. Wooyoung: I should walk outside since its dangerous. IU: Kamsahamida. They were crowed by fans holding cameras. Wooyoung: Why type of personality are you? IU: Im usually a really weird type of person and very random but I'm very choding(Child)So I love surprises. IU: What type of person are you? Wooyoung:I'm very playful and I hate to get bored. IU: Oohh,I see. They walk into the restaurant and he pulls out the chair for IU. IU: Kamsahamida. Wooyoung:Ani IU: You are 4 years older than me..( IU is 19 in Korean age and wooyoung is 23 in Korean age) Wooyoung: Yeah. Its not that bad.. IU:We are eating Kimchi stew right? Wooyoung: Can we have a 1 kimchi stew please. IU: Do you really like chicken? Wooyoung: Yeah.

IU: Maybe I can cook it for you later on in the future. Wooyoung:Sure,Wait you know how to cook to..MY WIFE HAS THE WHOLE PACKAGE! IU:Hahaha. Wooyoung:Have you ever dated anyone before.. IU: To be honest,I had a crush on someone before but never dated anyone. Wooyoung: I see,I had a crush on people but never dated too. -The food came.Wooyoung used his chopsticks and picked up kimchi and fed it to IU. IU did the same.

[Studio People] MC 1: They are feeding each other..they are getting used to each other. IU and Wooyoung:
IU: Thank you. Wooyoung:Is it good? IU:Yupp. Wooyoung: So,you don't know much things about dating or anything? IU: Yupp,I know nothing about love and dating. They finish eating and they walk outside. (time to go home) Wooyoung: I'll take you home. IU: Neh. They walk. Wooyoung: Are you cold? IU: A little.

Wooyoung took is scarf of and placed it on IU. IU: thank you. Aren't you cold. Wooyoung: In our dorm,Its always to hot so getting a little cold is actually normal weather for us.

[Studio People] MC 2: guys are always giving there scarfs and then when they take it back,they can smell what her perfume is. MC 3:Thats true. IU and Wooyoung:
-They get to IU's house/dorm.IU: Here is your scarf.Thank you. Wooyoung: Ani,Today,I had a great time and before I leave,I have a couple rings He put it on for IU. IU:It looks expensive..Thank you.I'll see you in Inkiyago tmr. lets show of our rings and we have to show it on screen/ Wooyoung: Its not expensive...Sure..Show of our awesome rings :) I'll see you tmr. IU: Annyegaseyo. She gives Wooyoung a hug.Kamsahamida. Wooyoung:Hugs back.Annyegaseyo. :) He waits till IU goes in safely.

[Studio People] MC 2:They gave each other a goodbye hug! MC 4:They are going to show off there rings.The ring looks soo pretty!

IU's Interview.
Staff: Can we see the ring?

Holds her hand up and shows them. IU:I love the ring and i'm very grateful to have a wonderful husband.

Wooyoung's Interview:
S:Are you happy with the first meeting? W:Yeah she is so awesome and super cute. This is what I call destiny :)
PREVIOUSLY: Wooyoung and IU went to eat and when they were about to leave,Wooyoung gave IU and now in Inkiyago,They have to show it off.

IU: The ring looks so pretty.... She got back to her room and called Jiyeon to come over.. Jiyeon got to her house for a sleepover. J: How was the first meeting? IU:*holds her hand up* J:OMO!!Its so pretty! IU:Wooyoung is my husband. J:Tell me everything what happened. -She told her everythingJ:2PM is so playful and they love holding surprise events. IU: I think I really love Wooyoung for real. J:I think so,but the problem is that does he like you in real life or he is just showing the love for you on WGM? -They continue talking-

Wooyoung's POV:(reality)
Wooyoung: Im back,

2pm:How was it? Wooyoung: It was cool but very awkward in the first meeting. Chansung:You are wearing a ring. Wooyoung:Couple rings,tmr in Inkiyago,We said we will show of our rings. Taecyeon:What do you think of her? W:She is so cute and very weird like me and she is choding in a good way. Junho:Do you like her for real? W:I don't really know..I think so.. -They keep talking-

-The Next dayIU's POV:(REALITY):

IU:Jiyeon can you help me pick an outfit? Jiyeon:Yes but I have to go soon so I'll do this fast: IU Wore a floral summer dress with White flats and a bracelet and the ring on the ring finger :) IU:Thank you Jiyeon..bye now. Jiyeon:Bye,Have fun! IU Goes to the SBS to get her script.

Wooyoung's POV:(reality)
Wooyoung:Lets go you guys!We have to perform Put your hands up. They get to SBS filming and they start rehersal.

Show starts: [SP]

MC 3: Today we have a special guest on the show, Jokwon!


Back to IU:( On Cam)

She sees IU dancing put your hands up Wooyoung sees IU and he dances even better to impress her. -After RehersalWooyoung goes back to his room in SBS. IU walks through the crowd and greets a lot of people but she wanted to go to 2pm's room.She knocks on 2pm's room

IU and 2pm:
2pm:Yah,annyeohaseyo..Come in. IU:Annyeohaseyo.. Junho:Wooyoung,Your wife is here. Wooyoung:Annyeohaseyo.. Taecyeon:You guys didn't drop your honorifics yet? IU: Ani,...I just came to say hi.. Wooyoung:Ani,Stay here, IU: the show is gonna start soon so I have to go.. Wooyoung:I'll see you on stage then and THE RING! IU:Hahaha,neh... -Inkiyago-(Live for inkiyago) (on cam still for WGM) Sulli:IU,Congratulation Kikwang:Congratulation Jokwon:congratulation. IU:Whe?

All:Your marriage to Wooyoung.. IU: Kamsahamida.. Usually Iu holds her mic on her right hand but she held it on the left today.. Sulli:Your ring! Fans scream!!! IU: Lets get back to the show.. Kikwang:IU,How about you introduce the next group performing.. IU:Here is 2pm performing the song put your hands up. -Put your hands upHe shows his ring a lot of times..IU was happy, Today's winner is....2PM!!! IU and Jokwon:Congratulations!! Junsu:Thank You everyone who supported us!! i love you guys! Wooyoung was standing next to IU.. Chansung:Today is a very special day for us because we got TRIPLE CROWN!!! Jokwon:Wooyoung,you should celebrate by giving our lovely Iu sshi a hug.. Fans scream like crazy! 2pm: Hug!hug!hug!hug! Wooyoung gives IU a hug. IU: Congratulation! Taecyeon:What a lovely couple!!Thank you everyone who supported.. Sulli/Kikwang/jokwon and Iu:Here is the encore special and then Iu waved her left hand so the ring shows up on the screen..Wooyoung saw her do that. -Encore-

MC 3:SHE WAVED! Jokwon:We had a little surprise after that..you'll see.

Inkiyago ends but the host all go into 2pm for congratulating.
IU:Congrautlations! Jokwon:2pm and all us will go and you guys stay here.. wooyoung:Ani,you don't have too Chansung:We want too :D -2PM and the other people leaves and wooyoung and IU are alone-

Iu and wooyoung:(on cam)

wooyoung:what do you want to do today? IU:I don't know... Wooyoung:I'm sorry... IU:For What? Wooyoung:Before after filming dream high about us having dinner together and you hardly talked to me since then,I'm sorry.. Iu:Ani,It was just dinner and the neitizens will understand :) They found a mission on the table: Dear IU <3 Wooyoung , today you guys will go to the beach with 2pm and 2am and you guys have to do experience something you haven't experienced before..at night have a good feast with the others!Have fun -WGM crew :) PREVIOUSLY: IU and Wooyoung and showed of their rings in Inkiyago and 2pm won the award and people wanted them to hug so they hugged. There mission is to go to the beach with 2AM and 2PM and experience something they haven't experienced before :)

I'm so sorry, I didn't upload yesterday!!! I was really busy so i'll make up for it today :) Enjoy Woou couple <3 IU and Wooyoung:(ON CAM)
IU: YAY!!We are going to the beach! Wooyoung: You want to bring a friend with you? IU: Can I bring Jiyeon? Wooyoung: sure. IU: Lets set her up with someone? Chansung? Wooyoung: Yeah,Since they are both single so why not? (Jiyeon and IU are actually best friends in real life :) IU: Okay! I'll meet you at the beach okay? Wooyoung: Okay,see you later :)

-Both Off CamIU POV:(Reality)

IU gets to her dorm and calles Jiyeon. Phone Call: Jiyeon:Yeoboseyo? IU: JIYEON!! Jiyeon: IU..Whats up? IU: Wanna go to the beach with me,2pm,2am and the rest of the WGM crew? Jiyeon:Yeah. IU: You are going to be set up with someone you will like :) Jiyeon:I'll be there in 5 mins. IU: Neh

-Phone call endsIU is somehow so excited? IU thinking: IU don't fool yourself,he doesn't like you in reality..since the scandal happened,he totally didn't like me..But I keep thinking about him!what do I do...Lets all just have fun in the beach.. IU picks out a yellow t-shirt and grey shorts then with sunglasses tucked in her messy bun and wore flip flops.

Wooyoung's POV: (reality)

wooyoung: Chansung!!! COME HERE.. Chansung: Whats up? Wooyoung: Everybody!! COME HERE!! 2PM: Whats up? Wooyoung: Everyone listen up! We are going to set Chansung up :) Chansung: What? WHO? Wooyoung: You'll see. Wooyoung secretly whispers to the rest of the 2PM members about who the person is: Wooyoung: Its Jiyeon,IU's best friend... Jiyeon from T-ara 2pm(except Chansung): Okay okay. Wooyoung gets dressed suddenly he felt sorry for IU Wooyoung's thinking: Iu probably still hates me from the scandal!I'm the one that told everyone we had dinner together!I like her...A Lot! I hope she feels the same way..I really want her to fall for me but why would she like me anyways? Junsu: Its time to go now..

IU and Jiyeon...Wooyoung and 2pm and 2am are going to the beach.. -ON CAM[studio people]

MC 1: WOW,this episode is going tobe interesting.. Jokwon: Yupp sure sure.. =) Back with the others: 2pm,2am and IU and Jiyeon see each other:(2AM also knows about the blind date)
IU and Jiyeon: Annyeonghaseyo! 2am and 2pm: Annyeonghaseyo..Lets put our stuff on the beach.. IU: Okay.. Wooyoung: Its going to be so fun today. They put there stuff down.. IU: Chansung,JIyeon,Put your stuff here,there is shade her.. Jiyeon: uhh,okay. Chansung: Sure They all sit in a circle and have a talk while eating strawberries. Wooyoung and IU feed each other. Junho: You guys look so good together..

[studio people] MC1: They must feel very envious of them. The rest of the people:
IU: Chansung,What is your ideal type? Jo kwon: Don't tell me its my mom?? Seulong:Haha. Chansung stares at Jiyeon for second.

Jiyeon: who is your ideal type? Chansung: I like girls with good style and has a really cute and bright personality and is comfortable to be around. Taecyeon: Thats like Jiyeon.. IU:Yeah, Wooyoung: Jiyeon,whats yours? Jiyeon:I like guys that are funny,goofy,have the same taste of fashion as me and is really comfortable to be around with and outgoing. Changmin:Thats totally Chansung.. Junsu: Chansung,You should sit with Jiyeon.

IU: You guys used to be MC's together right?In Music Core.. Chansung: Yeah. Jokwon: lets go play in water. Junsu: Yeah lets go! They all walk near the water.. Iu was walking and suddenly Wooyoung put her arms around Iu and swang her around then he carried her and put her in water..

[SP] MC 3: Ahh so cute! MC 1: Thats what I call natural skinship.. MC 2: So are you complaining that you don't have that much skinship? MC 1: Yeah because everytime me and my husband have skin ship each of us have to give 1 dollar.. All: LOOL

Back with the rest:

IU: Ahh.. she then gets up and splashes water at wooyoung. wooyoung runs around and hides behind seulong! IU: wooyoung!! then she sees Jiyeon and Chansung together splashing each other.. Wooyoung: look at them,They are so cute.. IU: Sure.. Changmin: Lets have a race. PIGGYBACK RIDE!!! said IU Chansung carried Jiyeon and Iu went on Wooyoung and jokwon went on junsu.. Junho: Ready,Set,Go!!! wooyoung rushed to the finish line where seulong was. IU: No!!!Jo kwon and Junsu are in the lead! Chansung and Jiyeon got first and then Jo Kwon and Junsu.. Wooyoung and Iu were 1 step till the finish line then he tripped on a rock! Iu went on top and kissed wooyoung!!!


Interview with IU:

S: Wow you kissed him.. IU: I never expected it to happen!!!But he was nice about it..*blush blush*

Interview with wooyoung:

s:How was the kiss?

W: It was awkward,but then again I wanted skin ship and she kissed me so I guess god read my mind!!THANK YOU GOD!!~ Back with them:
IU was on top of wooyoung. Junso: OMG,They kissed. After 6 seconds, IU got up and helped Wooyoung get up: IU: OMG!!I'm so sorry..Are you okay? Wooyoung: Yeah..You kissed me.. Iu ran away after he said that. But wooyoung held her wrist and gave her hug!! Jiyeon: IU's first kiss!!! wooyoung let go of her.. Changmin: Lets go eat.. IU: Suree,she quickly runs to Jiyeon and they talk privately for a sec Jiyeon;You kissed him!!! IU: What do I do? Jiyeon: When we go eat,Sit with me and ignore him...Then at night,ROMANCE TIME!! Jiyeon: I'll handle everything. IU: Okay. PREVIOUSLY: everybody set Chansung and Jiyeon for a blind date and they had a piggy back ride with wooyoung and IU and for fun,Junsu and Jokwon played along as well for fun..Woou couple was last but suddenly wooyoung tripped on a rock and IU went on top of him and kissed him. IU felt embarrased because that was her first kiss. Jiyeon told IU to ignore Wooyoung when they eat till night time..But why?

[Studio People] MC 3: I wonder why Jiyeon told IU to ignore wooyoung?

MC 1: Its probaby a hidden camera for IU? MC 2: Maybe.. Back with others:
-While Jiyeona and IU were talkingWooyoung: Oh,Man i'm scared she might be mad at me..I tripped and then she kissed me. Chansung: That was her first kiss?Was that yours? Wooyoung: Yeah... Taecyeon: She'll probably ignore you...Just don't talk to her when we eat so you can give her time to think. wooyoung: Okay.

Earlier,When they kissed,Wooyoung went to the washroom and IU went to buy icecream..2pm and 2am and Jiyeon said they were going to have a hidden camera for them.
Jiyeon: I'll tell IU to ignore wooyoung. Taecyeon: I'll tell Wooyoung to give her time to get herself together so he won't talk to her. Chansung: Then at night when the fireworks..play with fireworks and then get a cake out and congratulate them in their marriage and then try to get them together.. Jinwoon: That would be fun.. Nichkun:Okay.

Back with present:

They all walk to a sushi store nearby. Jiyeon: IU,Come sit with me. Taecyeon: Yah,Wooyoung sit with me. IU: Can we order a lot of sushi?I'm really hungry. Wooyoung: Sure,What do you want to order?

Taecyeon gave him a nudge mean to don't talk to her. IU ignored him and then asked..Junho,what do you want to order? Junho: anything will be fine..

They all ordered miso soup : Then ordered a big ship ful of everykind of sushi:

. IU: So good,,What are we going to do after? Nichkun: I brought Fireworks..lets play with that. All: okay. Wooyoung paid for the meal. They all said thank you. IU: Thank you *Quitely*

They went out to the beach again and then they started the fireworks.

PREVIOUSLY: Everybody was going to havea hidden camera for IU and Wooyoung.They told them to ignore each other because they kissed each other and they both feel very embarrased and Wooyoung thinks IU is mad at him..They are going to play with fireworks. [Studio People] MC 2:I wonder how the hidden camera will go.. MC 1: Yeah..Predictions anyone? MC 3: Jiyeon said something about romance time so I don't know...Maybe something romantic will happen. Back with the others:
Its was getting late and cold since it was still winter.. Nichkun: We are kinda crazy..We are in the beach when its only winter but then there is no snow but there is sun? Wooyoung:*depressed*I'll help you with the fireworks. Wooyoung feels depressed because he thinks IU doesn't want him as a husband in We Got Married.. Jiyeon gives a sign to taecyeon saying the plan is working.. The fireworks are lit.. They all had fun.. Chansung and Jiyeon were really close and went to play tag with her.. Taecyeon gave a sign to everybody about romance time.. Wooyoung and IU were cleaning up suddenly Jiyeon brings out a cake. 2pm and 2am: CONGRATULATIONS!!! Wooyoung and IU: What is going on..

Jiyeon: Don't be mad at each other..It was just a kiss. Changmin: You guys are married.. Wooyoung: IU...I'm so sorry, Everyone: FORGIVE HIM!!!FORGIVE!FORGIVE!FORGIVE!! IU:*Blush* she goes up to wooyoung's ear and whispers..Saranghae <3 When wooyoung heard that,He gave a hug to IU.. Everybody: AWW!!

[Studio People] ALL: SO ROMANTIC!! Back with everybody.

They blew the candles of the cake and ate it.. 2pm: Today was a fun day.. IU: I'm sorry wooyoung for my childish behaviour. Wooyoung: Ani. Taecyeon: You guys try calling each other yeobo :) IU:....Yeo..yeobo.. wooyoung: Yeobo,Saranghae. IU: Heyy look. Jiyeon and Chansung are close now. Jiyeon and Chansung start blushing. Seulong: Lets go home now.. Iu: Yeah,its getting late. Junho: Kaja! 2am and Jiyeon said goodbye.The rest get into 2pm's car.

IU: I feel so sleepy.*Yawn* wooyoung:Sleep,I'll wake you up when we get to your dorm( Its was an 2hr drive) Junho: IU,Usually Wooyoung isn't like this,he usually just say then go sleep then gosh but then when he says it to you,its so different.. Wooyoung: Ani,now shut up she needs to sleep.. Junho: See..=) IU slowly falls a sleep...

[SP] MC 3: She looks so cute when she sleeps.. MC 1: Ahh so cute!!

Interview with IU:

S: Did you have fun at the beach? IU: Yeah but then I never want to experience saddness every again..that was something I expierenced today,feeling so sad!Also it was fun going to the beach when it was winter :) S: Were you really tired when you were in 2PM's Van? IU: Yeah,I was so sleepy..

Interview with Wooyoung:

S: What was your expierence at the beach today? Wooyoung:Feeling mad at someone who you love..Going to the beach during winter was a first too. [SP] MC 1:They love each other.

Back with the others:(OFF CAM)(Reality)

IU pretends to fall asleep. Junsu: Wooyoung,Do you really like IU? Wooyoung: Yeah,I like her for real,I don't think she likes me because of the scandal from dream high. IU hears that and she smiles a little.. Chansung: We'll help you.. IU wakes up. IU: Oh sorry,(realizing she slept on Wooyoungs shoulder) Wooyoung: Ani. IU: Today was fun.. Junsu: Espesially the kiss Ei? IU:*Blush* Nichkun:What do you think of Wooyoung? IU: Hmm,Lets see.. wooyoung looks at the other 2pm memebers with a smile.. IU: I think he is very playful and he is a moodbooster! All: HAHAAHAHA Mood booster.. Junsu: Would you consider him as a real boyfriend.. IU: I..Well..I.. Wooyoung: Yes? IU: I actually like you more than a friend.. ALL: WHAT? IU: Never mind,I said I like him as a friends still *Blush*

Chansung: Wait I heard you saying you treat him more than a friend though.. Minjae Manager: IU, We are at your dorm.. IU: Thank you everyone,today was really fun!! Bye thank you!( She said it really fast) IU went into dorm as fast as she can. Junsu: I swear she just said that she likes you more than a friend.. Wooyoung: *Happy* Maybe..

IU: Do I regret saying that? Callin Jiyeon: Jiyeon: Yeoboseyo? IU: HELP ME!! Jiyeon: What happened? IU:-Told her everythingJiyeon: AHH!! :) You kinda confessed to him.. IU: INFRONT OF 2PM. Jiyeon: Act like you know nothing about it and then after a few days,Show your true feelings.. IU: Okay thank you Jiyeon!!! Jiyeon: Ani, Annyegaseyo :) -End-

Wooyoung's POV:
He gets in his bed and thinks: Does she like me?Did I hear wrong?I like her its just does she like me? Oh man,i don't think she likes me.

PREVIOUSLY: 2PM and 2AM did the hidden camera successfully and IU and Wooyoung weren't mad at each other after...Whe They left,IU got into 2PM van for them to drive her back to the dorm and while she was pretending to sleep,She heard Wooyoung actually likes her and wakes up and said she kinda likes him more than a friend,they all reacted and then she was like,I didn't say that,I said I like him as a friend still,Will they ever confess each other or hide their love for each other.

Wooyoung's POV:( Reality)

Wooyoung:Does she really like me?did I hear correctly?I like her but does she like me? WOOYOUNG!I DONT THINK SHE LIKES ME AND JUST GO TO SLEEP ALREADY!! Chansung:Hyung,Why are you mumbling? Wooyoung:Uhh, I'm not.. Chansung:You are thinking about IU aren't you? Wooyoung:*Sigh*Yeah.. Chansung:I swear she said she likes you more than a friend.. Wooyoung:I can't believe im asking this but what do I do.. Chansung:Act normal,then a few days later,Really confess to her already.. Wooyoung:Confess?What if she rejects? Chansung:If she does,I'll do the laundry for the whole month.. Wooyoung:Nah,I'm fine,I don't want you touching my stuff.. Chansung:She won't reject you and here i'll spill a secret.. Wooyoung:What? Chansung:Jiyeon told me that IU kinda has feelings for you. Wooyoung: Really!! Chansung:Yeah,now go to sleep.. Wooyoung:okay.

They haven't done the show in a week already because 2PM was in Japan..

-On CamIU walks to a book store where she would meet wooyoung.. Wooyoung sees IU: Wooyoung was wearing this:(because he just came back from the trip)

[Studio People] MC 2:They both have really good fashion.. MC 1:Yeah,unlike us.. MC 3:Hey what are you talking about,this jacket was worth $600 MC 1:I thought that was a garbage bag. All: *Laugh* Back with IU and Wooyoung:
Wooyoung: Hello IU: Hey :) How was Japan?Was it fun? Wooyoung: It was hot and the food was really good!but then i was sick for a while. IU: REALLY!Are you okay? Wooyoung: Yeah,Better than ever felt before..I got some stuff for you.. IU: Really?You didn't have to. Wooyoung:Lets just say this was a gift for our marriage.. IU:But I didn't give anything.. Wooyoung:Having you in my life is the best present ever


Back with IU and Wooyoung:

IU:*Blush* Wooyoung:I got you a Japanese hello Kitty doll: and a necklace and Lotion. IU: The necklace looks so expensive.. Wooyoung:Yeah it was so wear it well :) IU: Kamsahamida :) Wooyoung: Sorry,I couldn't change into anything clean. IU:Its okay,just wear whatever you feel comofrtable.. Wooyoung; okay :) Suddenly the Librarian gave them a mission card. IU: MISSION.. Wooyoung: Neh,Thank you(To the Librarian) Mission: Dear IU <3 Wooyoung, Today,you guys will move into a place to stay.. -WGM crew.. *Address HERE!* IU: AH!!SO EXCITED!! Wooyoung: Me too :) IU: Kaja.. wooyoung: IU,I recently got my drivers license but then my car needs to be fixed so then we need to ride the bus.. IU: Okay,I got used to it because I need to ride the bus to school.. They walk to the bus station and wooyoung paid the fee for the bus..

They sit down and many people including teens were looking at them.. Grandma: Annyeonghaseyo,what show is this? Wooyoung: We Got Married..This is my beautiful wife. When he said that,all the teens were screaming!! IU: This is my handsome beloved husband wooyoung from 2PM. Grandma: I know both of you :) IU from Marshmallow and 2PM from Again and Again,, IU: Neh :) Grandma: Congratualtions :) IU and Wooyoung: Neh The grandma gets off the bus..

IU's backstage interview:

staff: How were you feeling when he told the grandma you were his beautiful wife? IU: It felt very fresh and new since im married now,the grandma was so cute! sometimes I still think I' single but then Im married,still not that used to it Back with IU and Wooyoung:
Wooyoung: How many years of school do you still have? IU: 1 More year(not sure) Wooyoung: okay..We get off here.. they walk across the street and into a street. IU and wooyoung: OMG!!! REVIOUSLY: IU and Wooyoung met up in the Library and wooyoung got IU some stuff(Lotion,Necklace and Japanese hello Kitty doll), They got a mission that told them they had a place to stay.Will it be a van?

Wooyoung: WE ARE LIVING IN THE WHOLE APARTMENT *Joking Around* IU: Haha ani, Wooyoung: Its so pretty!! IU: I know right :)*Jumping up and down* Wooyoung: Your really excited aren't you? IU: Yeah :D

Wooyoung: She was so cute,Jumping up and down like a little girl!SO CUTE <3 Back With IU and Wooyoung:
IU: Lets go on inside IU was dragging Wooyoung like a little girl(SO Cute) Wooyoung: haha okay, They get inside the elevator to get to the 5th floor. They walk outside and see's the door IU: We are here. Wooyoung: Ready,Set,OPEN! IU: WAHH! Wooyoung: Here it comes IU: What? Wooyoung carries IU into the house.Drops her on the floor lightly in the living room. IU: Your strong. Wooyoung: Haha.

[Studio People] MC 1: I wish I got carried in my house like that. MC 4: What happened instead? MC 1: I got dragged in.. All: Haha Back with IU and Wooyoung:
IU: Lets look around. Wooyoung: WOW! I suddenly feel so rich.. IU: Yeah. Wooyoung: So pretty! IU: Who? The house or me? Wooyoung: the house is pretty IU:... Wooyoung: But you are Beautiful <3 PREVIOUSLY: IU and Wooyoung get into their apartment. ( 2 stories in 1)

IU and Wooyoung: ( Off Cam)

IU: Wooyoung ssi. Wooyoung: Neh? IU: Umm,The day..the beach..Van.. Wooyoung: What.. IU:.. Wooyoung: We are friends right? IU:..Yeah..

Wooyoung: Can I ask you something? IU:Neh. Wooyoung: Do..Yo.you like me..more that a friend,, IU: Well,I kinda was wondering the same... IU: I like you more than a friend but I was afraid you won't like me... Wooyoung: Really*Happy* I was scared you were still mad at me..the time when I spilled on having dinner with you during Dream High filming... IU: Ani..So..We kinda like each other secretly.. Wooyoung: Its our little promise and date :) The PD came and said.. PD: So what are you guys doing? IU: uhh.. Wooyoung: We are talking about the time we were shooting Dream High, IU: Uh.h.h Yeah.. We were talking about that. Wooyoung and IU stare at each other for the close call. PD: We will be shooting at 4am tomorrow morning(That day was February 1st, 4:00 PM) Both: Okay. the PD leaves.. IU and Wooyoung both head downstairs. Wooyoung: So,You want to do something tonight? IU: Sure. Wooyoung: Lets meet at the Coffee shop near Leon Entertainment at 10:00 PM..Alright? IU: Yeah see you there..

Wooyoung: I have to go back to the dorm and get ready for a variety show" Happy Together" IU: Okay. They Both hugged each other.. They never relized that they were being watched and taken by the Paparazzi's. They both went back to there shedule.. Its was 8:45 PM and IU was getting ready. She then got a call from Jiyeon. Jiyeon: I can't believe your on a date with Wooyoung?(IU told her before) IU: I know,I can't believe he likes me too :) Jiyeon: Like I said,Good things happen to good people. IU: Haha. Jiyeon: Be careful, Paparazzi's..Do you want everybody to know you and wooyoung are dating? IU: I don't know. I have to head down to LE(Leon Entertainment. <--Thats the entertainment she is in for real ) Jiyeon: Okay,Good luck and be careful. IU was wearing this: She heads down to LE and goes to her Manager. IU: Manager Oppa! IM: Whats up with the pretty clothes in winter? IU: Manager..Im dating someone.. IM: IU,thats not something to joke about.. IU: I'm not joking! I'm dating and im going to go on a date in 10 mins. IM: Who? IU: Wooyoung..

IM: We have to talk to the PD... PD: Its gonna be a secret until JYP and LE Discuss okay.. IM: Yeah be careful on the date.. IU: Ok Wooyoung's POV: Wooyoung: Yo you guys,What should I wear? 2PM: Something casual.. Wooyoung: I can't believe she likes me too. Changsung: I told we didn't hear wrong.. Wooyoung told JYP earlier and they said they will discuss it with Le later on. Wooyoung was wearing this: Wooyoung goes out and his members wish him luck. Previously: They were getting ready to go on their Secret Date Date: Feb 1st 2011 at 9:00 (Starts) Wooyoung's POV: (Reality) Thinks: I can't believe everything is going so well. This is like my first offical date with someone I really like. As I was walking out of my dorm, I looked my watch and saw that I was a little late.. Oh,well it is just 2 minutes and it takes 4 minutes to go there.. I hope she is not mad at me.. IU's POV: (Reality) Thinks: As I walk to the cafe,I did a quick look and try to not be spotted..I asked the manager of the cafe to give us a secret room and lied saying that we had to do some filming.I got to the room and I looked at the clock on the wall, It said 9:02..I wondered if he was joking and lied saying that he liked me and wanted to prank me or he really was late.. I waited a little longer. Wooyoung's POV:

I get to the Cafe and wondered where IU was.. then I heard the manager ask: Are you here for a recording with IU,I lied and said yes.The manager brought me to the room. I quickly fixed what I was wearing. I knocked on the door and their I saw IU wearing a beautiful stripped dress sitting across from the table. No one's POV: As wooyoung was walking to the table to sit beside IU, they both waved at each other. Wooyoung: Hey :) IU: Hey :) *Sits beside her* Wooyoung: You look really pretty as usual. IU: aww thanks. Wooyoung: We have to be really careful from now on. IU: what do you want to eat? Wooyoung: Lets eat a couple number 2. IU: Sure and what do you want as the drink? I would want a ice tea please :) Wooyoung: I would want a milk tea.I'm going to go order now. Wooyoung comes back from ordering. IU: you look really well dressed today. Wooyoung: Oh,So i'm usually not well dressed?!?!*Jokingly* IU: Ani, You look handsome usually but today I just see something sparkle in you. Wooyoung: well thank you.I see your wearing the necklace I got you in Japan. IU:I wear it all the time because its something I treasure :) Wooyoung: Am I treasured? IU: Although I treasure the necklace,I treasure you in another place.. Wooyoung: Where?*Worrying* IU: In my heart,my love <3

Wooyoung: You are so immature*Jokingly* IU: Why thank you and you are so cute :) Wooyoung: Thank you. The food came:

Couple Number 2:
Wooyoung and IU: Jalmookgetsumida. Wooyoung used a spoon and fed her some of his ice cream. IU did the same but gave him some of her sandwich. after 17 minutes and almost done their meal they talked some more: Wooyoung: where do you want to go? Its still early(10:00 PM) IU: Lets go on a walk near the Han River. Wooyoung: Okay. Wooyoung paid for the meal. IU: Thank You for the meal. Wooyoung and IU walked out holding hands and the paparazzi caught them holding hands(Wooyoung and IU don't know) IU was getting cold: IU:*shiver* Wooyoung: Are you cold? IU: A little... Wooyoung put his coat on IU. IU: Aren't you cold? Wooyoung: No..It's actually okay. IU's POV:

Wow,He is going to get sick soon but i'm so cold too..I feel kinda bad. When he put his coat on me, all the stress in me was all gone and the warmth and happiness started to come to me. Wooyoung's POV: She looks so cute with my coat on. Although it is a little chilly,I have to be a man and bare through the cold. I really truly love her and it won't change at all. IU: Wow,It looks so beautiful..When I was little,I wondered if I was able to be a singer in the future,and here I am.I would walk her ever night thinking about my journey here and how I always go here and wish to become a singer.Han River is something special. Wooyoung: It looks beautiful but you are gorgeous. I always did that too but my parents would always disagree on what I wanted to be.Every night I would wish to meet that someone in my life that makes my life worth living and brings happiness. One day,I promised to bring the special girl here and tell her my stories. As I wished,My wish came true.IU shi,Having you in my life is the best thing I have :) While Wooyoung was saying that, He hugged her from the back and they both took deep breathes. Wooyoung held IU's hand again and brought her to a grassy hill. They both sat down and said: IU:Oppa.. Wooyoung: Neh? IU: Kamsahamida. Wooyoung: Ani. Hey you want to get out of here and I'll bring you to a secret place.This place is too cold,Im scared you'll get sick. IU: Sure. Wooyoung brings IU to a road.. It was late at night so no one saw them.. They had a little walk and talked: Wooyoung: IU,are you alright. IU: Ani*Sob* Wooyoung: Are you sure,You look kinda sick..

IU: Wooyoung.. IU then hugs wooyoung really tight,like she doesn't want to let go of him. wooyoung hugs back. Wooyoung: Whats wrong.. IU: I'm scared*Starts crying* Wooyoung: Why? Previously: IU and Wooyoung went on a romantic walk holding hands and never knew they were being spotted. Anyways,IU hugged wooyoung and started crying,What is the reason? No one's POV: Wooyoung: What is wrong? IU: Thank you so much for the support,You are the best person on earth.I wish I met you earlier in life. Wooyoung: Omo,My little darling is crying. No need to cry,I will always be here for you and never let you get hurt by anybody. Wooyoung: Saranghae. IU: Saranghae Wooyoung: Lets continue our night walk.What do you have to do tomorrow? IU: Well,we have to film the WGM show at 4:00 AM and then after that,I have to go on Happy Together. What do you have to do tomorrow? Wooyoung: I'm spending my morning and afternoon with my love and I have to do a show for promotiong"Put Your Hands Up". IU: I wonder who is your love? Is she pretty?Cute? Is she tall? Wooyoung: She is everything I need and I can't ask for anything better. IU: Have I met her before. Wooyoung: That girl is a girl standing right infront of me.

IU turns around and look around wondering who that girl was. Wooyoung:Hmm,lets see,I'll give you a hint. IU: Okay(Acting like she doesn't know) Wooyoung: She is really good at singing and her name starts with an I and ends with a U and her full name is Lee Ji Eun. IU: OOOOO,Thats me :) Wooyoung: Haha So cute :) IU: Wooyoung ah, Wooyoung: neh? IU: It's getting late.I got to go or my manager will spaz at me.Bye. As IU turned around and took two steps.Wooyoung grabbed her and didn't want her to go. Wooyoung: Don't leave yet. IU: Whe? We have to shoot at 4am remeber? Wooyoung: Don't leave with out this. IU: huh? Wooyoung gave a forhead kiss to IU .IU blushed.The paparazzi caught a picture and started sending it back to the media. Wooyoung: Annyeong :) good night my love. IU: Bye,see you tomorrow morning. IU walks away. IU's POV: I can't believe he jut kissed me.His warm lips press against my forhead.My first kiss was just like that.I miss him already.Even if the paparazzi see's this which I doubt,I wouldn't mind because my love needs to be in my heart and never be forgotten.but It would be a better if they didn't know. Wooyoung walking back to his dorm.

Wooyoung's POV: I swear that was one of the best days of my life.Meeting someone I truly love is just a miracle.

Previously: IU and Wooyoung went on a very romantic date. What they don't know is that they were being spotted the whole time!! Find out what happens in this new chapter :D Wooyoung<3IU~ Date in Fan Fic: Feb 2nd. 4:00 am. Song should listen to while reading: Boo by IU. Morning tears by IU. Last night while they were all asleep, The news about them dating and all the photos were revealed onto the internet and has been a buzz.
On Cam. IU thinks in her head: I can't believe we went on a date!! I just can't wait to see Wooyoung today :) Manager is trying to not say anything but I know he is having a hard time keeping a secret. I hope JYP and LOEN Entertainment discussed the news about us dating. IU asked Manager, oppa. Manager answered with a worried smile,Yes?"Where are we going?" " We are going to JYP building to meet your bo..boy...I mean Husband. The PD Suddenly gave IU a mission card: Dear IU, Your mission for today is to do a duet with your lovely husband. You guys will perform at the...Dun dun dun dun// HALLYU CONCERT( FYI, Hallyu concert is a concert where all FAMOUS Idols perform) You guys will sing 2 duet songs and hopefully do well. Have fun tonight :D. -WGM CREW. P.S. Its your 1 month anniversary >< Studio People with special guest Lizzy and Gahee from After School. MC 3. Did you guys hear about the news? MC 1. What news? MC 3. Yesterday night, IU and wooyoung were believed on a date together. Lizzy. I heard they were also very romantic like holding hands, hugging, good night kiss, feeding and wooyoung gave IU his jacket to wear!!!

Gahee. AHHAHAHA so cute <333 Wooyoung's POV: -In the car with 2pmTaecyeon: Yah, Wooyoung ahh. Wooyoung: Neh? Taecyeon aren't you excited to see your wife. Wooyoung: I'm always excited to see my wife. Junho chuckles and Junsu did a kissy face. Chansung: I love Junho, My love. Junho: My love juliette will be kissed. Wooyoung: YAH, don't joke around. Junsu: We are performing tonight at the Hallyu Concert AGAIN!! Wooyoung: Don't brag. Wooyoung then gets a mission from the PD and reads it out loud. Dear Wooyoung, Today your mission is to do a duet with your beautiful talented wife.. Also its your 1 month anniversary!! You will be doing your duet at the Hallyu Concert. There, You are able to show your wife of to everyone!! Have fun and don't forget 1 month anniversary :) Yours truly- WGM CREW. Hwaiting!! Nichkun: We did a duet for victoria remember? Studio people Mc 1. I still remember Khuntoria :) Mc 3. You just miss her dumplings and her other cooking skills. Lizzy. She cooked something for us and it tasted like OMG!!* Laugh* Wooyoung: Minjae hyung, Are we almost there? I can't wait to see my lovely wife. Wooyoung's Interview. PD: What do you like about your wife IU?

Wooyoung: hmm, Lets see, Her smile, ajumma laugh *quick smile*style, She is really cute,her talent,her everything. PD: Would you want your members or IU? Wooyoung: *Sigh* I can't lose IU because she will always be there and will always be with me and in my heart *smile* Studio People: MC 3. He is thinking deeply about his wife and has a little smile. Lizzy: Aww so cute. Gahee: AYHHA. He has a wife already! and also, I can't lose my member either because they are my brothers and so I can't really pick.

Clothing: IU was wearing this: Cute trench coat. inside she was wearing this large shirt and and was wearing these heels Red heels:. Wooyoung was wearing this: and wearing a pair of skinnies and nikes:. Back with the story. Back with Wooyoung's POV: Minjae Manager: we are here. Taecyeon: Good luck and have fun. Wooyoung gets out of the car and waits for IU to arrive. IU's POV: IU: Oppa,are we almost there? Manager: Yupp, There was a bit of traffic so we are running a little late ( The time was 4:15 am but they had to meet at 4:00 am originally). IU: I'm sure wooyoung will understand. -Five minutes laterBoth POVS: Wooyoung sees IU's van. He quickly waves to IU's manager and runs to the van. IU opens the door quickly. Wooyoung: Surprise :D Wooyoung puts his hand on the roof of the van so Iu won't pump his head. IU: Thank you. Manager oppa annyeong. Wooyoung: Hyung, I will take good care of her. bye now, Drive safely.

Iu's Manager leaves. IU gives Wooyoung a warm hug and wooyoung secretly whispers to IU: I missed you :D IU: SHH.. Wooyoung: So, We are doing a duet together ei? You ready? IU: Nervous. Wooyoung: Why? IU: It's my first time performing at the Hallyu concert because before I wasn't that famous so I couldn't perform there. Tonight I have to perform my solo and with you. Wooyoung: It's my 1,2, 3,4...*counting fingers* 5th time performing there. Me too,I have to perform with my members too. IU: * Glare*. Wooyoung: Aww... Wooyoung took the chance and gave IU a quick peck on the lips. Studio People MC 2. AHHA!! They kissed. Lizzy. *Jokingly* This "Virtual"relationship is going pretty fast. All: haha,I don't think they know they were being spotted. Wooyoung's Interview. PD: You kissed IU. How did it feel. Wooyoung: It felt great. I just couldn't stand her cuteness and I just gave her a peck. It was a real kiss you know. PD: Aren't you afraid they she will become more mad like how thay time at the beach? Wooyoung: No, because since we are...*Wooyoung suddenly remembers that other people don't know about there relationship* PD: We are.. What?

Wooyoung: We are... Married. Yeah, There is nothing wrong with us being married right and kissing your wife is no problem too. IU's Interview. PD: How did it feel when he kissed you? IU: It felt normal because since we are married and*Was so close to saying dating. Remebers no one only their companies and friends know they are dating*. PD: You and Wooyoung are so alike, you guys always stop at that point. IU: :) ahaha. and we are really close friends so it was a friend kiss( Phew as she thinks in her head). IU: Yeobo!! why you kiss me? Wooyoung: Can't the husband kiss his wife? IU:*blush blush* Lets go inside and get started!! Wooyoung: Ah, Okay. They walk in holding hands and for some reason, All the people around were looking at them confusingly or happily and whispering. IU said quietly: Why are they all looking at us and whispering? Wooyoung: I don't know.. lets just quickly go into a empty studio. They get into a empty studio and start searching for songs...Suddenly Wooyoung saw THE article.. Wooyoung: IU COME QUICK!! Studio People MC 1. OH NO!! Here it comes... Lizzy. NO!! THEY ARE GOING TO BE REVEALED!!! EVERYONE GET TISSUES!!!! Gahee. Calm down everyone. Gahee. NO!!!!!!! MC 2. SHHH! Lets just watch!!!*Laughs*

IU: Yes.. Wooyoung and IU both see the article. The article: IU AND WOOYOUNG ARE BOTH CONFIRMED TO BE A COUPLE.. SPOTTED TOGETHER. Yesterday night, Hallyu singer/Idol, 2pm member Jang Wooyoung and Nation's sweetheart, Hallyu solo-ist IU(Lee Ji Eun) have been spotted together. They were both having dinner at a cafe. They weren't wearing anything to cover their faces. They ordered a couple's meal. Wooyoung paid for the meal. They then went on a romantic walk around Han River and had a long talk. Wooyoung then walked with IU to a normal street and continued their walk. They both shared jokes. IU was about to leave, She took 2 steps and Wooyoung dragged her in and gave her a good night kiss. Both companies, JYp and LOEN made a reply to this.JYP Entertainment(Wooyoung's company) said," They just started dating and in the stage where they are getting to know each other. They had started dating recently so they aren't the bomb shell yet but please respect their relationship and spport them." IU's Company LOEN Entertainment says," They just started dating and in the stage of getting to know each other and just having fun. I think they will meet again when they have time since both of them are Hallyu Idols so they are very busy. What I think is its just meant to be because first it was the drama "Dream High",then it is the ongoing reality show "We Got Married" and now reality dating! I hope you don't budge into their relationship and keep supporting them.Thank you for your cooperation." Pictures of them holding hands, Wooyoung and IU eating, Wooyoung paying, Wooyoung holding the door for IU. IU smiling and walking. IU leaving but wooyoung dragging her in and giving her a kiss. Comments: Fan 3045: I can't believe it.. Fan 2145: IU is such a slut no offense. -Reply with fan 567: Your a slut. Fan 123: AHHHAH!!! SHE STOLE MY WOOYOUNG -Reply with fan 093: He stole my IU 3 Fan 66668: Milky couple!!!! LOVE THEM/DREAM COME TRUE!! I LOVE THEM TOGETHER!!-Reply with fan 486: I know!! ETC. Studio People. Lizzy. Sad. MC 2. I know..

Wooyoung and IU: Wooyoung: We are spotted.. IU: yeah. :D but its okay. Wooyoung: Aren't you mad. IU: No.. Studio People. All: Atleast they are not mad and okay with it :D Wooyoung: Yeah :) They then get another mission card. IU: Another one. Dear Wooyoung<3 IU, Tonight your second mission is after your performance when the concert is about to end, all the idols will be there on stage, therefore, You must have a interview with the host and then you guys must confess your relationship in reality! yes, All the Idols will be there,Share the love, this was asked to be done by both of the companies so good luck. Have fun.Hwaiting! <3-WGM Crew. REVIOUSLY: IU and Wooyoung's mission was to do a duet together at the Hallyu Dream Concert. They also had to deal with emabrrasment since everybody knows about them dating.Their next mission is to confess their love infront of EVERYONE at the end of the concert. :) Date in Fan Fic: Feb 2 6:00 am. Song Listen: Good Day IU. Enjoy ! ^^ Wooyoung:*Sigh* Now everyone knows. Are you mad at me? IU: Ofcourse not :D Its okay that everyone knows. IU&Wooyoung:....*awkward* Studio People Lizzy. Its really awkward now...

MC 2. I know right. Wooyoung: Lets focus on the duet now :) IU: Okay.. Wooyoung: Hey, Lets sing Nagging :) IU: Thats a really high song... Wooyoung: I'm sure you'll do fine :) IU: okaayy. Lets sing We fell inlove by Gain and Jo Kwon. Wooyoung: Haha adam. okay. -Practice12:00 Wooyoung: Lets go eat.. I'm really hungry.. IU: Sure. Wooyoung:Lets eat SPICY STUFF!! IU:Spicy stuff when we are going to perform no! Bad for our voices. Wooyoung:Aww.. :( IU: I'll bring you too a place to eat. Wooyoung: Okay then. They walk into the JYP Cafiteria. Wooyoung: This place..I always eat here. IU: Just sit down... Wooyoung:Fine. IU: Cover your eyes.. Wooyoung Huh? Iu: Just cover them :) Wooyoung: Okay/*confused**Cover*

Studio People MC 4: Whats going on? IU than brings out a homemade lunch box Studio People; ALL: LOOKS GO GOOD!!!! Gahee. I'm hungry now// Lizzy. Your always hungry. PREVIOUSLY: Wooyoung and IU went to the cafiteria to eat lunch. Will they be able to confess to the crowd and have a successful performance? Wooyoung: OMO! Wow looks so delicious! IU: Now,you don't have to eat those greesy food :D Happy 1 month anniversary !!! Wooyoung: -Takes a bite- Wow,the cooking is so much better than my parents. IU: Ani,Don't say that, I'm sure your parent are the worlds best chiefs. Wooyoung: Hehe, aniyo. IU: Do you have a schedule after? Wooyoung: Yeah, I have to REALLY practice on Put Your hands up song with my fellow members. You? IU: I'm going to be on Happy Together with Eun Jung Unnie from T-ara and others.Also I Have to help Hong So Ah unnie with her acting and stuff. Wooyoung: I'm sure you will do fine. We have to do rehersal at 7:00 PM. IU: Yeah, I have to do mine at 6:50. Wooyoung: I guess for our special performance will be at 7:15 :D IU: Hey,you! Finish the meal I worked on. Wooyoung: Yes, My love. Kekeke. Studio People: MC 3: I'm sure they will do fine tonight.

Lizzy: I hope everyone will accept their relationship :) MC 2: I heard that IU is always late because her dorm is always far from her location she is going! Gahee: It will be a shame if she is late >;D MC4: Atleast she will try. IU's Back Room Interview: PD: Are you nervous? IU: Yes, because the Happy Together show will take 1 hr and Hong So Ah unnie also needs help and that will bprob take 6 hrs. I hope I make it in time. PD: Are you going to do anything for Wooyoung since it's you guys 1 month anniversary? IU: Well,I made the lunch box and prob going to do a special event for him tonight :) Wooyoung's Back Room Interview: PD: Have you prepared anything for your wife for 1 month anniversary? Wooyoung: Haha, You'll see. IU: Well,I have to go now. Wooyoung: See you tonight. And also, thanks for the lunch :D IU: neh. It was 6:45 and IU was at her dressing up for rehersal for rehersal when she heard a knock at her door. IU: Yes, who is it? Mystery?!?!:.... IU: Hello? Mystery: ... IU then goes open the door. Suddenly the mystery man covered her eyes. IU was screaming so loud. They mystery man brought her to a room. IU heard some guys around her whispering.

IU: Who are you and what are you doing to me? The Mystery man suddenly let her open her eyes... 2PM: SUPRISE!!!! HAPPY 1 MONTH ANNIVERYSARY! IU: AHH! YAH, OPPA! YOu scared the hell out of me! Studio People: Gahee: OMO, 2pm is so playful. MC 3: Thats so sweet of them. Lizzy: I wish my husband was like that. IU's Back Room Interview: PD : How were you feeling? IU: At first, I thought I was being kidnapped, then I found out it was a suprise for me when Wooyoung let go of me :D I wanted to scream so loud but I couldn't because I was infront of 2PM. Wooyoung's Back Room Interview: PD: How did you get the surprise party ready? Wooyoung: I asked my members for some help while we were practicing. PD: Have you ever noticed something about IU? Wooyoung: Oh..She is still wearing the ring I gave her and the necklace PD: Yupp. Wooyoung: Happy 1 month anniversary! Chansung: Sorry we scared you. IU: Aww thank you. *Blush* Taecyeon: Are you guys really going to confess tonight, Junho: Is it true you like each other?

IU-Looks at wooyoung- Uhh.. Wooyoung: Yes we do love each other, YOU JELLY? Junsu: -Looks down with the rest of the members- Yes we truly are. Wooyoung: Hehehe, We have rehersal, lets go since we both have around the same time. IU: 2pm oppa's.. All: What? IU: I'm really nervious. Junsu: Don't be nervous,It's not like its your first time performing here. Wooyoung: It is her first time. Taecyeon: Really? -IU does her songs, then 2PMWooyoung: Its our time. IU: Yupp. They sing both of the songs. -After sing their duetWooyoung: we have to go get ready for the red Carpet. IU:Yeah, See you later. Wooyoung & IU: Hwaiting!! Previously, IU and Wooyoung were on the red carpet :) The show will begin now :D IU: I'll see you later yeobo. Wooyoung: Do well in performance :) I'll be watching on TV backstage. IU: I'm also kinda nervous. Wooyoung: Don't be you'll do well. - IU hugged Wooyoung-

Studio People: MC 3: OMO! IU hugged him this time :D Lizzy: I love his encouraging words :D Gahee: Stop being jealous. MC 4: LOOL,Lizzy, Calm down. Gahee: MY little Lizzy is inlove :) Wooyoung: You'll do fine. no worries. IU: Kk, Bye lah. Hwaiting :D Wooyoung: Hwaiting!! IU then went backstage to get ready for the performance. Wooyoung also went back stage to get ready. Wooyoung suddenly remembered it was their 100th day. He quickly went to his members: Wooyoung: Minjae hyung, help me get a strawberry cake please. MH: Why? Wooyoung: It's me and IU's 100th day anniversary. MH: OHH, okay, I'll be back. After IU got ready, she went to KARA's room for fun.(the camera's still rolling). Kara's room: Nicole: AHHA IU AHH!! Haven't seen you in along time since Heroes :D IU: Neh, It has been a while. Hara: Good luck today. It will be your first performance in the Hallyu concert :D IU: Yeah. Jiyoung:Congrats on your MARRIAGE with Wooyoung. Hara: Heard you are dating.

Gyrui: Is it true? Seungyeon: Is it? IU: You will find out tonight. Nicole: whay? IU: Haha you'll see my friends :D IU's manager just went in and said that she has to perform now. Iu said good bye and ran to where she needs to prepare. she was so nervous and was very anxious. she was scared she would mess up. She then pleased god she would do well and went on stage. She then remebered it was their 100th day anniversary, IU said to herself. It will be special <33 When she got on stage, Wooyoung went immidiantly to the tv in his waiting area, He felt so proud of her but he could tell she was really nervous for the performance. When IU finished her song, She went of stage. 2PM were waiting for their turn to perform since they were right after. Taecyeon: You did very well!! It was fantastic. Junho: Hyun-sonim, you did very well! IU: Kamsahamida :) Wooyoung: Wow. That was fantastic. Studio People: MC 4: THAT WAS AMAZING! Lizzy: She could've done better. All: Oh gosh, WOOYOUNG"S BACKSTAGE INTERVIEW: PD: How were you feeling?

Wooyoung: I felt so proud of her :D She is my everything :D IU"S BACKSTAGE INTERVIEW: IU: It was a miracle I was able to finish the performance well <333 IU: Oppa, now its your turn to perform :) I'll be watching you. Wooyoung: yeah :D 2pm did there cheer and was ready to perform. they got into position and got A VERY LOUD CHEER FROM FANS!!! a lot of them were screaming wooU!!! Once Wooyoung was about to perform, He thought of IU and said: I will do this for her <33 Previously, IU and wooyoung performed their solo/group songs. now its their duet stage. Sorry that this chapter took so long!! I have been writing since this morning and now while I was saving it, it got deleted!! I felt very frustrated and felt worried that I might not re-write the story that well. Anyways, I feel like this chapter will be the most romantic chapter i've written so far. While Wooyoung was performing with his group 2PM, he thought of IU when he was performing. IU was watching back stage on the TV and was very proud of Wooyoung because Wooyounh got the loudest cheer. IU slowly thought of what she did with Wooyoung these past 100 days. She slowly had sincere thoughts about Wooyoung and slowly had tears in her eyes, IU said to herself quietly, IU: Its going to be okay, its going to be okay. *Flashbacks of what they did together* IU had to hold her tears in because she didn't want wooyoung to worry about her and didn't want to ruin her makeup. IU's Backstage interview: IU: I had so many thoughts in my head. When I saw Wooyoung on stage, I felt so happy but at the same time, I felt kinda sad because he was going through so mcuh. Wooyoung hasn't had that much sleep and still be able to stay strong. I always see him smile no matter what. When I'm sad, he has to worry, I don't want him to start stressing over me. I feel very bad. When he is not with me, I'm just lost in words and don't know what to do. -While IU was talking, she had tears pouring down her cheeksSTUDIO PEOPLE:

MC 4: -Whiping her tearsLIzzy and Gahee started having tears in their eyes too. MC 1: I think we can all kinda relate to that situation. MC 2: We can all tell, they love each other so much,they care about each others feelings before themselves. Mc 3: Young love just hit the studio. After 2PM finished their performance, Wooyoung quickly ran to his dressing room to get ready for his duet with IU. Wooyoung changed into a more casual look : Shoes: and he just wore a pair of normal navy blue jeans. IU's outfit: (She is wearing the dress that the model wore) and shoes:. Wooyoung finished changing and then went to IU's dressing room. -Wooyoung knocks on the doorIU: Who is it? Wooyoung: Your one and only love. IU: I have a one and only love -JokinglyWooyoung: Ofcourse, your prince :P IU: HEHEHE, Okay, I'll open the door for my prince. STUDIO PEOPLE: MC 1: They are so cute like that!! LIzzy: .... not really. Mc 3: Why are you so jealous! Is he your ideal type? LIzzy: ..*Blush* Neh.

MC 4: Young love already

-Wooyoung goes inWooyoung:You did very well tonight :)

IU: Haha thanks, You did very well too. I heard so many fans screaming their lungs out for you. Wooyoung: They are fans but my heart belongs to you. IU: Hehe *Blush* Wooyoung: You look casual for the performance. IU: Just a summer dress. I love your wearing too.I like guys that wear that kind of style. Wooyoung: I heard that you like guys with nice neck bones :) IU:haha yeah. Wooyoung: Happy 100th day anniversary <3 IU: Haha you too my love! Wooyoung: I have a suprise for you tonight. IU, may I go on a lovely date with you tonight :D ( Camera's will be there so not private date) IU: Haha you may.Don't forget,we still have our 2nd mission. Wooyoung: Oh yeah, the confession. IU: Yeah. Wooyoung: I'm sure they will approve. Lets hope so :D Stage crew member: You guys have to stand by now. IU: Okay, lets go. Wooyoung: Wait,don't go yet. IU: Why? Wooyoung: You are wearing a summer dress during winter time, you should wear something on top of it. I'm afraid you will catch a cold. IU: I'll be fine. c'mon lets perform Wooyoung ;But, IU: No more buts mister, my prince, you are caring for me to much again. not good. If I catch a cold, my awesome husband will be there to take care of me like he always does :)

Wooyoung: okay okay. I'll be there. lets go then. STUDIO PEOPLE: Gahee: Wooyoung cares a lot about IU. MC4: Yes. They are just to cute together. MC 2:-haha- It reminds me about the time my husband was going to take care of me,but he ditched me for gamble (its suppose to be a joke) MC 3: you have one windy road by yourself. They got to the side of the stage. They waited there till it was their turn after intermission. Wooyoung: I'm quite nervous because Nagging and We fell inlove are hard songs to sing. IU: You'll do well :) HWAITING!! Wooyoung: Hwaiting. I have to begin on the other side of the stage. I'll see you on the stage with me soon. Hwaiting! IU: Hwaiting!!! While wooyoung got to the other side. Naggging suddenly played. They slowly walked out facing each others because they were on oppoosite sides. Fans were screaming so loud that all the artist that were performing that night was out to watch them in the VIP area. They met each other in the middle of the stage while singing the chorus. Many fans and idols were screaming and cheering for them. We fell inlove was on. They performed that passionatley. When it was the last line, they held hands and Wooyoung slowly gave IU a hug. STUDIO PEOPLE: ALL: OMO!! THEY DID THAT INFRONT OF THOUSANDS OF FANS!!! Previously, IU and Wooyoung sang their duet songs,which got all Idols and fans standing up for a standing ovation :) IT's time for their Confession infront of all fans and idols, will the fans and idols accept their relationship?

IU and wooyoung finished their duet and are backstage. Wooyoung: WOW!!! We did awesome. IU: Yeah *looking a bit worried and sad*,.

Wooyoung: Why are you sad yeobo? IU: I ..I'm just worried when we make the confession to everybody,they won't accpet it.-Starts crying.- I'm scared you might break up with me. Wooyoung holds her head up, Wooyoung: No matter what the results are, I won't EVER break up with you! *Holds her hands* STUDIO PEOPLE: ALL: Wooyoung is so cute. MC2: IU don't cry!!! MC 1: I hope people accept their realtionship. All: Me too. :D

Wooyoung: Lets go get ready for the confession IU changed into a more femine look: IU:Alright, now its time. Wooyoung: I'm sure they will accept. Its also our 100th day anniversary. IU: Hehhe. Staage crew: Everybody is on stage wondering what is goin on. You guys, go quick. THey both held hands and ran onto th stage. Mc's were like. Mc Hwijae: The main stars are here. Mc Joonsuk: All idols and fans but you might be wondering whats going on right now. We are actually making a public annoucement. MC H: OOHH, IU and WOoyoung holding hands. Idols are all wondering is it true they are dating? fans are also wondering, some are screaming,some are just sad,some are happy. MC J: All idols. please take a seat on the stage. Wooyoung and IU come sit here with us. Wooyoung took IU to the seat. they sat beside each other.

MC h: Well, Idols, better be listening. MC J: Whats the big annoucement Wooyoung and IU? Wooyoung: We were asked by both companies that we are here to make it offical. IU and I are OFFICALLY dating. All Idols were in aw. Fans were screaming loud! IU: Sorry for the fans. I'm really sorry. I didn't want to take Wooyoung away from you guys MC J: How long have you guys been dating? IU: about 1 week/ MC H: ITs your 100th day virtual marriage anniversary right? STUDIO PEOPLE: MC 2: OMO. thy are asking so many question but stilll didn't say they accept it. MC 3: What if they won't.

Previously: Wooyoung and IU were on the stage with all idols making a big announcement,Their confession. They are in a interview and are now asking the publics opinion. MC Joonsuk: Can't believe you guys are brave enough to confess! MC Hwijae: So, is anyone against this? I know this is not court and stuff but we should get the public's and Idols comment. Wooyoung: No matter if you guys accept or not, I will always love IU. IU: *Blush* Every single time when I'm let down. Wooyoung oppa would always cheer me up and tell me encouraging words.During back stage, I was crying, Wooyoung oppa told me that it will be okay. I kept saying that line in my head and immiediatly, I know everything is going to be alright. So please, If you are against this relationship, Its okay,we have different. But hopefully you will all understand how much we've been through,and accept our relationship together because I love Wooyoung Oppa so much. *Tear drops**Crying* Studio People

Gahee: Although she is still young, a person who is truly mature won't have that kind of sincere persuaytion. After hearing those words, It looks like IU knows what the true meaning of love is. MC 3: IU so cute. Growing up so fast. Even though I maybe so much older than she is, I learned something from her. Love can't just be a movie, sometime, it is reality,reality that we all have to face. and love is the most common. After the interview, all idols could go back to whatever they were doing.Wooyoung and IU walked hand and hand backstage. When they both were walking backstage many idols gave them a smile and said, I love you guys together. Not only you guys told us about your relationship, you guys gave us a true lesson on what is true love. :) It was 10:45 pm ( on cam still) IU: since there is 2 hrs and 15 minutes left until next day,lets finish of this 100 day anniversary well. Wooyoung:Well, You want to skating? Its still open :D IU: But I don't know how to skate. Wooyoung: I'll teach you :D C'mon. They walk to the nearest Ice rink. IU sits down confusingly while Wooyoung helps her get prepaired by tying her shoe laces, putting on her gloves/mittens. Wooyoung brings IU to the skating rink. Previously, IU and Wooyoung both confessed their feelings towards there relationship to the public. As time past, They only have 2 and half hr of there 100 day anniversary. As wooyoung is holding IU's hand and bringing her to the rink. IU stopped for a moment. Wooyoung: Whats wrong? IU: I'm sorry, I just cant. Wooyoung: Can't what? IU: I love JongKi oppa not you. Wooyoung slowly lets go of her hand in saddness. Wooyoung: What..

IU:I'm sorry, I just don't love you. Studio People MC 3: What is going on? MC4: IU doesn't love Wooyoung? MC 1: Omg... Is this a secret camera?

Back interview with Wooyoung. PD: How were you feeling? Wooyoung: Idk.. I, i.. just don't get it... Why am I always the one getting dumped? IU, yeah, I guess she really does like JongKi Hyung. Aite.. Interview with IU PD : Did you really like Song JongKi Sshi? IU: Well, You'll see *Happily* Wooyoung: Kayy, I guess this is it... I'll go now. I won't disturb you anymore/ IU: Wooyoung Ah... Why are you leaving me alone. I'm just being honest here. Wooyoung: Just go..\ As wooyoung slowly walks away..IU siddenly grabs Wooyoung's wrist. Wooyoung: It's okay Iu. I understand, You don't love anymore. I'll just go on with my life. IU: Wooyoung Listen to me please. Wooyoung: what? Suddenly out of nowhere, Music started playing. The song My Heart Is Beating By K Will Came on. ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZX22FK5mSY ) 2PM happily comes out while singing the song. IU later joins 2PM singing the song. Studio People Gahee: Is this the first time IU is doing a event? Mc 5: Yes. A great way to celebrate there 100 Day anniversary.

Lizzy: I think IU is asking for forgivness :) Interview with IU. IU: I felt very nervous to do the event. Because It was our 100 day anniversary and my first event, I had to make everything perfect. My acting skills are back HAHA. I was very happy to have the help of 2PM members because that made Wooyoung shock to see his members :) It went super well. Also I feel that Wooyoung is doing to much for me, its a good way to give back <3 PD: Would you like to send a message to Wooyoung? Iu: Yes I would love too. " Jagiya, Or should I call you Wooyoung Oppa haha. Sorry for getting you mad. I felt that you were doing to much for me so I wanted to give thanks :) And Don't worry Song JongKi oppa is just a normal oppa to me :) Please don't misunderstand. I will take care of you with all my heart. Hope me make good memories together in the future and help and take care of each other :D Saranghae oppa <3 -MC 3: That is so sweetInterview with Wooyoung: PD: How were you feeling? Wooyoung: I was SUPER shocked to see the event that IU did for me. I don't know what to say, IU ah, Saranghae <3 -Lizzy: I love milky couple <3 SO CUTE!! - Gahee: I see someones not jealous anyymore/ -lizzy: I wasn't at the first place. as the song finishes, 2PM asked Wooyoung to forgive IU/ Changsung: Hyung, Please forgive Iu. Jong Ki subanim will not be loved by sister in law. Taecyeon: |Yah. Forgiveness and just move on with her. Junho: In the beginning of this, You promised to protect her with all your heart. IU walks up to Wooyoung. She then holds Wooyoungs hand and stretches the palm out. She then used her hand and compared. IU: Hah, I see, just like my dad's hand. I like a guy, who treats me nicely, with good manners,dances well, Knows how to treat a girl and has the personality and

looks like my dad. and that guy who has all that is you, Wooyoung oppa. I beg you with all my heart, please forgive me. Jang Wooyoung, I love you. Wooyoung Slowly goes up to IU and gives her peck on her forhead. Wooyoung: I like a girl who is choding, But mature, a girl who has a fresh look,cute and very talented. and that is you. Lee Ji eun <3 I'm sorry for acting that way. I actually didn't want to let you go/ I thought you liked JongKi hyung. Im sorry. I love you IU, I forgive you <3 2PM : aww. I love WooU

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