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Health Problems might encounter:

As earlier mentioned dengue fever start with the bite of mosquito, and then come the flue like symptoms. If its not treated quickly the fever arrives. Characteristically the overall vascular system is damaged, and the body ability to regulate itself is impaired. These symptoms are often accompanied by dengue fever. Similarly bleeding also started during dengue fever. However, the bleeding itself is rarely life threatening. While some type of dengue fever also can cause relatively mild illness, many of these can cause life threatening disease. Specific signs and symptom vary by the type of dengue virus, but signs of simple dengue fever include marked fever, fatigue, dizziness, muscle aches, loss of strength, and exhaustion, in dengue hemorrhagic fever patients also start bleeding from nose, mouth and gums, when their platelets fall to minimum level. Its also started serve stomach pains and frequent vomiting. but the main problem arise from dengue fever is weakness, while ill person also show shock , nervous system malfunction, coma, rapid or weak pulse and difficulty in breathing etc.

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