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Deforestation, pollution, exploitation. Is there an end to this ever-growing inhuman list? How far can we get by harming one another? Humans, said to be the brainiest race, are paving their way to self-destruction. Yes, it is tasty: fried, roasted, so many different varieties and species to boast about. Well, go on, but do stop and think for once about the unlisted crime you are committing. Cut as many trees you can, burst as many crackers you can, butcher as many animals you can, who is looking? Mother Nature is. There is enough to satisfy mans need, but not enough to satisfy mans greed. The famous quote by Gandhi still holds true. Consciously or unconsciously, humans are expelling great cruelty on the nature. Ignorance, selfish nature and the chauvinism are pulling men back from their way to development. In earlier times, life was understood in terms of mobility. With change in time, the definition of living has changed too, but only in the dictionaries. In the human minds, the change still has not come. We have decided to suit ourselves according to our wishes. Immobility does not mean inability. Volcanoes erupt, tsunamis occur, the sea floods, and the earth quakes. Humans being trapped in the monotony of this materialistic world have forgotten their origin. For a moment, one can shove all this aside, and pamper his greed. Visit KFCs and McDonalds, have the latest variety of chicken, after all its finger licking good. Do not stop to think of the brutality the poor animal must have gone through, just to tickle your taste buds. No, you do not have to worry. The nature will get back. Rather, it already is. Abnormal climate changes are being observed all over the world. Tsunami, once a terror to think about, has become a part of our daily life. The number of people harmed is being observed, but the nature is yet again ignored. After years of keeping quiet, the nature is now breaking into a cry. Listen to it while you can. Heated debates and discussions are of no use, if there is no follow up action. Start now. Nature does not want revenge. We all are part of one another. Do your bit. Every small action has a repercussion. Diwali is a festival of lights; do not turn it into one of pollution. Stop harming nature to entertain your needs. Realize its presence. Understand its importance. And, most importantly, spread the message. It is never too late. -Parul Srivastava, XII-D

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