Bioenegia Pellets

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taKinG YoU FroM KnoW-HoW to sHoW-HoW

WorLD BioEnErGY 2012

29 - 31 MaY 2012, jnKpinG, sWEDEn
+ 28 MaY anD 1 jUnE, transFEr toUrs



trade fair Conferences study visits Matchmaking and more

D rL Wo

G Din Ets LU nC pELL i

D rL Wo

Y Er n EFi r Bio

Welcome to World Bioenergy 2012

Today, the markets for renewable energy are growing at an enormous pace. The development is now so fast that it is almost impossible to keep track. World Bioenergy 2012 gives you the latest update on the current and future developments in the bioenergy sector. The conferences World Bioenergy, with World Pellets and World Biorefinery, bring together speakers and exhibitors from 38 nations, illustrating the truly global character of the event. The opportunity for our participants to also visit the World Pellets and World Biorefinery conferences, gives added value to the event. The whole industrial development from energy and electricity to refining biomass to green chemicals and biofuels will bring new dimensions to green growth and the development of a bio-based economy. Sustainable and environmentally sound renewable energy solutions are not enough to win market shares. The market is evolving and the solutions also need to be cost efficient, profitable and without high risks. In Sweden, the Swedish Bioenergy Association, Svebio, has promoted bioenergy for more than thirty years, and bioenergy is now the largest energy source covering 32 percent of Swedens energy use. In Europe bioenergy stands for two thirds of all renewable energy and is forecasted to keep its share as renewables will grow during the coming decade. The same pattern is seen globally. The reason for bioenergys strong standing is that bioenergy offers many of the most cost efficient solutions. World Bioenergy 2012 presents many of these solutions. The conference, the trade fair, the match making and the study tours are the ultimate meeting point for those who want to stay, or become, part of the fast growing global bioenergy community. What makes the World Bioenergy, World Pellets and World Biorefiniery conferences different from many other world conferences is that these conferences are arranged by the industry for the industry, not only taking you from know-how to show-how, but also letting you know-who to make business with. We look forward to seeing you at the 6th edition of World Bioenergy in Jnkping on 29 31 May 2012!

Tomas Kberger Chairperson World Bioenergy, Executive Board Chair, Japan Renewable Energy Foundation
Photo: Al Gottstein

Andrew Lang Chairperson, World Pellets 2012, SMARTimbers Cooperative Ltd. The Wood Energy Group, Australia

Rikard Wallin Chairperson World Biorefinery, SPCI, Mill Manager, Holmen Paper Braviken, Sweden

Photo: Elmia

proGraMME oUtLinE traDE Fair ConFErEnCE proGraMME WorLD BioEnErGY aWarD postEr EXHiBition sUstainaBLE BioEnErGY DaY EXCUrsion GUiDE prE ConFErEnCE transFEr toUrs post ConFErEnCE transFEr toUrs DaiLY stUDY Visits siDE EVEnts MatCHMaKinG ConFErEnCE FEEs
2 2

Main sponsor: page 3 4 8 9 11 15 16 16 20 23 26 27 27

Gteborg Energi alerts its major contributions in the bioenergy field

World Bioenergy is an excellent forum where the path to a sustainable society is discussed. As bioenergy is a key sector for us and our customers, it is natural for us to be the main sponsor for the event. It is also a way for us to alert our major contributions in the bioenergy field, where biogas is an important renewable product, says Lotta Brndstrm, Managing Director of Gteborg Energi.
Photo: Peter Birgerstam

proGraMME oUtLinE
Monday 28/5

Tuesday 29/5

Wednesday 30/5

Thursday 31/5 - SUSTAINABLE BIOENERGY DAY World Biorefinery World Pellets 2012 Market Outlook Energy Systems Transportation Sustainable bioenergy day

Friday 1/6


World Pellets 2012

Market Outlook

Energy Systems

Energy Systems






World Pellets 2012

Market Outlook

Energy Systems


World Biorefinery

World Pellets 2012

Market Outlook

Energy Systems


World Biorefinery







15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00

Sustainable bioenergy day SIDE EvENTS





World Biorefinery STuDY vISIT




For the latest details and more information:


Please note that the programme is subject to change.

rEGistration opEninG HoUrs:

What is World Bioenergy?

World Bioenergy is a leading meeting point for the international bioenergy sector, with four major components: an international trade fair, an extensive conference programme, B2B matchmaking and a large number of study visits, all focused on the biomass-to-energy sector. Organised every second year this global bioenergy event is based on the unique Taking you from Know-How to Show-How concept, where academic research and developments blend with commercial experience providing a better business context. On the first day of the event an individual will again be honoured with the World Bioenergy Award. It goes to a person who, in a crucial way, has furthered the development of the bioenergy sector. The six main nominees are government officials as well as scientists and entrepreneurs from India, Russia, Spain, UK and USA. They represent different and complementary parts of the global bioenergy sector. The overall purpose of World Bioenergy is to promote the implementation of bioenergy technologies. By bringing together global expertise and know-how, World Bioenergy aims to show how we can implement a transition from fossil energy to bioenergy within the heating, electricity and transportation sectors. Welcome to World Bioenergy!

Monday 28 May tuesday 29 May Wednesday 30 May thursday 31 May

17.00-20.00 07.30-17.00 08.00-17.00 08.00-16.00

EXHiBition opEninG HoUrs:

tuesday 29 May Wednesday 30 May thursday 31 May 09.00-17.00 09.00-17.00 09.00-16.00












ENTR 4 NORD Entrance 4 NORD





Entrance 12 SYD Entr 12 SYD Entrance 8 VST Entr 8 VST

3 3

eXHiBiTors per 30/3 2012 a B04:80 aBa - austrian Business agency invest in austria, aUsTria B04:34 aBB aB, VsTers B04:80 advantage austria, sToCKHolM B02:78 agro forst energietechnik GmbH, aUsTria U:632 allan Bruks aB, Bro B07:42 amandus Kahl GmbH & Co, GerMany U:402 anderson Group, Canada B05:66 andritz feed & Biofuel a/s, denMarK B06:37 atlantic fiber resources ltd, Canada B B04:80 Bachmann electronic GmbH, aUsTria U:634 Bandit industries inc., UniTed sTaTes B04:80 Bdi - Bioenergy international aG, aUsTria B07:80 Bestwood, sUndByBerG B04:61 Bioenergi, sToCKHolM B04:61 Bioenergy international/Bioenergi frlag aB, sToCKHolM B06:82 Biofuels international, UniTed KinGdoM B02:73 Bioprocess Control aB, lUnd B06:38,U:410 Bruks aB, arBr B01:52 aB Bruzaholms Bruk, BrUZaHolM C B05:33 Calderys nordic aB, GTeBorG B05:50 Canadian Trade Commissioner service, sToCKHolM B02:30 CCM-power oy, finland B02:55 Cellwood Machinery aB, nssJ B06:72 CoWi aB, GTeBorG B05:51 C.f.nielsen Bogma aB, UlriCeHaMn d B04:32 dediTech aB, reBro B04:58 dorset Green Machines BV, neTHerlands e B01:66 ekman & Co aB, GTeBorG B06:58 embassy of the republic of poland, sToCKHolM B07:66 energimyndigheten, esKilsTUna B01:01 enterprise europe network Jnkping aB, JnKpinG f B02:52 farmatic anlagenbau GmbH, GerMany B03:61 filcon a/s, denMarK B01:38 finBio - The Bioenergy association of finland, finland B05:56 firey aB, sToCKHolM B01:79 fisker skanderborg a/s, denMarK B01:32 fliegl iberica, spain G B05:42 Government of British Columbia, UniTed KinGdoM B01:33 Gteborg energi aB, GTeBorG H B04:80 Hargassner GmbH, aUsTria B04:68 HasCon enGineerinG , iTaly U:440 Heinolasgverksmaskiner aB, finland U:403 Hjo Vrmeteknik aB, HJo B02:68 HoTaB eldningsteknik aB, HalMsTad i B04:56 inadco Moisture Measurement BV, neTHerlands B02:88 interWrap, Canada J B05:53 Jeffrey rader aB, spnGa B01:63 JsC Biokaitra, liTHUania B01:56 Jrnforsen energi system aB, HalMsTad K U:441 KB e&i Co., lTd, soUTH Korea B04:51 KMW energi aB, norrTlJe B04:80 Kohlbach Gruppe, aUsTria B04:80 Komptech GmbH, aUsTria B04:80 KWB - Kraft und Wrme aus Biomasse GmbH, aUsTria l B02:43 lantmnnen agroenergi aB, HUsKVarna B07:64 lax pellets, rfors B01:62 lin-Ka Maskinfabrik a/s, denMarK B02:30 lin Micropolis oy, finland B07:56 ljungfors Media aB, sToCKHolM B01:49 log Max aB, GranGrde M B01:34 M-Teknik, sToCKHolM B04:40 Macon aB, GVle

tHE traDE Fair

a GloBal MeeTinG poinT!
At this moment exhibitors from 19 countries (a new record!) have already booked their stands and are preparing to meet the visitors from some 50 countries who usually attend this global event. The increased international nature of the exhibitors bodes well for this global meeting point. The trade fair consists of one traditional indoor exhibition and one live outdoor area where bioenergy machinery will be demonstrated in action. This is a dynamic event where you can see, hear, smell and feel what bioenergy production in various ways is all about. The exhibitors are primarily suppliers of equipment, fuels and services to the energy sector. Typical exhibitors are companies who supply equipment for fuel production or refining, combined heat and power production, combustion or material handling. However, there are also trade associations, embassies and government bodies who are keen to contact potential business partners for companies in their regions, countries or associations. This year the number of participating embassies is higher than ever. Austria, Poland, Canada, France and Malaysia have all decided to exhibit at the trade fair in different ways. Come and visit them and the other exhibitors to find out what business opportunities are waiting to be seized by you! Welcome to us at Elmia, Sweden, 29-31 May 2012. jakob Hirsmark, product Manager, World Bioenergy

EXHiBition opEninG HoUrs

tuesday 29 May Wednesday 30 May thursday 31 May 09.00-17.00 09.00-17.00 09.00-16.00

EntranCE FEEs For Fair Visitors

To enter the exhibition you will need an invitation card or code. By pre-registering this invitation code on our website you get free admission! a100566 For our conference delegates the fair entrance is included in the conference badge. Entrance fee at the gate without an invitation card or code: SEK 200, incl. VAT.

Want to EXHiBit?
There might still be exhibition spaces available. For a proposal, e-mail to

allan Bruks aB:

We like the concept of Taking you from know-how to show-how

Photo: Per Jonsson I believe we have the largest demo stand on the show and were bringing a lot for the visitors to see, says Kia Bruks marketing manager at Allan Bruks AB.

World bioenergy is one of the most important shows for our business and we have participated since it started in 2004, says marketing manager Kia Bruks at Allan Bruks AB. We like the concept of Taking you from know-how to show-how and always give high attention to demo-shows in our stands. It is simply the best way to describe our specialty, cost effective biofuel production. ABAB is a wide supplier of bioenergy producing technique and always interested in a dialogue with a variety of actors within their field. Representatives from heating plants, bioenergy organisations, politicians and of course the producers bioenergy and waste entrepreneurs. This year ABAB is also a part of the daily study tours by having a separate demo-area in a nearby forest, where conference delegates can see multi-stemming energy harvesting.

We always give high attention to demo-shows in our stands. it is simply the best way to describe our specialty
Kia Bruks marketing manager at Allan Bruks AB

We are also participating in the matchmaking activity, as ABAB are seeking new dealers for Bioharvester 255, says Kia Bruks. Our expectations on the show are high, from finding new dealers to important business opportunities. I believe we have the largest demo stand on the show, Kia Bruks continues, and were bringing a lot for the visitors to see: ABAB 5800 truck mounted grinder, CBI 5400 grinder, Chipmax chipper, Bioharvester 255 energy harvesting head, ABAB 252 felling head and Lasco logsplitter.

B07:72 B04:80 B03:66 B05:61 B05:27 B03:78 B02:38 B02:76 B06:74 B03:78 n B05:72 B03:56 B01:39 B05:62 o B03:68 p B01:78 B03:58 B02:35 B05:39 B04:54 B01:35 r B05:31 U:440 B01:22 s B06:55 B03:76 B06:64 B04:80 B04:80 B04:80 B02:67 B06:56 B03:88 B07:52 B02:62 B04:80 B07:62 B01:55 B01:69 B07:74 B05:39 B05:74 B02:56 B03:76 B05:57 T B04:80 B01:59 B01:74 B01:31 B01:50 B04:62 U B01:67 B04:65 U:401 B03:76 V B01:76 B05:52 B04:64 B02:30 W B02:50 B04:58 B05:35 B04:80 B01:51 B03:82 y B02:65

Mafa aB, nGelHolM MaG-Motoren GmbH, aUsTria Malaysian investment dev. authority., sToCKHolM ingenjrsrman J Mared aB, HUsKVarna Megamet aB, nGelHolM Metso power, finland Meva innovation aB, sKellefTe fredrik Mogensen aB, HJo MonsUn lachenmeier, denMarK MW power aB, sVsJ nakkila Group oy, finland neW-eco Tec, GerMany nordisk energi/Conventus Communication aB, sToCKHolM noxor aB, reBro opcon Bioenergy aB, naCKa sTrand peal aB, HelsinGBorG perstorp Bioproducts aB, sTenUnGsUnd perten instruments aB, HUddinGe pilum industrilter aB, Bors plt & spiralteknik aB, Torss promill-sTolZ, franCe riela Karl-Heinz Knoop e.K., GerMany roslunds Bil aB, KVidinGe russian energy agency, rUssia s-e-G svenska aB, HelsinGBorG salmatec GmbH, GerMany scandinavian Cleantech export association, lidKpinG schaller GmbH (Humimeter), aUsTria schaumann Bioenergy GmbH & Co. KG, aUsTria scheuch GmbH, aUsTria sdC ek fr, sUndsVall sent ltd., finland sensic aB, KisTa silexport international sas, franCe skogforsk, Uppsala solarfocus GmbH, aUsTria solu-arinat Marko Valliluoto ky, finland sonnys Maskiner aB, GrsTorp sTela laxhuber GmbH drying technology, GerMany stockarydsterminalen aB, sVsJ sTraBaG energyTechnologies GmbH, aUsTria svebio, sToCKHolM swedish exergy aB, GTeBorG swiss Combi, sWiTZerland sgspecialisten aB, JnKpinG Technische Universitt Wien - Continuing education Center, aUsTria Teknikfrlaget TfaB - energimagasinet, HalMsTad Teknologisk instittutt norway, norWay TenCate Geosynthetics austria GmbH, aUsTria Triventus aB, falKenBerG Turboden srl, iTaly UaB Universalus medio produktai, liTHUania Ubifrance, sToCKHolM Ulma aB, sVenlJUnGa Uny-KonsUlT aB, Mlilla Vandenbroek Thermal processing B:V, neTHerlands Vermeer Viking aB, asKersUnd Viking development Group, norWay Volter oy, finland Walki Group, finland Walloon Trade ofce for sweden, sToCKHolM Weiss a/s, denMarK Windhager Zentralheizung GmbH, aUsTria Wood bioenergi, spain World Bioenergy association, sToCKHolM yara praxair aB, KpinG

Metso power offers pellet-red heating plants and bio oil productions plants
Our main reason to participate in World Bioenergy is to present our wide scope of different kind of technical solutions for different kind of biofuels, says Johanna Lindn, Director Scandinavia, Power Business Line at Metso Power AB. We have participated several times at World Bioenergy and we have good experiences of the conference and especially the exhibition. Metso is a global supplier of sustainable energy solutions such as biomass-fired boilers, complete turn-key biomassfired power plants in small and medium size, black liquor recovery boilers and evaporation plants for pulp industry that are complemented with lifecycle service offering. Pellet-fired heating plants is a new product from Metso Power, several smaller pellet solutions have been delivered in Sweden in the recent years. In Finland Metso Power just

We are keen to meet national and international customers who are coming to the trade fair as well as conference and hear what kind of needs there are in other countries
Johanna Lindn, Director Scandinavia, Power Business Line at Metso Power AB

got the first pellet plant delivery. Typically peak load plants have been oil-fired, but now there is a sustainable solution also for this kind of peak and back-up use. We have also another interesting solution in our offering, Johanna Lindn explains. We recently announced a first supply of a biooil production plant. Bio-oil will be produced from forest residue by means of pyrolysis.

Metso actively researches and develops new technologies continuously, which support sustainable development in power generation. We hope to get a lot of visitors to our stand to hear the latest on these new innovations. We look forward to meeting old and new customers in Jnkping. We would also like to hear how the markets are developing in the field of sustainable energy solutions, says Johanna Lindn.

We have participated several times at World Bioenergy and we have good experiences of the conference and especially the exhibition, says Johanna Lindn, Director Scandinavia, Power Business Line at Metso Power AB.

KMW energi exhibits technology for biomass-red heating and CHp plants
This is a big trade fair and many of our customers attend, says Lars-Erik Jansson, sales manager at KMW Energi, a leading Swedish manufacturer of heating and CHP plants. Exhibiting at World Bioenergy is a tradition for us. KMW will present its latest reference plants, as well as showcasing its brand at this international forum. Of course the company is also eager to meet potential new customers on the trade fair floor. Well be exhibiting our technology for biomass-fired heating and CHP plants, Lars-Erik explains. This year well be showing photographs of our latest reference plants, which are now in the delivery stage.
Well be exhibiting our technology for biomass-fired heating and CHP plants, says Lars-Erik Jansson, sales manager at KMW Energi.

advantage austria brings 12 companies to World Bioenergy

Photo: Anders Haaker

Weve participated every time since the beginning in 2004

Trade attach Dietmar Schwank, Embassy of Austria in Stockholm

Like Sweden, Austria is a leading bioenergy nation. Trade attach Dietmar Schwank and commercial counsellor Peter Sedlmayer, both with the Embassy of Austria in Stockholm, prepare their participation in World Bioenergy 2012.

World Bioenergy in Jnkping is a tradition for the Embassy of Austria. Weve participated every time since the beginning in 2004, comments the embassys commercial attach, Dietmar Schwank. This year we have a stand of 130 square metres, and are thereby the largest exhibiting embassy at the fair. Were bringing twelve bioenergy companies from Austria to World Bioenergy. The companies cover a broad range within the bioenergy sector, from biofuel preparation and

biogas for diesel, to boilers. Some of them already have distributors in Sweden whilst others are new to the market and want to find representatives. They all have expert knowledge of their field. Like Sweden, Austria is a leading bioenergy nation. Several other companies from Austria will also have their own stands at World Bioenergy, such as Andritz and Strabag Energy & Environment.

Many of the study tours go to hard hat environments like heat and power plants, pellets factories and biogas plants.

Discussions with the experts in the field give a deeper understanding of the processes, and information that no company brochure can offer.

ConFErEnCE proGraMME
Within World Bioenergy 2012 you will be able to participate in several sessions focusing on different themes. The overall focus will be on applied and currently available technology, as well as efficient, sustainable, and economic solutions. In short: bioenergy solutions that work! Depending on your own interest and profile, you can choose among a number of themes, each of them complemented with poster presentations, trade fair and daily study visits.

World pellets 2012


Today, pellets is a fuel of worldwide importance. The world market is expected to increase significantly in the coming years. World Pellets 2012 will provide you with the tools you need to take part in the market growth. World Pellets 2012 is an integrated part of World Bioenergy 2012. A three day conference in the conference covering all aspects of pellets: raw material potentials, innovative pellets production systems, torrefaction, new combustion technologies, trade and market development, health and safety aspects, etc.

Market outlook

Policy and targets for renewable energy to find an alternative to fossil energy are being put in place, increasing the demand for sustainable modern bioenergy. Global trade and improved logistics open up the markets. To facilitate international trade in bioenergy commodities, new trading places and indexes are needed, as well as generally accepted standards. Supply and demand must meet to guarantee stable prices. In this session you learn all about current market development, including drivers like incentives and policies.

Sustainable transports are one of the key challenges of tomorrow. Can we transport biomass as well as other products sustainably and at what costs? Which are the future fuels for transports and when will biofuels be viewed as profitable? Biofuels for transport are under rapid development with new methods, producers and feedstock entering the markets. The future biofuels will be produced in biorefineries, to increase profitability and optimise feed-stock use. Sustainability and economy are critical factors for market development, but also the adaptability to the current transport systems. The biofuels need efficient vehicles and motors, to be competitive with current transport solutions. How will the transport sector evolve within the coming years?

World Biorefinery 2012

C Energy systems
Modern bioenergy is a young industry. Therefore, technical development is rapid, with many new innovations. This session focuses on technical development in the whole bioenergy chain, from harvesting of forest residues to combustion technologies and co-firing. Optimal use of biomass through district heating or cooling small scale and large scale and CHP technology for electricity production.

Biorefineries with co-production of liquid, gaseous and solid biofuels with power, heat and chemicals for efficient and optimal use of biomass is the way forward. But strategies, business models, and technological choices are numerous torrefaction, pyrolysis, enzymatic evolution, thermal gasification, biogas, syngas production, etc. All major biobased industries are today considering biorefinery concepts. The sessions aim to showcase the current state-of-the-art: the projects, and the technological developments.

sustainable Bioenergy Day

postEr EXHiBition
In addition to the oral presentations posters will be displayed at the poster exhibition area in Hall B. Read more on p.11

Can we achieve a sustainable market growth for modern bioenergy? This is a common theme for all actors in the bioenergy business sector. The last day of World Bioenergy is dedicated to sustainability. It includes the first ever public dialog forum regarding the coming ISO 13065 standard Sustainability criteria for bioenergy. Asking all bioenergy stakeholders - how can we guarantee sustainable bioenergy and what could the role of a standard be? Sustainability Bioenergy day is arranged by the Swedish Energy Agency with the support of ISO, SIS and Svebio.

: For the latest details and more information


ConFErEnCE tUEsDaY 29 MaY

09.00 opEninG pLEnarY sEssion
Conference chairperson: Tomas Kberger, Japan Renewable Energy Foundation Welcome to World Bioenergy 2012
Tomas Kberger, Japan Renewable Energy Foundation

the route to a sustainable sweden

Anna-Karin Hatt, Minister for Information Technology and Energy

Tomas Kberger

Biomass for energy in india, policy for an increased use

Farooq Abdullah, Minister for New and Renewable Energy

Bioenergy in russia, potential for domestic use and international trade

Timur Ivanov, Russian Energy Agency

iEa technology roadmap Bioenergy for Heat and power

Bo Diczfalusy, International Energy Agency

Global biomass potential

Andre Faaij, Utrecht University

price ceremony and presentation of the winner of World Bioenergy award

Kent Nystrm and Andrew Lang, World Bioenergy Association

plan on early arrival at Elmia on tuesday morning dont miss the opening session!

Moving forward
Gustav Melin, Swedish Bioenergy Association

Anna-Karin Hatt

Farooq Abdullah

Timur Ivanov

Bo Diczfalusy

Andre Faaij

Kent Nystrm

Andrew Lang

Gustav Melin

11.00 Coffee 11.30 - 13.15 paraLLEL ConFErEnCEs, see page 11.

register on: WWW.WorLDBioEnErGY.CoM

tHE WorLD BioEnErGY aWarD

for someone who has made a difference
The World Bioenergy Award is an award for an individual who has made a difference: a business leader, politician or researcher who in a crucial way has furthered the development of the bioenergy sector. The award is a sign that the achievements of this person are of outstanding importance to the field of bioenergy utilization. The first World Bioenergy Award was awarded to Dr. Laercio Couto for his research on dense plantation of eucalypt plantations. The second award will be delivered in collaboration with the World Bioenergy Association in the opening plenary session on 29 May.
Photo: rjan Karlsson

a collaboration between World Bioenergy 2012 and the World Bioenergy association.


Cont. ConFErEnCE tUEsDaY 29 MaY

Market Biomass potential

11.30 - 13.15 paraLLEL ConFErEnCEs

a1 C1
Chairperson: Heinz Kopetz, World Bioenergy association Chairperson: douglas Bradley, CanBio

pellets Market and trade


Energy systems Co-firing, CHp and district heating

D1 E1

transportation optimising transports and logistics

World Biorefinery

Chairperson: arnold dale, ekman & Co.

Chairperson: Jean-Marc Jossart, aeBioM

rikard Wallin, Chairman of spCi and Millmanager Holmen paper Braviken

Pellets becoming a global commodity? Global market, players and trade to 2020
Thor Emil Branderud, Simpson, Spence & Young AS (tbc) Stefan Dusan, Vattenfall

Global bioenergy potentials

Biomass long distances

Ralph Sims, Massey University (tbc)

Silvio Mergner, Pyry

Improved co-firing with refined biomass experience report from Vattenfalls test and verification programme Multifuel burners
Bjrn Forsberg, WTS Jonas Strmberg, Scania

The possibilities for the forest industry

Per-Olof Wedin, Sveaskog

UK and NL market experience and expectations

Global forest potentials

The unique BioRefinery

Ola Hildingsson, Domsjfabriker

Henry Pease, RWE

Pekka Kauppi, University of Helsinki

The role of biofuels in sustainable heavy duty transport now and in the future

Development of the ENplus wood pellet certification

Lars Snderby Nielsen, Uponor

Global biomass potential from agriculture

Peter Rechberger, AEBIOM/EPC

Alarik Sandrup, Lantmnnen Energi

A new improved piping system for low temperature distribution of bioenergy

Innovative container supply chain of forest chips

Kalle Karttunen, Lappeenranta University of Technology

Transforming Canadas Forestry sector Bio-energy and Bio-products

Catherine Cobden, Economics, Forest Products Association and Don Roberts, CIBC- World Markets

EFB pellet opportunities in South East Asia

Markus Bolhr-Nordenkampf, Strabag Energy Technologeis

Christian Serrano, Cipta Briquettes SDN Bhd

Biomass exploitation for revitalizing rural areas: Experiences and lessons drawn from three South European countries

Low NOx biomass fluidised bed combustion technology using multi-staged combustion

Profitable use of biofuels

Mats Ekelund, Strateco development

Moderators: Gustav Tibblin, Sdra Jens Otterstedt, Sveaskog

Jos Carlos Santana, Wood and forest service centre of Castilla y Len (CESEFOR)

Experiences of biomass power and pellets in Asia

Biomass to energy in Asia

Bioenergy based district cooling

Speaker to be confirmed

Dae-Woong Lim, Eco-Frontier

Wan Asma Ibrahim, Forest Research Institute

Decision tool for optimizing second generation Fischer Tropsch biodiesel production in Finland
Natarajan Karthikeyan, University of Eastern Finland

13.15 - 15.00 Lunch and exhibition

15.00 - 18.00 renewables working together, see page 11.

15.00 - 18.00 study visits, departure from outside Entrance syd, see page 23 and side events, see page 26.

15.00 - 18.00 poster and drink reception, see page 11.

19.00 - late

official conference dinner

Cont. ConFErEnCE tUEsDaY 29 MaY

15.00 - 18.00 rEnEWaBLEs WorKinG toGEtHEr During 2011 the investments in renewable energy industry reached a record 260 billion dollars, and the investments in renewable energy surpassed investments in fossil fuels for the first time. Thus, the renewable energy revolution is emerging. Leading representatives for the global renewable energy industry bioenergy, solar, wind, hydro and geothermal energy, organised in REN Alliance and from the intergovernmental IRENA, International Renewable Energy Agency, will discuss how to achieve a global 100 % renewable energy system and to what cost. Chairperson: Tomas Kberger, Japan Renewable Foundation Programme: Competitiveness of renewable energy technologies, Michael Taylor, IRENA Panel of the REN Alliance Partners: Stefan Gsnger, World Wind Energy Association, WWEA Michael Taylor, International Renewable Energy Agency, IRENA Kent Nystrm, World Bioenergy Association, WBA Richard Taylor, International Hydropower Association, IHA Marietta Sander, International Geothermal Association, IGA Dave Renne, International Solar Energy Society, ISES (tbc) Speech of nominated candidates/winner of the World Bioenergy Award Networking reception 15.00 - 18.00 poster and drink reception

stop BY tHE postEr EXHiBition to GEt a WiDEr ViEW on BioEnErGY!

A central part of the conference is the poster exhibition, giving you an in-depth look at the coming innovations and research. The poster exhibition is the meeting place where all parts of the World Bioenergy come together. Take the opportunity to meet scientists and entrepreneurs during the conference breaks and exhibition hours to learn more about interesting scientific studies and new method innovations or policies from all over the world. The posters will be displayed at the poster exhibition area, in the central of the exhibition hall. The poster exhibition is open to all visitors. Welcome! poster and drink reception Meet the authors behind the posters at the poster and drink reception on Tuesday 29 May. Come and have a drink and listen to short poster presentations. The event will be moderated by Lena Dahlman, vice president Svebio. Please contact Lena Dahlman,, if you would like to present your poster. As the time slots available for short presentations are limited, slots will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. A list of all authors presenting their poster at the poster and drink reception on 29 May will also be available online.

Vibrant discussions by the poster exhibition area.

scientific review All posters presented at the exhibition has been reviewed and accepted by the conference scientific advisory board. List of participating posters will be provided on-line from the 22 May, and given out upon your arrival to the conference.

19.00 - late

official conference dinner




Market Development

09.00 - 10.45 paraLLEL ConFErEnCEs

a2 C2
Chairperson: rolf Bjrheden, skogforsk Chairperson: Jan stambasky, european Biogas association (tbc)

World pellets: refined pellets and storage

B2 C3

Energy systems sustainable harvest of forest residues

Energy systems Waste to energy


World Bioerefinery new possibilities for the mill

Chairperson: Marcos Martin, avebiom

Chairperson: ria Kalf, dutch Bioenergy association

Chairperson: ingrid engstrm, stora enso skoghall

Torrefaction of biomass
Babar Mohiuddin, Nature Alliance

Doris Thamer, Andritz

Bio-Energy in Russia: Barriers and progress

Olga Ulasevich, Russian Energy Agency Shawn Baker, University of Georgia

Improving woody biomass feedstock quality: Results of operational studies from the Southeastern United States

Creating an eco-village: saving a forest and improving livelihood

The future perspective

Bjarne Holmbom, bo Akademi

Business development

Larry Weick, Zilkha Gunnar Eriksson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Canada biomass supply, demand and export potential

Douglas Bradley, CANBIO

Woody biomass comminution and sorting a review of mechanical methods

Options for the reduction of methane emissions and parasitic electric energy of biogas plants
Matthias Sonnleitner, Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences

Domsj from a historical perspective

Bjrn Edstrm, Domsj

Pelleting enhanced products

Ole Hvattum, Borregaard LignoTech Gustavo Perez-Verdin, Instituto Politecnico Nacional

Renewable energy potential from biomass residues in Egypt

M. Zamorano, University of Granada

Availability and production costs of pine residues for bioenergy in Mexico

Waste to energy in Jnkping

Ulrika Gotthardsson, Jnkping Energi

Biorefineries evaluation and prioritization of different concepts

Fredrik hman, Millwide & Bioresources, Forest Industry F Division Industry

Self-heating and off-gassing from biomass pellets during storage

Simon Berg, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

State of the bioenergy nation Brazil, policy and development update

Analysis of environment friendly harvesting systems for integrated stump fuel and round wood production

Advanced conversion of organic wastes into biomass

Elmar Offenbacher, BDI-BioEnergy International AG

New and old bio products

Mikael Hannus, BioRefinery and Bio Energy, Stora Enso

Anders Lnnermark, SP

Lola Ua Crdenas, Unica

CO off-gassing from pellets: Impact of raw material choice and storage conditions implications for pellets standardization
Lus Tarelho, University of Aveiro

The role of bioenergy for heat and power in a low-carbon energy sector

Optimizing the use of waste streams

Speaker to be confirmed

A view from UPM- Kymmene

Petri Kukkonen, Biofuels, UPM Kymmene PANEL DISCUSSION

Anselm Eisentraut, IEA (tbc)

Characteristics, management and applications of ashes from thermochemical conversion of biomass to energy

Waltraud Emhofer, Bioenergy 2020+

10.45 Coffee

register on: WWW.WorLDBioEnErGY.CoM

11.15 - 13.00 paraLLEL ConFErEnCEs Market policy

a3 C4
Chairperson: Karin Haara, World Bioenergy association Chairperson: philip peck, iiiee lund University Chairperson: daniel sderberg, innventia

World pellets: innovation


Energy systems small scale energy solutions


transportation Fuel development


World bioerefinery research and innovations

Chairperson: andrew lang, sMarTimbers, Cooperative ltd.

Chairperson: Gustav Melin, svebio

Biofuel solutions for aviation

Al Costa, Alkol

Pellet quality and pelletizing properties of lodge pole pine from first thinnings
Martijn van den Broek, HOWEST, Ghent University Association

How European Union promotes development of sustainable bioenergy

Electricity generation from biomass: Organic rankine cycle versus steam cycle

FORE-concept: A mechanical pulping process based bio-refinery platform

Olof Bjrkqvist, FSCN/Mid Sweden University

Sylvia Larsson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Fanny Pomme Langue, EU Commission

Overview of actions to boost the use of biomass in France

Werner Siemers, CUTEC - Institut GmbH David Batten, CSIRO Energy Transformed Flagship

Combustion of mediterranean agro-forest biomasses in small and medium scale pellet boilers: strategies for minimizing ash fusion and slagging

Roland Gerard, ADEME

Combining solid biomass combustion and Stirling technology

The use of wastewater to produce microalgae for nutrient recovery and co-production of biofuels, biogas and other products

Creating value from waste streams: The ChemseQ concept applied in a mechanical pulping process
Magnus Norgren, FSCN/Mid Sweden University and ChemseQ International

Daniel Vega-Nieva, University of Vigo

The economic, political and social issues hindering the adoption of bioenergy in Pakistan: A case study
Ohene Kwadwo Akoto, Jatropha Africa

Jatropha oil for rural electrification

Bioethanol production from dried sweet sorghum stalk

Abas Almodares, University of Isfahan

Bio-refinery separations for value-added products

Christian Hulteberg, Department of Chemical Engineering, Lund University

Reduction of the toxic gas and particulate matter emissions of firewood- and pellet-fueled domestic fireplaces by use of gas sensors, optimization of the firing process and catalytic treatment of the exhaust gas

Usman Umair, UG

Heinz Kohler, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences

Economic boundary conditions for the successful operation of active condensation systems
Georg Hring, Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences

Bioenergy in Japan in relation to feed in tariffs

Babette Hebenstreit, Bioenergy 2020+

Shota Furuya, Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies (ISEP)

Technical modifications and current legal framework for a controllable electricity production via biogas plants in Germany

Butanol production from King Grass (pennisetum purpureun), a lignocellulosic substrate

Luis Alberto Rios, Universidad de Antioquia

Wallenberg Wood Science Center: A center for developing next generation of wood-based products and associated processes
Hans Theliander, Chalmers University of Technology

A vertical pellet screw conveyor creates new possibilities for compact pellet silos

Rolf Birketvedt, Matene AS

The role of bioenergy in a renewable energy system perspectives for bioenergy on the background of the energy system transition in Germany

CraftEngine: Micro-Scale Electricity Production from Biomass at a Low Cost

Harald Nes Risl, Viking Development Group

Study on biogas production with banana stalk pretreated by alkaline

Ji-Hong Li, Tsinghua University


Frank Scholwin, Deutsches Biomasse Forschungs Zentrum

13.00 - 15.00 Lunch and exhibition

15.00 - 18.00 study visits, departure from outside Entrance syd, see page 23 and side events, see page 26.

19.00 - late

optional dinner



ConFErEnCE tHUrsDaY 31 MaY

Market Development

09.00 - 10.45 paraLLEL ConFErEnCEs

a4 C5
Chairperson: anders nordin, Ume University Chairperson: arnold Kyrre Martinsen, nobio

World pellets: non-woody biomass

B4 F1

Energy systems refining torrefaction and pyrolysis


transportation Energy system integrations and biorefineries

sustainable Bioenergy Day: Creating a sustainable Future

Chairperson: eija alakangas, VTT energy

Chairperson: laercio Couto, World Bioenergy association

MixBioPells: Enhancing the market relevance of alternative (mixed) biomass

Kay Schaubach, Deutsches Biomasse Forschungs Zentrum Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen, Aalborg University

Bioenergy in China, current status and outlook

Thomas Zeng, German Biomass Research Center

Shi-Zhong Li, Tsinghua University

Production of solid sustainable energy carriers from biomass by means of torrefaction

Sustainable biomass potentials for Food-Feed-Fuels in the future

The importance and benefits of being able to use multiple types of Biomass in CHP plants North Carolina State University has a torrefaction technology to improve biomass for energy and biofuels production and carbon sequestration Christopher Hopkins,
Gerfried Jungmeier, Joanneum Research North Carolina State University

Cross Border Bioenergy facilitating trade in EU27

Whole chain assessment of bioenergy driven biorefineries

Jean-Marc Jossart, AEBIOM

Benny Corneliusen, Verdo

See page 15.

Potential and pellets production from olive grove residual biomass in Andalusia (Spain)
Michael Krger, Deutsches Biomasse Forschungs Zentrum

Biomass developments in South East Asia

Vincent Weyne, Vyncke

Pyrolysis of biogenic residues and wastes and the use of the products as fuel

Key challenges to making algae based biorefineries viable a review

Robert Lovitt, Swansea University

Angela Garcia-Maraver, University of Granada

Life + Green Pellets project on herbaceous biofuels results of combustion tests in a small-scale combustion boiler
Karl Lampe, ThyssenKrupp Polysius AG

Market development in Latin America

Alfredo Langesfeldt, GEA Consulting (tbc)

Efficient biomass preparation for the utilisation as biocoal in industrial applications

A biorefinery in the heart of a pulp mill an optimum location

Ingvar Landlv, Chemrec AB

Celine Le Dreff - Lorimier, CSTB

The relaxation characteristics of densified plant biomass of different origin

Market development in USA

Ross Harding, Energy Launch Partners LLC (tbc)

Biocoal produced with hydrothermal carbonisation of wet biomass

Marisa Hernndez Latorre, Ingelia

Systematic approach for synthesis of palm oil-based biorefinery

Hon Loong Lam, University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus

Valentin Solodovnik, Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry

10.45 Coffee

11.15 - 13.00 sustainable Bioenergy Day with Final plenary session, see page 15.

register on: WWW.WorLDBioEnErGY.CoM


sUstainaBLE BioEnErGY DaY

and final plenary session

Sustainable bioenergy day is arranged jointly by the central secretariat of ISO 13065, the Swedish Energy Agency, The Swedish Standard Institute (SIS), and Svebio.

09.00 - 10.45 CrEatinG a sUstainaBLE FUtUrE

How do we achieve a sustainable market growth for modern bioenergy? This is a common aspiration for all actors in the bioenergy business sector. The last day of World Bioenergy is therefore dedicated to sustainability. It includes the first ever public dialog forum regarding the coming ISO 13065 standard - Sustainability criteria for bioenergy. The event will aim to highlight the various sustainable issues and development possibilities from all continents and for all stakeholders. Chairperson: Birger Kerckow Co-Chair of ISO/PC 248, Germany Why a Sustainable Bioenergy Day? Paul Westin, Swedish Energy Agency, Sweden The importance of Sustainability for global bioenergy trade, Luc Pelkmans, IEA task 40, Belgium Creating a sustainable future, content and progress for ISO 13065 Reiner Hager Co-Secretariat of ISO/PC 248, Germany Global voices on the possibilities and barriers of bioenergy development. Panel debate with reflections from all continents: Europe: Hans Nordstrm, Co-convener WG 3, Sweden North America: Fred Ghatala, Co-convener WG 4, Canada Africa: Judi Wakhungu, ACTS, Kenya Asia: Kanwar Muhammad Javed Iqbal, SDPI, Pakistan South America: Arnaldo Walters, Co-convener WG 3, Brazil Oceania: Andrew Lang, SMARTimbers, Cooperativ, Australia Moving forward with the standard. Summary note of the discussion. Birger Kerckow Co-Chair of ISO/PC 248, Germany
The programme is subject to change. Latest news and updated programme on: WWW.WorLDBioEnErGY.CoM

register on: WWW.WorLDBioEnErGY.CoM

11.15 - 13.00 FinaL pLEnarY sEssion: MoVinG ForWarD sUstainaBLY

Chairperson: Tomas Kberger, Japan Renewable Energy Foundation, Sweden Panel debate on sustainable global growth of bioenergy: Kandeh K. Yumkella, UNIDO Director-General (tbc) Kevin McKinley, Deputy Secretary General of ISO Samantha Smith, Head of the WWF Global Climate and Energy Initiative Monika Stridsman General Director Swedish Forestry Agency (tbc) Kent Nystrm, President of World Bioenergy Association, WBA Aditya Handa, Abellon CleanEnergy Sonia Medina, Africa Renewables Harry Stokes, Project Gaia Birger Kerckow, Co-Chair of ISO/PC 248 13.00 - 15.00 Lunch and Exhibition 15.00 - 18.00 study visits, departure from outside Entrance syd, see page 23 and side events, see page 26.

14.00-16.00 WorKsHop on iso 13065 15

Participants are welcome to an in-depth workshop on sustainability lead by the WG1-4 conveners.

eXCUrsion GUide

prE- anD post ConFErEnCE transFEr toUrs

The easiest way to get to World Bioenergy 2012!
A distinctive feature of World Bioenergy is the popular preand post conference transfer tours on the 28 May and 1 June. They offer a very convenient, cost- and time-effective travel option from airports in Stockholm, Arlanda and Skavsta, and Copenhagen Kastrup to Jnkping and back. These tours provide you with an exclusive opportunity to visit a selection of bioenergy facilities en route, with professional guidance and lunch break on the way. Buses will leave Arlanda and Kastrup mid-morning on 28 May. After the conference, on 1 June, post conference transfer tours will take different routes back to Stockholm Arlanda Airport and Copenhagen Kastrup Airport and arrive in time for late afternoon departures. Please note that tours are subject to changes. For more information and registration, see Registration is necessary on all pre- and post conference transfer tours.

Vsters rebro


Gteborg (Gothenburg)




Norrkping Linkping




Kastru p
0 km 40 80 120 km


prE ConFErEnCE transFEr toUrs, 28 MaY

Stockholm ArlAndA internAtionAl Airport elmiA, Jnkping
prE. toUr 1, BioenerGy in aGriCUlTUre and CHp
departure from stockholm arlanda airport at 09.00
Combined heat and power plant, short rotation coppice production, small scale biodiesel production, biogas plant using municipal residues, food waste and ley crops and a green house using biomass for heating. CHp using biomass fuels Ena Energi aB, Enkping Ena Energi AB is a producer and distributor of district heating and electricity in the city of Enkping. The company was started in 1972 by the municipality of Enkping. The municipality still controls 100 percent of the company. Enkping is located 70 km from Stockholm, with around 20,000 inhabitants in the city area. Today the majority of the buildings and the industry in town is connected to the district heating net. The connected effect is about 141 MW and is divided between 1,512 customers, of which 1,180 are single family houses. The total length of the net is 84 km and the heat consumption for a year with normal temperature is around 20 GWh. The production is based mainly on biomass and is located only 1.5 km from the main square in the city. Ena Energi has three boilers for heat production, originally using oil or propane gas as fuel. The CHP plant produces 80-85 percent of the yearly consumption of district heating in Enkping.
Biomass CHP plant delivering 50 % electricity and 100 % heat to inhabitants in Enkping. 16

Biogas from household waste and ley crops Vafab Milj aB, Vsters Vafab Milj works with sustainable and environmentally sound handling of waste, and is owned by the regional municipalities. The population of the region is about 300,000, and there are more than 10,000 businesses that generate waste. Vxtkraft is a biogas plant in which bio-waste from households and restaurants is digested, together with ley crops from farms and sludge from grease separators in largescale kitchens. The biogas that is produced in the process can be utilised as environmentally compatible fuel for motor vehicles. Biofertiliser is also obtained as a residual product, something that farmers can spread back onto the fields as an ecological nutrient. The Vxtkraft project creates a rotation of energy and plant nutrients.

The ley crops are stored as silage in plastic for later use in the biogas plant.

Green house using biomass for heating tkern Grnt, Vderstad Tkern Grnt is a company that cultivates vegetables in greenhouses. The total greenhouse area is about 10,400 m2. There are two boilers, one for straw and one new boiler for wood chips. The greenhouses, the family house, and other buildings are connected to the two boilers that feed an accumulator of 200 m3.

iCE BrEaKEr rECEption FroM 17.00 On arrival to Jnkping: Ice breaker reception with registration and a light meal. Included in the conference fees.

The biomass amount needed for this heating has replaced about 360 m3 mineral oil. Tkern Grnt is the first company that KRAV* has approved for ecological cultivation in this field.
*KRAV is a key player in the organic market in Sweden. KRAV develops organic standards and promotes the KRAV-label.

prE. toUr 2, BiofUels for TransporT and CHp

departure from stockholm arlanda airport at 09.00
Ethanol plant, handling of solid biomass at a large scale combined heat and power plant, small-scale biodiesel production and a biogas upgrading plant.
Photo: Anders Haaker

Ethanol plant using grain as feed stock Lantmnnen, agroetanol, norrkping Swedens first large ethanol plant, run by Agroetanol, owners are Lantmnnen, a large farmers crop marketing association, and LRF, the Federation of Swedish Farmers. The ethanol plant is in full operation on Hndel since 2001. Hndel is an island less than 10 km from the centre of Norrkping. The site is close to the oil depot and a biomass fired power plant. The steam and electrical power needed to operate the plant originate from renewable sources. The steam, which is primarily used for distillation and drying of feed, is produced in the bio-fuelled power plant close by. A new, three times as large a plant, was opened in 2008 at the same location. The new plant needs 400,000 tonnes of grain, from 70,000 hectares of land, and will produce 150,000 m3 of ethanol. Biogas is also produced from distillers waste.

Agroetanols plant in Norrkping uses energy from the nearby biomass CHP for its processes.


A new plant for municipal waste is under construction and will be taken into operation later this year, with a new steam boiler and a new turbine for electricity production. The project includes an advanced flue gas cleaning and a new chimney. The already existing handling system for fuels will be changed in order to assist both the boilers. The boiler has an effect of 85 MW and will produce about 650 GWh energy per year. It corresponds to the yearly energy demand for about 25,000 normal family houses. small - and middle scale technology for biodiesel production alfa Laval aB (ageratec), norrkping Ageratec is a global leading technology provider of modular prefabricated multi feedstock biodiesel processors scalable for a capacity of 2,000 to 340,000 litres per day. The processors are built to industrial quality standards, capable of producing ASTM or EN compliant biodiesel from fats and oils with a clear focus on inedible feedstock and high fatty acids (up to100% FFA). Front end prefabricated pretreatment units for seed and waste oils are available to clients with crude vegetable oil or untreated waste grease.

Hndel CHP is one of Swedens largest biomass heat and power plant.

Large CHp using biomass and waste E.on, Hndel E.ON is one of the worlds largest privately owned energy companies, with 30 million customers. In Norrkping district heating has been in operation since the end of the 1950s and the Hndel plant has produced both electricity and heat since 1980. Hndel CHP gives the customers of E.ON in Norrkping environmentally friendly district heating through a net of 350 km.

Stockholm cityterminAl Stockholm SkAVStA Airport elmiA, Jnkping

prE. toUr 3, pelleTs, CHp and Trade
departure from stockholm Cityteminal at 09.00. departure from stockholm skavsta airport at 10.30.
CHP plant handling solid biomass, pellets production, small-scale briquette production and a new market place for biofuel. CHp using recycled wood Vattenfall, idbcksverket, nykping The plant is owned by Vattenfall, the large state owned energy company, through its daughter company Vattenfall Vrme Norden AB. The electricity production capacity is 35 MW, and the plant delivers 300 GWh heat per year to the district heating network. The plant consists of the CHP unit with a total capacity of 100 MW, and two heat boilers with a total capacity of 80 MW. All these units are used for biomass. The CHP unit is a bubbling fluidised bed and the other boilers are circulating fluidised beds. The main fuel is recycled wood, but also wood chips and by-products from sawmills and wood industry. As the plant is located on the coast it can easily import fuels by ship. Important import countries are the Baltic states, Germany, the Netherlands and Norway. pellets factory integrated with sawmill BooForssj aB, Katrineholm BooForssj AB is a supplier of wood products. The company manufactures further processed wood products, and refined and unrefined biomass fuel for industrial and consumer market. The pellets plant was taken in operation in 1995 and is integrated with the sawmill in Forssj, where heat is used for drying timber and sawdust for wood pellet production. The production capacity is about 50,000 tonnes per year and operates 5-shifts. Raw material consumption is approximately 330,000 m3 sawdust per year. The heat source is a 15 MW hot gas oven (pre furnace), mainly fired with bark and wet wood chips from the sawmill. Biomass trading platform demonstrated Enbio aB, norrkping Enbio is a company focusing on energy and biomass. The company is located in Norrkping and was established in 2009. During the spring 2012 Enbio launched its new Energy Biofuel Exchange (EBX). EBX helps buyers and sellers of solid biomass to find new business opportunities across the Web. The overall objective of EBX is to provide a tool for the various players in the biofuel market to meet in a way not previously possible. The benefit of using EBX is updated market prices, availability of raw materials, new business contacts and environmental benefits.


copenhAgen kAStrUp Airport Jnkping, elmiA

small CHp using wood chips Halmstad Energi och Milj, Halmstad The combined heat and power plant is located in the harbour area in Halmstad. The plant was built by Wrtsil, as the fifth of the companys BioPower CHP installations. The municipality has a population of 88,000 and is located on Swedens west coast. The CHP is built beside an older heat plant using biomass. This explains why the size of the new CHP is relatively small, although the city is fairly large. The biomass-fuelled CHP has a thermal output of 19.3 MW thermal and an electric output of 3.2 MW electric. The fuel is wood chips produced in the surrounding areas. The electricity is sold on the market, earning the company green electricity certificates. pellets factory at family owned sawmill Derome, Kinnared Deromes wood pellets factory is located in the village of Kinnared, in the inland region of the province of Halland in southern Sweden. The factory has been operating since 2007. Derome produces approximately 55,000 tonnes of pellets each year. Its closest neighbour is one of the sawmills owned by the Derome Group. The mill is a major supplier of spruce wood chips which are converted into pellets in the factory. Recycled heat from the sawmills boiler is used to dry the wood chips which are mixed with shavings and then pressed together to form pellets. The finished product leaves the factory in bulk (loose weight) or on pallets, packed in sacks, ready for delivery to the private consumer market. Pellets are also delivered to industries and heat production plants. The company dates back to 1947 when Karl Andersson began the first circular sawmill in the village of Derome in the province of Halland. Today, the Derome Group is managed by the second and third generations of the Andersson family.

The CHP in Halmstad is located in the port area in the middle of the city.

prE. toUr 4, solid BioMass, CHp and pelleTs

departure from Copenhagen Kastrup airport at 09.00
Cleantech, CHP, combined heat and power using wood fuels and large pellets factory at sawmill. sustainable Business Hub tour host presenting bioenergy development in southern sweden Sustainable Business Hub is one of the largest business networks for cleantech companies in Sweden and a key player in environmental business development in southern Sweden. The members supply products, systems, solutions, services and know-how within district heating and cooling, wastewater treatment, low energy building technology, sustainable urban development and waste management including biogas technology. Sustainable Business Hub collaborates with businesses, universities and institutes, utilities, municipalities, embassies and the Swedish Trade Council. Large CHp using primarily imported pellets resundskraft, Helsingborg resundskraft was founded in 1859 and is a producer of electricity, district heating and cooling. The production plant in Helsingborg, Vsthamnsverket, was built in 1983 and originally intended for oil. Then rebuilt for coal and since 2006 uses 100 percent wood pellets. Today resundskraft uses around 200,000 tonnes of pellets per year in a powder boiler. Most deliveries come by ship to the companys own quay. After installing three hammer mills the plant achieved the same capacity with pellets as with coal. This visit will include the plant and the large pellets barn.

Derome pellets factory the pellets silo for manufactured pellets to the right.


prE. toUr 5, WasTe To enerGy and BioGas

departure from Copenhagen Kastrup airport at 09.00
Waste CHP, biogas production from household waste, industrial waste and agricultural waste. sustainable Business Hub tour host presenting bioenergy development in south sweden See page 19. Large CHp using waste sysav, Malm Sysav South Scania Waste Company, receives, recycles and treats waste from households and businesses in southern Skne. The company is owned by 14 municipalities with a joint population of over 680,000 and has approximately 6,000 companies as customers. Sysavs concept applies an eco-cycle perspective, and is based on total solutions and high expertise to combine various treatment methods for dealing with each type of waste in the most sustainable way according to its properties. Waste is a resource and, as far as possible, should be reused. Sysav therefore recycles waste in the form of materials and energy, and only a small proportion is sent to landfill. Even some of the ashes can be reused. The visit includes a tour of the CHP. Biogas plant using a wide range of raw materials Kristianstads Biogas aB The plant was established in 1996 and is one of Swedens first and largest biogas plants. The permitted receiving volume is 150,000 tonnes and the material comes from slaughterhouses, organic household waste, manure and industrial products. The plant has a reactor volume of 14,500 m. In 2011 the plant upgraded 4 MNm gas for vehicles.
Kristianstads Biogas AB plant in Karpalund.

small scale solutions for biodiesel and biogas norups Grd, Knislinge Norups Grd is a family owned operation since 1904. The farm has had biodiesel production since 1989. Today Norup is a leading European supplier of small scale technology for biofuel production (biodiesel and biogas). The company has experience from Scandiavian countries, central Europe, Japan and Africa. Norups Grd works as consultants, equipment suppliers and turn-key suppliers of complete systems and has a module systems for factory in a box that is easily adopted to local conditions. The companys mission is to take an active part in small scale biofuel production, develop, contract and install small scale high tech in a cost efficient way. The tour includes the biogas plant, feeded with substrate from the farm (manure, corn silage, sugarbeets, potatoes, glycerine from biodiesel production) as well as the biodiesel plant and the workshop.

post ConFErEnCE transFEr toUrs, 1 jUnE

elmiA, Jnkping Stockholm ArlAndA internAtionAl Airport
post toUr 1, BiofUels and BioliqUids
departure from elmia, Jnkping, at 08.00
Biogas and biodiesel production. Production of buses driven by biofuel. Biogas plant swedish Biogas, Linkping Biogas production in Linkping, Svensk Biogas, is a subsidiary of Tekniska Verken i Linkping AB, the public utility in Linkping, a university and cathedral city with close to 140,000 inhabitants. Svensk Biogas runs a biogas plant using waste products from food industry and restaurants. The biogas is up-graded to be used as vehicle fuel (to more than 97 percent methane). The biogas is used for local traffic, taxis, buses and private cars. Svensk Biogas has about a dozen of gas stations in Linkping and neighbouring cities. More biogas plants are under construction or planned. In Norrkping a biogas plant using residues from the ethanol factory has been erected. Svensk Biogas has also developed the concept of Green Gas, where different agricultural products will be used for biogas production. The concept increases the raw material base significantly.


Buses use biofuel and test driving scania, sdertlje Scania is one of the worlds leading manufacturers of trucks and buses for heavy transport applications, and of industrial and marine engines. Service-related products account for a growing proportion of the companys operations, assuring Scania customers of cost-effective transport solutions and maximum uptime. Transport solutions promoting a sustainable society are of increasing importance to Scania and its customers. Support for improved logistics, driver training and the use of renewable fuels are vital parts of Scanias offering.
MBP facility is located in by north of Norrkping with excellent logistics.

Visit to Scania demonstration centre and test driving of buses using biofuels.

Biodiesel from used cooking oils and bioliquids for energy production MBp Group, norrkping MBP Group organises a nationwide collection of used restaurant oils. At the factory the oils are handled, cleaned and processed before the oils are delivered as feedstock for the biodiesel industry. In Sweden we use more bioliquids then fossil fuel oil, in our district heating systems. MBP group is on of the companies that made this happen in Sweden.

Photo: Dan Boman Scania is a leading producer of heavy duty vehicles and develops solutions using biofiels.

post toUr 2, loCal disTriCT HeaTinG and WasTe To enerGy

departure from elmia, Jnkping, at 08.00
Medium-scale heat plant, solid biomass. Waste to energy. small district heating plant Lantmnnen deshg, deshg In 2001 this small community decided to become independent of fossil fuels for heating. Up to that point most of the heating was based on heating oil and electricity. Lantmnnen is a large co-operatively owned company with Swedish farmers as owners/members. The 3.5 MW boiler, built by Hotab, is designed to use biofuels with a moisture content of 10 to 35 percent and intended for fuels from the surrounding agricultural area, like straw, Salix chips, and grain residues. During the initial period mainly wood chips will be used. For top load and back-up an oil boiler using rapeseed oil is used. The district heating grid has a length of 5.3 kilometres and the heat delivery is around 12,500 MWh per year. The customers are apartment buildings, stores, industries and family houses.

Efficient biomass fuel handling Econova, Braviken Econova promotes social cyclical thinking by uniting sound business operations with environmental benefit. The company brings customers together in local cycles. Waste products are processed where they arise, recycled and transformed into new, usable products. Biomass produced by Econova can be mixed with other biomass in order to create a product based on the customers specific needs. The production site Braviken, the venue for the study visit, is also a terminal for temporary storage of biomass products from the forest industry and recycled wood chips. Econova is an environmental technology company that offers products and services within the operational segments biomass, garden, landfill and waste products.

Take a chance to introduce yourself and optimise you net-working. Prepare for our open mic sessions during the study tours.


District heating plant in trosa built by jrnforsen Last year Statkraft modernised their plant for district heating in Trosa. Jrnforsen manufactured and delivered a new 6 MW combustion plant for biomass. The new plant provides households and industries in Trosa with hot water. For a district heating operator, efficiency and environmental constraints are the key factors for low operating costs. The efficiency of the plant in Trosa is optimised with a flue gas condenser
Fuel handling at Braviken.

elmiA, Jnkping copenhAgen, kAStrUp Airport

Photo: E.ON The biogas plant at Wrams Gunnarstorp is a co-operation between a large farm and a nearby food industry.

post toUr 3, BiofUels froM aGriCUlTUre, CHp and BioGas

departure from elmia, Jnkping, at 08.00
Short rotation coppice production, biogas production at large farm and CHP using biomass. sustainable Business Hub tour host presenting bioenergy development in south sweden See page 19. Biogas produced in cooperation between farm and food industry Wrams Gunnarstorp A modern biogas plant in cooperation between a large farm and food industry. The biogas plant at Wrams Gunnarstorp can be seen as a model for the fast-growing biogas industry. The plant has been built without subsidies and is a result of close cooperation between a large farm (Wrams Gunnarstorps Gods), a leading food industry (Findus, owned by Nestl), and E.ON (E.ON Gas Sverige AB). Cultivation of fast growing willows as energy crop salixenergi Europa aB SalixEnergi Europa AB has experience from working with energy willow (Salix) since 1986. The companys professional expertise ranges over a wide spectrum, from early planting trials to advanced technological developments in planting, harvesting, and handling. Stable, sustainable plant breeding for over 25 years has produced new willow varieties that provide superior yields. SalixEnergi Europa AB, and the plant breeder division of the national Swedish farmers association Lantmnnen SW Seed, are working together to continuously improve cultivation supplies and cultivation technology.

Large user of bio-oils for district heating Lunds Energi aB, Lund Lunds Energi AB is owned by four municipalities in southern Sweden. The company supplies energy to about 293,000 customers. The business includes regional production and distribution of district heat, district cooling and electricity in the city of Lund, with a total yearly production of 1,040 GWh heat, 66 GWh district cooling, and 91 GWh electricity. The main production site, the Gunnesbo plant, is in the forefront of environmental technology, such as district heating based on natural gas, bio-oil, wood pellets and geothermal energy and produces about 546 GWh in total, of which 205 GWh is produced with bio-oils and solid biomass on yearly basis. The plant has been converted from fossil oil to bio-oil with a production capacity of 150 MW. Lunds Energi is one of the biggest users if bio-oil in Sweden. The tour includes a visit to the bio-oil facility.


DaiLY stUDY Visits, 29 - 31 MaY, 15.00 18.00

World Bioenergy also includes guided study visits connected to the conference themes. These bus trips take you out to real life operations at bioenergy sites, giving you hands on experience. The number of participants on each tour is limited there will be one bus on each tour. All buses depart from outside Entrance Syd, Elmia, and return to Elmia around 18.00. Please note that tours are subject to changes. No pre-registration is required.

2. loadinG BioMass on Trains aT sToCKarydsTerMinalen

This study tour goes to Stockarydsterminalen, a terminal for lumber and solid biofuels, located along the southern main railway line, between Stockholm and Malm. The terminal opened in 2008 and is owned by the municipality and a local logistics company. Last year over 500 trains left Stockaryd. The trains loaded at this terminal transport biomass to large CHPs at long distance.

3. learn More aBoUT THe Worlds BesT reneWaBle fUel, BioGas

By 2020, the EU has to reduce CO2-emissions, increase efficiency and increase the use of renewable fuels. Ten years later, Sweden wants to be independent of fossil fuels. Tall order? Skvde Biogas is part of the solution. The plant produces enough renewable fuel to replace 3,4 million liters of petrol every year. The fuel is produced using waste from local slaughterhouses, dairies and food stores. After extracting the valuable energy, biofertiliser is used to increase crop production in local agriculture. Have you ever heard of a better solution? Join Gteborg Energi on a visit to this newly constructed plant just over an hours drive from the conference. On site, you will learn more about: How 100,000+ tonnes of waste is collected and transported to the site, how all of this waste is transformed into a renewable vehicle fuel with unparalleled low CO2-emissions, how you efficiently upgrade and distribute biogas as a vehicle fuel and how the biofertiliser is supporting sustainable local agriculture.,

tUEsDaY 29 MaY
1. foresT ToUr WiTH Vida enerGi and allan BrUKs aB (aBaB)
At this tour you get the opportunity to see how a Bioharvester operates in the forest. The site is located in the nearby area of Jnkping. The hosts for the visit, Vida Energi and Allan Bruks AB, will welcome you to an exciting visit to show how biomass can be derived from the forest. Vida Energi is one of the biggest sawmill industries situated in the south part of Sweden that also handles pellet production and forest residues. Allan Bruks AB (ABAB) provides unique and long experience with solutions within the whole chain of efficient production of biofuels. Products include felling heads for energy tree harvesting, stump shears, material carriers for transport from forest to roadside and high volume grinding and chipping equipment making fuel chips or raw material for wood pellet production. At the visit the Bioharvester 255 will be shown in action at thinning operation.,

4. saWMill indUsTry UsinG Wood CHips and dUsT as fUel in KleVsHUlT

Jrnforsens bioenergy plant at Ture Johanssons sawmill industry in Klevshult is a typical example of a robust standard solution for sawmills. The sawmill uses wood waste, such as bark, sawdust and wood chips as fuel. The plant produces hot water with a capacity of 6 MW. The heat is used to dry the timber and to warm up the industrial buildings. The plant was set in operation in the autumn 2009. A plant for a sawmill industry requires high availability close to 100 percent. Only one scheduled stop a year is made for service and maintenance.
At Stockarydsterminalen biomass trains can be loaded for deliveries of fuels to large CHPs in other parts of Sweden.


WEDnEsDaY 30 MaY
1. foresT ToUr WiTH Vida enerGi and allan BrUKs aB (aBaB)
See 29 May.

Photo: Anders Arvidsson

2. MediUM-sCale HeaT planT WiTH solid BioMass, BUilT By HoTaB, Grnna

Jnkping Energi delivers electricity, heat, cooling and broadband to over 55,000 customers in and around the city of Jnkping. The Grnna district heating plant was commissioned in 2011 and supplies the small town of Grnna with fossil free district heating. The plant was built on a turn-key contract from HOTAB Eldningsteknik and applies the most up-todate combustion technology for biomass heating. Two HOTAB boilers of 2 MW each and a flue gas condensation unit is the heart of the plant.
Torsvik waste to energy CHP is one of Swedens most modern of its kind.

5. learn More aBoUT THe Worlds BesT reneWaBle fUel, BioGas

By 2020, the EU has to reduce CO2-emissions, increase efficiency and increase the use of renewable fuels. Ten years later, Sweden wants to be independent of fossil fuels. Tall order? Svsj Biogas is part of the solution. The plant produces enough renewable fuel to replace 2,2 million liters of petrol every year, using crap. Cow manure. After extracting the valuable energy, the manure is actually improved and increases crop production in local agriculture. Have you ever heard of a better solution? Join Gteborg Energi on a visit to this newly constructed plant an hours drive from the conference. On site, you will learn more about: How 100,000+ tonnes of manure and other waste are collected and transported to the site, how all of this crap is transformed into a renewable vehicle fuel with unparalleled low CO2-emissions, how we efficiently upgrade and distribute biogas as a vehicle fuel and how our biofertiliser is supporting sustainable local agriculture.,

3. solid BioMass and WasTe To enerGy aT TorsViK CHp WiTH JnKpinG enerGi
In the combined heat and power plant, energy from waste is converted to district heating and power enough to supply more than 15,000 single homes. Biological waste is pretreated at Torsvik to be further processed into biogas and bio-manure. The output from the Torsvik plant has replaced large amounts of fossil fuel, both in district heating production and in local and regional transport.

WorLD pELLEts 2012:

4. pelleT ToUr aT fGelfors HyVleri/Uny KonsUlT, fGelfors, inClUdinG dinner

Study visit to Fgelfors Hyvleri. Pellets production with an installed capacity of 35,000 tonnes. This tour includes dinner at Moliljan Spa. Dinner is sponsored by Salmatec, Fgefors Hyvleri and UNY Konsult.

registration required!

tHis toUr inCLUDEs DinnEr at MoLiLjan spa. rEGistration rEQUirED!


tHUrsDaY 31 MaY
1. foresT ToUr WiTH Vida enerGi and allan BrUKs aB (aBaB)
See 29 May.

2. loadinG BioMass on Trains aT sToCKarydsTerMinalen

See 29 May.

3. pelleT prodUCTion WiTH lanTMnnen enerGi, UlriCeHaMn

The factory in Ulricehamn was built in 1981 and was then only producing woodpowder. In 1994 pellet production was initiated and in 2001 a fully automatic package system for pellets in 16 kg sacks was installed. Today the factory has three pellet presses and a volume of the storage of 37,000 metric tonnes. Since 2003 the factory also delivers district heating in the municipal net. The participants in this tour will have information about the factory and basic information of pellet production.

The forest tour showing harvest and handling of forest residues is organised all three days.

4. firsT BioMass fired CHp planT Based on orC in sWeden

Falbygden Energi is an environmental technology group that develops, produces and markets systems and products for ecofriendly, efficient and low-resource energy usage. Opcon Bioenergy supplied, through its brand Saxlund, a small-scale biomass fuelled cogeneration plant to Falbygden Energi. The power plant will supply 2.3 MW of electricity and 12 MW of district heating. Fuel will be wood chips. Flue gas condensation and cleaning will be made by the effective Opcon SRE-systems. The plant is under the final stages of completion, and will become operational during autumn 2012. The power plant is based on thermal oil as heat transfer media, so called organic ranking cycle (ORC), giving that it is an unpressurised system with simple, reliable, unmanned operation. At the visit we will show the plant and go through the various parts of the process.

The programme is subject to change. For the lastes news, see WWW.WorLDBioEnErGY.CoM

5. dMe TrUCK and a dMe fUellinG sTaTion

In this study visit you are welcome to see a Volvo truck filling up BioDME at a Preem fuelling station. In the BioDME project, Volvo Trucks is running a field test using BioDME produced from biomass from the forest industry in the northern part of Sweden. There are four such filling stations in Sweden and one of them is located in Jnkping. Technology in the fuelling stations and in the truck will be demonstrated.

Cows and their manure produce methane, a strong greenhouse gas that should be used as biogas for energy.


siDE EVEnts
We cordially invite you to organise specialist sessions, project meetings, workshops, 29 31 May, 15.00 17.00. If you are interested in organising a Side event, please contact Svebio,

tUEsDaY 29 MaY, 15.00 - 17.00

Bioenergy in russia: Development potential and investment perspectives
Facilitation of the Russian economy resource base development, enhancement of energy supply stability, reduction of raw materials losses and environment pollution level became one of the key directions of the state industrial and energy policy of the Russian Federation in the resent years. Development of renewable energy sources should make an important contribution to the fulfilment of these objectives. One of the most important perspectives of renewable energy development in Russia is the utilisation of local fuels, particularly bioenergy. The potential of bioenergy is determined as well by the vast resource base as by the necessity to solve waste treatment problems in a number of Russian Regions. Bioenergy should pay an important role in the ecological, infrastructural and social development of the country. The main goal of the seminar is to present the potential of bioenergy investment projects in the regions of Russia, including the resource potential, legal environment and state support measures. The seminar will be an excellent platform for business contact establishment between key players of the Russian bioenergy market, technology suppliers and investors from all over the world. Contact details: Olga Ulasevich, Russian Energy Agency, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, +7 (495) 789 92 92, ext. 22 28, or Mila Rudaya, Russian Energy Agency, +7 (495) 789 92 92 ext. 20 68,

WEDnEsDaY 30 MaY, 15.00 - 17.00

MixBiopells: Enhancing the market relevance of alternative and mixed biomass pellets in Europe
The market integration of alternative and mixed biomass pellets is still hindered by various constraints. To overcome these constraints and to strengthen the drivers the IEE founded European project MixBioPells was initiated to identify promising market introduction concepts and to enhance the relevance of alternative and mixed biomass pellets in Europe. Further information is available at the project website: In the side event several aspects of the labelling and certification scheme which was developed in close cooperation with the European Pellet Council (EPC) will be discussed. The major questions to be answered are: Could a labelling system for alternative and mixed biomass pellets and combustion systems lead to a similar acceptance as for wood pellets? Is it possible to develop a labelling for alternative and mixed biomass pellets and combustion systems addressing the current heterogenic market situation? What are the main requirements in order to realise the labelling system within different legal, technical and economic frameworks in Europe?
Programme: Possible approaches to increase the market relevance of alternative and mixed biomass pellets in Europe
Thomas Zeng, Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum, Germany

A draft for a European wide labelling system of alternative pellets and combustion systems
Anna Sager and Marie Rnnbck, Technical Research Institute SP, Sweden

Podium discussion: Labelling of alternative and mixed biomass pellets and combustion systems The silver bullet to overcome market barriers? Questions from the audience to the participants of the podium discussion

Contact details: Thomas Zeng (DBFZ), +49 (0) 341-2434-542,

The side event is jointly organised by the MixBioPells project partners Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum (DBFZ), Bioenergy 2020+, Technical Research Institute of Sweden (SP), Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT), Danish Technological Institute (DTI), Comitato Termotecnico Italiano (CTI) and Energia y Medio Ambiente S.L. (Protecma).


tHE sUCCEssFUL MatCHMaKinG ConCEpt ContinUEs!

Once again Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) organises the B2B matchmaking at World Bioenergy. Create another opportunity to meet potential clients, partners for business, product and market development or research projects by booking meetings with prospects in advance. By registering your company profile and your sought cooperation in the matchmaking system, you can search and find matching partners who might want to meet with you during the event. There is no extra charge for exhibitors or conference delegates for this matchmaking service, while other fair visitors are subject to a small fee. Read more about the event at!
enterprise europe network
Photo: iStockphoto

3 days (29 - 31 May) 2 days 1 day ice breaker reception, 28 May ofcial conference dinner, 29 May optional dinner, 30 May pre conference tours, 28 May post conference tours, 1 June daily study visits, 29 - 31 May all inclusive

1 Euro ~ 9,60 SEK

Entrance fees to the exhibition

7,400 seK 5,900 seK 4,400 seK included 800 seK 800 seK 1,300 seK 1,300 seK

Entrance fee for the exhibition: 200 SEK incl. VAT. If you are a conference delegate your entrance fee is included in your conference fees.

As a speaker at the conference you can attend the event free all three days, including lunches, official conference dinner and daily study visits. For poster presenters there is a 20% discount on the 3 day ticket. For delegate groups (10 persons or more), a 10% group discount on the conference fee is available. A 60% student discount on the conference fee is available for third-level students currently enrolled in a relevant field of study. A valid student card or letter from a university department or similar will be required as proof. A 30% discount on the conference fee is available for World Bioenergy exhibitors. Discounts cannot be combined.

included, only for conference delegates 10,500 seK

An additional 25% VAT will be charged for all participants.

Main sponsor:

paTron of World BioenerGy:

Photo: Paul Hansen

siLVEr sponsors:


Main MEDia partnEr:

His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden 27

W-HoW taKinG YoU FroM KnoW-HoW to sHo

WoULD YoU LiKE MorE inFo ?

Contact us and well be happy to tell you more and discuss how you can make the most out of your participation in World Bioenergy 2012 or how you can co-operate with us. Gustav Melin, Conference Manager, Swedish Bioenergy Association Tel: +46 8 441 70 80, Fax: +46 8 441 70 89 E-mail: Jakob Hirsmark, Exhibition Manager, Elmia Tel: +46 36 15 22 14, Fax: +46 36 16 46 92 E-mail:

rEGistEr to tHE ConFErEnCE

Register on

BooK YoUr EXHiBition stanD

Welcome to contact us for stand suggestion and more information about the exhibition:

MarKEtinG opportUnitiEs
Why not make the most out of your participation and market your company? For further information about sponsorship, please contact the organisers.

tiME anD pLaCE

Conference and exhibition: 29-31 May 2012, Elmia, Jnkping, Sweden Pre- and post-conference transfer tours: 28 May and 1 June 2012

HotEL BooKinGs
For easy and efficient service, book your accommodation via Jnkpings Hotellbokning. We recommend that you book early! Tel: +46 36 10 71 71, E-mail:

Box 6066. SE-550 06 Jnkping, Sweden Tel +46 36-15 20 00. Fax +46 36-16 46 92

Torsgatan 12. SE-111 23 Stockholm, Sweden Tel +46 8-441 70 80. Fax +46 8-441 70 89

Cover photo: Ugur Evirgen [istockphoto].

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