The Airport

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Unit 1: Greetings and Farewells Lesson 6: The Airport Alphabet: aa B be C ce Ch che D de E e (ah) F efe G ge (hay) H hache I i (ee) J jota

e) J jota K ka L ele Ll elle M eme n- ene N ene Oo P pe Q - qu R ere Rr erre S ese T te Uu V ve W doble ve X equis Y igriega Z - zeta

Good-byes: Espanol Adios Chao Hasta luego Hasta pronto Hasta manana Hasta (day) (lunes/martes/mircoles/jueves/viernes/sabad o/domingo Ingles Good-bye Good-bye See you later See you soon See you tomorrow See you monday/tuesday/wedne sday/ thursday/ friday/saturday/sunday

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