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Unit 2: Family Life Lesson 9: Family Tree

Quien es? Es (name)

Who is it? It is (name)

Spanish names: Los nombres en espanol Nombre News: Juan Jose Lopez Perez Keep in mind the following when you ask for a persons name/ - Como se llama? is another way to ask Whats your name? - primer nombre is first name - apellido is last name Juan Jose Primer nombre (not all hispanic people have two first names!) Lopez Apellido paterno (dads) Perez Apellido materno (moms)

in the USA and / or Canada, this guy is just Juan Lopez. When a woman marries, she keeps her dads last name, followed by her husbands. Theres no middle name as we know it.

Familia Espanol Mama / madre Papa / padre Hermano / a Hijo / a Primo / a Tio / a Abuelo / a Sobrino / a Nieto / a Novio / a Amigo / a Gato / a Perro / a Pez Stepmother Stepfather Stepdaughter Stepson Godparents Godparents Husband Wife Ingles Mom Dad Brother / sister Son / daughter Cousin Uncle / aunt Grandpa / grandma Nephew / niece Grandson / granddaughter Boyfriend / girlfriend Friend Cat Dog Fish La madrastra El padrastro La hijastra El hijastro Los padrinos Los compadres El esposo La esposa

Possessive adjectives: Sing. Mi Tu Su Nuestro (a) Su Plu. Mis Tus Sus Nuestros (as) Sus Meaning My Your (fam) Your (form) / his / her / its Our Theirs

the possessive adjectives always precedes the nouns they introduce. All the Spanish possessive adjectives agree in number (sing / plu) with the nouns they procede. Yo necesito mi pluma.

Eg: yo necesito mi libro.

Yo necesito mis libros. Yo necesito mis plumas. nuestro (s) / nuestra (s) they must agree with the nouns they precede in gender as well as number. Eg: nosotros necesitamos nuestro libro. Nosotros necesitamos nuestra pluma. Nosotros necesitamos nuetros libros. Nosotros necesitamos nuestras plumas. note that possessive adjectives agree with the thing they possess and not with the possessor (the subject!) For instance, 2 male students would refer to their female teacher as nuestra profesora because teacher is feminine. because (su) and (sus) have several possible meanings, the forms de el, de ella, de ellos, de ellas, de ud., de uds. Can be substituted to avoid confusion. Use this pattern: article, noun, de, pronoun Eg: es la novia de el?

Si, es su novia!

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