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Unit 2: Family Life Lesson 11: Pets Indefinite articles a Sing. Plu. Masc. Un Unos Fem.

Una Unas

Tener + que + infinitive: To express OBLIGATION Present tense *Tener: to have *(irregular) Subject Yo Tu Ud. El Ella Nosotros Uds. Ellos Ellas Conjugation tengo tienes tiene tiene tiene tenemos tienen tienen tienen Translation I have You have You have He has She has We have They have They have They have

EG: Yo tengo que hablar en espanol ( I have to talk in spanish) Tu tienes que ver television ( You have to watch tv) El tiene que jugar hockey (he has to play hockey) Ella tiene que practicar karate (she has to practice karate) Nosotros tenemos que limpiar la casa (we have to clean the house) Ellos tienen que escribir cartas (they (m) have to write letters) Ellas tienen que estudiar ingles (they (f) have to study English)

Responding in the negative When responding to a yes/no question in the negative, use no twice: at the beginning of the sentence and in front of the verb. EG: tienes que limpiar la casa? No. no tengo que limpiar la casa. Vas a estudiar esta noche? No, no voy a estudiar esta noche.

Animales Espanol Perro Gato Pajaro Mariposa Abeja Mosca Caballo Vaca Oveja Gallo Pollo Cerdo Pez Raton Oso Delfin Ingles Dog Cat Bird Butterfly Bee Flaca Horse Cow Sheep Rooster Chicken Pig Fish Mouse Bear Dolphin

Pato Elefante Jirafe Insecto Mono Conejo Serpiente Tigre Pavo Lobo

Duck Elephant Giraffe Insecto Monkey Rabbit Snake Tiger Turkey Wolf

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