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June 2002

(Q.1)Why was the Khilafat Movement founded? [7] (Q.2)Which of the following contributed the most to the Pakistan National Movement: (i) Allama Iqbals Address of 1930; (ii) Chaudhary Rahmat Alis Scheme of Pakistan; (iii) Muhammad Ali Jinnahs Lahore Resolution of 1940? Explain your answer with reference to all three of the above. [14]

(Q.3)Why did the Cripps Mission fail? [7]

June 2003
(Q.1)Why was Dr Allama Muhammad Iqbal an important influence on the struggle for a separate homeland for Pakistan? [7]

June 2004
(Q.1)Was the Chaura Chauri incident of 1922 the most important reason for the failure of the Khilafat Movement? Give reasons for your answer. [14] (Q.2)Why was Congress Rule of 193739 so hated by the Muslims? [7]

June 2005
(Q.1)Was the Khilafat Movement founded because the Muslims feared the break up of Turkey after the First World War? Explain your answer. [14] (Q.2)How successful were the three Round Table

Conferences of 1930-1932? Explain your answer. [14] (Q.3)Why did Jinnah produce his 14 Points in 1929? [7] (Q.4)Why was the Quit India Movement formed in 1942? [7]

June 2006
(Q.1)Explain why the Lucknow Pact of 1916 came about. [7] (Q.2)Explain why the Khilafat Movement had failed by 1924. [7] (Q.3)Was the introduction of Jinnahs 14 Points in 1929 the most important factor in the development of the Pakistan Movement between 1928 and 1935? Give reasons for your answer. [14]

June 2007
(Q.1)Why partition of bengal was reversed ? [7]

June 2008
(Q.1)Why was it necessary to hold three Round Table Conferences (193032)? [7] (Q.2)The main reason why Congress rule (193739) was hated so much by many Muslims was because of the introduction of Bande Matram. Do you agree? Explain your answer. [14]

June 2010
Read the source below carefully to answer question (a). The election results of 1937 created more problems than they solved. Congress was able to form a government in most of the provinces and began to exert control over the minorities. They introduced the Wardha Scheme amongst many other reforms. (Q.1) What was the Wardha Scheme? [4] (Q.2) Why was the Khilafat Movement founded? [7] Read the source below carefully to answer question (a). During the summer of 1946 the Muslim League became increasingly worried that the British might simply withdraw from India and leave it to the Indians to sort out the problems that they had left behind. What followed was called the Direct Action Day. (Q.3) What was the Direct Action Day? [4] (Q.4) Why did Jinnah produce his 14 Points in 1929? [7]

June 2011
Read the source below carefully to answer question (a).

Towards the end of the First World War the British decided that firm action was needed to keep a grip on India, especially with the threat of renewed violence. During the war the British had the Defence of India Act to help keep order. Once this Act had expired the Rowlatt Act was introduced. (Q.1) Describe the Rowlatt Act. [4] (Q.2) Why was the Government of India Act of 1935 so important to the future of the sub-continent? [7] Read the source below carefully to answer question (a). The Congress party decided at its Madras meeting in 1927 to boycott the Simon Commission which faced regular protests in India. Congress met with other parties to make proposals on the future constitution of India. This Conference was chaired by Motilal Nehru and produced the Nehru Report. (Q.3) Describe the Nehru Report. [4] (Q.4) Why did the Gandhi-Jinnah Talks fail in 1944? [7] (Q.5) Was the work of Allama Iqbal more important to the Pakistan Movement than that of Rehmat Ali? Explain your answer. [14]

Nov 2002
(Q.1)Was the withdrawal of Gandhis support from the Khilafat Movement the most important reason for its failure? Explain your answer. [14] (Q.2)Why was Congress Rule (19371939) hated? [7]

(Q.3) Which of the following contributed the most to the establishment of a separate homeland for Muslims: (i) Gandhi-Jinnah Talks 1944; (ii) Simla Conference 1945; (iii) Cabinet Mission Plan 1946? Explain your answer with reference to all three of the above. [14]

Nov 2004
(Q.1)The Lucknow Pact of 1916 was the only beacon of hope for Hindu-Muslim unity between 1914 and 1930. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]

Nov 2005
(Q.1)Why was Chaudhri Rehmat Ali an important influence on the struggle for a separate homeland for Pakistan? [7] (Q.2) Were the Gandhi-Jinnah talks the most important factor during the 1940s that led to the partition of the sub-continent in 1947? Give reasons for your answer. [14]

Nov 2006
(Q.1)Was the abolition of the institution of the caliphate in 1924 the main reason for the failure of the Khilafat Movement? Give reasons for your answer. [14] (Q.2)Why was the Government of India Act of 1935 so important to the future of the sub-continent? [7] Why was the Government of India Act of 1935 so important to the future of the sub-continent?

(Q.3) The main reason why Congress rule (19371939) was so hated was because of the introduction of the Wardha Scheme. Do you agree? Explain your answer. [14]

Nov 2008
(Q.1)The Khilafat Movement failed by 1924 because of poor leadership. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. [14] (Q.2)Why was there so much opposition to the Government of India Act of 1935? [7] (Q.3)Was the Cripps Mission in 1942 the most important factor during the 1940s that led to the partition of the sub-continent in 1947? Give reasons for your answer. [14]

Nov 2009
(Q.1)Why was the Second Round Table Conference of 1931 unsuccessful? [7] (Q.2)Do you agree that the celebration of the Day of Deliverance in 1939 was justified? Give reasons for your answer. [14]

Nov 2010
(Q.1)Read the source below carefully to answer question (a). In 1929 the Congress Party called for complete independence from the British and began again its

non-cooperation campaign. The Muslims disapproved of this campaign since they felt that Congress not only wanted independence but Hindu dominance over Muslims. At this time Dr Allama Iqbal came to prominence. (a) Who was Dr Allama Iqbal? [4] (b) Why did Muslims object to Congress Rule between 1937 and 1939? [7] (c) How successful were negotiations aimed at Independence during the Second World War?Explain your answer. [14]

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