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Volume 10 Issue 6 JUNE 2012


Join us on Facebook to pray together as a body of Christ- .Born of a woman, Raised by parents, worked a trade, made friends, got angry, wept, was afraid and died. click on below

The Man,Jesus.

he caption above could have been the summary of any human being and yet its about Jesus. There are many controversies about whether he was human or divine. This is to exPROACTIVE PRAYER NETplore the human side of Jesus and how that can help you improve your walk with God. WORK His birth was prophesied Immediately Adam and Eve sinned, God pronounced a redemption plan. This plan was hatched Register for a free online from the foundations of the earth but was put into motion (Gen 3:15, Rev 13:8). That was the prayer prophesy for the birth of Jesus; the seed of the woman that will bruise the head of the serpent. course: click on below: Everything in the bible from then on was pointing to Jesus; Moses, who delivered the children of Israel, the way through the red sea, the tabernacle in the wilderness, water from the rock, manna EFFECTIVE PRAYER from heaven and so on. The book of Isaiah 53 and 54 covers the summary of what would happen COURSE to him and even the birthplace was prophesied in the book of Micah 5:2. In the fullness of time In order for Jesus to have the right to pay for our sins, he had to be a bona fide human born of a woman. He also had to be without sin and since no human being could meet this, then God had to be his father. So we have an unblemished man who would die for the sins of the world. In the fullness of time, Jesus was born by Mary. How did he do it?He had a purpose-Luke 4:18. He grew in Stature, Wisdom and Favour-Luke 2:52. He was baptised in water and the Holy Ghost-Mat 3:16. He talked to his father every time-Luke 9:28. He went to the synagogue regularly-Luke 4:16. He obeyed his father continually-John 5:30. Join us for Fellowship He operated in power regularly-Mat 4:24. every Sunday at 3pm He finished his race-John 19:30, Col 2:15. What about you? Gods City Assembly Jesus came to settle all arguments once and for all. He came to show Guildhall,High Street us examples of how we can live abundantly. Living supernaturally in HP 11 2 AG . a natural world and commanding the host of heavens in our daily engagements. Jesus came to show us how to take our stand against demons and how to live in victory every day. He came to show us how to command the resources of Heaven as we pursue kingdom agenda. He also showed us how to finish. If you want to know the secrets of how to live successfully, then study For life impacting resources: the life of Jesus. At the end of the story, he defeated death and was resurrected and elevated. BOOKS,CDS,MP3S. Everything Jesus did, you can do more, dont believe me, believe his words; John 14:12 (NLT) I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. Shalom.
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1 Timothy 2:5 For there is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanitythe man Christ Jesus.

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