Foothill Elementary School: What We Do What We've Done What We Want To Do

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Elementary School

What we do What weve done What we want to do

Welcome to Foothill. Your school has an ac:ve, vibrant, and very eec:ve PTO.

With everyones help from volunteers, event & service chairs, parents, teachers, and PTO ocers, our :me & eorts make a dierence to our kids!









Foo i Kids


PTO Raised $79K in 2011/12

Fund the Fox & Family Contribu:ons Corporate Sponsorships PTO Services
Yearbook, Spiritwear, Coupon Books, Kidzart. Last year this program raised $7K

Community Programs
Whole Foods bag program. Last year this program raised $7K

PTO Funds are applied in the following areas:

School budget shoraall
Pays for sta, programs and supplies which otherwise would be cut from Foothills budget. Money is raised by the PTO and handed over to Foothill Principal and sta to manage.

PTO Enrichment Ac:vi:es

E.g., Talent Show, FoxTracks, Garden to Table Program, Summer Reading Challenge etc

Strategic Grants
Last year we funded iPads and audio equipment for several classrooms.

Teacher Mini Grants

- Reading materials, classroom supplies

Reserve Account
Carry over fund that enables PTO to operate year- to-year.

PTO Fundraises for the schools AND PTO budgets

Fund the Fox (Family & corporate matches) School Budget Shoraall $65K

Teacher Mini-Grants

PTO Services, Community Programs, Sponsorships, Family Contribu:ons

PTO Enirchment Ac:vi:es ($14K)

Reserve Account & Strategic Grants

Some of the programs/ events that we funded, ini:ated and managed, with the help of your contribu:ons last year, include:

Science Fair

Summer Reading Challenge

Garden to Table & Outdoor Classroom

Teacher Apprecia:on

Talent Show


Earth Week

PTO Website

5th Grade Gradua:on

Fox Tracks

Spelling Bee

Student Directory

Family Heritage Night

Spring/Fall Book Fairs

It Takes 2

Did we men:on Sports4All, Foothill Community Care, Game Night, Meet the Principal, Meet the Parents Nite Out, End of Year Picnic & Coupon Books


Without the PTO, there would be a signicant funding gap, and many programs would not happen.

New this year we are seeking corporate and family sponsorships for PTO events and programs
Sponsorships of Events and Program will be recognized with signage at the event and logo on the PTO website.
$1,000 Garden to Table Talent Show Fox Tracks $500 Book publishing 5th Grade Gradua:on Science Fair Summer Reading Program $250 Student Directory Family Heritage Night

For more informa:on go to: hmp://

Thank you for suppor:ng the Foothill PTO enrichment ac:vi:es!

Get a Target Redcard

Purchase Kidzart, coupon books, yearbooks

Contribute $20 per child just check the box on your FTF dona:on envelope.

Sponsor an event or program


Fund the Fox Goal this year:


Reality Check: If we dont raise $65K* Foothill cannot con:nue to provide the same level of educa:onal excellence to our children.
Priority 1 School Resource Alloca:on - $17K Opera:ng expense of the school. Includes custodial supplies, copies, paper, library, etc. Priority 2 Sta - $25K Math and Literacy Tutors, paraprofessionals who support our teachers in the classroom and playground. Priority 3 Safety and Classroom Materials - $23K Teacher classroom money. Child assault preven:on. Soqware

* For the complete FTF Budget go to: hmp://

We need every family to contribute our goal is 100% parTcipaTon

Any amount is appreciated and conden:al. Suggested amount is $1 a day per child. PTOs 501 (c) 3 status makes your contribu:on tax deduc:ble. Many employers do corporate matching.

The PTO needs your support and involvement.

In Summary:
Foothill has an ac:ve, vibrant & eec:ve PTO. Without the PTO, there would be a signicant funding gap, and many programs would not happen. The PTO needs your support and involvement.

For further info about Fund the Fox and to donate now, go online to: hmp:// Or write a check to: Foothill Elementary School PTO and drop it in your childs Friday Folder.

Thank you f

your time and supp t!

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