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1. Chicago mercantile exchange Website : www.cme.

com/ The CME has available literally hundreds of publications, films, slides, videos, and so on. The Mercs Education Center offers inexpensive (about ` 150 on average) courses on futures, futures options, technical analysis, hedging, and even computer courses: you just have to get to Chicago though many courses are taugfht in other cities, too. The international monetary market (IMM) and index and the international option market (IOM) are divisions of the CME. 2. Chicago Board of Trade: Website: The CBOT offers an immense amount of literature on futures. Request their publications catalog, the MidAmerica commodity Exchange (MIdAm) is an affiliate of the CBOT, and their phone number is 312-341-3000. 3. New york Board of trade Website: The NYBOT Is the parent company of the coffee, sugar & cocoa Exchange, Inc. (CSCE) and the New York Cotton Exchange (NYCE). Through its two exchange and their subsidiaries including the new york futures Exchange (NYFE). FINEX and citrus Associates, the NYBOT offers a wide variety of agrficultural (such as cotton and frozen orange juice) and financial (the ` index and the NYSE composite index) products. 4. New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) Website: The nymex application in energy futures and options on energy futures. The COMEX (commodity Exchange), which became a subsidiary of the NYMEX in 1994, specializes in precious metals futures and futures options. 5. Kansas City Board of trade Website: Futures on wheat, natural gas, and the values line index trade on the KCBOT. 6. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Website: 7. National futures association (NFA) Website: 8. Futures industry association Website: The founded in 1955, is the major trade association for all organizations with an interest in futures markets. It offers publications and courses on futures trading. It also presents futures and options expo every October, in Chicago. In 1988 the FIA established thbe futures industry institute to provide educational information about the futures, options, and others derivatives markets, its phone number is 202-223-1528.

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