Midterm Questions GPMT350

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Midterm Questions GPMT350

Question 1 0 out of 3 points Which of the following statements most accurately identifies the typical contents of the project charter? Answer Selected Answer: statement of work, terms and conditions, clauses and delivery instructions Question 2 0 out of 3 points Which of the following roles is typically associated with the project ma nager? Answer Selected Answer: the person responsible for project methods, standards and training Question 3 3 out of 3 points The customer and the contractor often work together to set up and use se veral project control systems. Which of the following is among the control syst ems frequently used? Answer Selected Answer: all of these Question 4 0 out of 3 points Figure 7-3 System Integration Project Consider the System Integration Project depicted in Figure 7-3. Based on the in formation provided, which activities can be delayed one day without impacting th e expected project completion date? Answer Selected Answer: none of these Question 5 3 out of 3 points Team operating principles are sometimes included in a project charter to enhance team functioning. Which of the following statements accurately describ es the value of establishing team operating principles? Answer Selected Answer:

Operating principles that address the conduct of meetings and how decisions are made are especially useful in helping the team get off to a good start. Question 6 3 out of 3 points Define Scope is the process of developing: Answer Selected Answer: a detailed description of the project and product. Question 7 3 out of 3 points All of the following are advantages associated with managing projects in a projectized organization EXCEPT: Answer Selected Answer: Guaranteed job security after the project ends Question 8 0 out of 3 points Project management plans generally include all of the following elements EXCEPT: Answer Selected Answer: schedules and budgets Question 9 3 out of 3 points According to the learning curve, performing an activity frequently resul ts in it taking a(n) ___________ amount of time to complete the same activity i n the future. Answer Selected Answer: Less Question 10 3 out of 3 points The milestone schedule in the project charter: Answer Selected Answer: is a summary-level schedule that identifies significant points or events in the project. Question 11 0 out of 3 points Which of the following statements correctly describes project management ? Answer Selected Answer: all of these Question 12 3 out of 3 points

Which of the following items best describes a project Work Breakdown Str ucture (WBS)? Answer Selected Answer: a framework that identifies project deliverables Question 13 3 out of 3 points Communications to stakeholders are necessary for which of the following reasons? Answer Selected Answer: to help them make good decisions Question 14 0 out of 3 points Portfolio alignment helps an organization achieve its goals by: Answer Selected Answer: decreasing the variety of projects to leverage specialization. Question 15 3 out of 3 points Which of the nine knowledge areas defined in the Project Management Body of Knowledge includes the activities of generating, collecting, distributing, s toring, retrieving and disposing of timely and appropriate project information? Answer Selected Answer: Communications management Question 16 3 out of 3 points There are many causes of variation in project costs. Which of the follo wing accurately describes the nature of this variation? Answer Selected Answer: Variation occurs in all work processes and the novelty associated with most proj ects creates many opportunities for variation. Question 17 0 out of 3 points Building relationships among project team members relies upon establishi ng appropriate decision-making. All of the following considerations should infl uence how decisions are made on a project team EXCEPT: Answer Selected Answer: Decisions made by groups tend to take longer. Question 18 3 out of 3 points Achieving project success is determined by all of the following EXCEPT: Answer Selected Answer: involving only important key stakeholders

Question 19 3 out of 3 points By identifying stakeholders and their needs, project managers can be mor e effective in all the following ways EXCEPT: Answer Selected Answer: derive the final budget Question 20 0 out of 3 points Subject matter experts often perform specific project activities when ne cessary. Which of the following statements accurately describes the role of sub ject matter experts in support of a project? Answer Selected Answer: The subject matter experts should only be used for technical guidance Question 21 3 out of 3 points The approved time-phased budget against which project execution is compa red and deviations are measured for management control is known as: Answer Selected Answer: a cost performance baseline. Question 22 0 out of 3 points Activity Optimistic Time (a) Time (m) Pessimistic Time (b) Expected Duration A - Review Design 18 24 30 B - Assemble Item 14 21 28 C - Inspect Item 4 6 8 D - Package Item 5 10 12 Figure 7-5 Duration Estimates Consider the activity duration estimates presented in Figure 7-5. Based on the information provided and adopting the PERT conventions to calculate expected act ivity durations, what is the expected duration of Activity D - Package Item ? Answer Selected Answer: 10 days Question 23 3 out of 3 points Project management involves the development of project plans that: Answer Selected Answer: become more specific as early work is completed. Question 24 Most Likely 24 21 6 ?

0 out of 3 points Which of the following statements is true concerning the adoption of rol ling wave planning in project management? Answer Selected Answer: It requires detailed bottom-up estimating for every WBS component Question 25 0 out of 3 points Which of the following terms best describes the amount of funds needed a bove the estimate to reduce the risk of overruns? Answer Selected Answer: project padding Question 26 0 out of 3 points Virtual project teams often encounter increased challenges. All of the following items are among these increased challenges EXCEPT: Answer Selected Answer: it is more difficult to understand the stakeholders Question 27 3 out of 3 points Scope management typically involves which of the following processes? Answer Selected Answer: ensuring that the project includes all the work required and only the work requi red, to complete the project successfully Question 28 0 out of 3 points There are several tasks that a project customer (or sponsor acting in th at capacity) can do to enhance the probability of success. Which of the followi ng are generally performed independent of the project contractor who will perfor m the work? Answer Selected Answer: sign the project charter Question 29 0 out of 3 points The work package provides the basis for future project planning activiti es including all of the following EXCEPT: Answer Selected Answer: assigning resources Question 30 3 out of 3 points When applied to project management, human resource management typically involves which of the following activities?

Answer Selected Answer: organizing, managing and leading the project team Question 31 0 out of 3 points Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) was developed to address severa l problems that are common in organizations that use traditional project schedul ing. Which of the following describes a common problem addressed by CCPM? Answer Selected Answer: Many team members work solely on a single task until it is complete - impeding w ork on other related activities. Question 32 3 out of 3 points Projects often require tradeoffs among all of the following EXCEPT: Answer Selected Answer: programs Question 33 0 out of 3 points Which of the following characteristics is NOT associated with a functio nal organization? Answer Selected Answer: Staff are managed by a person with expertise in their area. Question 34 3 out of 3 points Activity A --B A C A D A E B, C F D G E H E I F, G, H Predecessor(s) Duration (days) 5 20 15 5 60 15 20 15 2

Figure 7-6 Network Scheduling Data Consider the network scheduling data presented in Figure 7-6. How many days of slack are associated with activity F? Answer Selected Answer: 80 Question 35 0 out of 3 points

A milestone is a typical measuring point used when establishing cost con trol. Which of the following accurately describes the use of cost control miles tones? Answer Selected Answer: Project managers can use their cash flow projections to determine the funding ne eded to reach each milestone. Question 36 0 out of 3 points The purpose of a project charter includes all of the following EXCEPT: Answer Selected Answer: develops a common understanding between the sponsor and the project team Question 37 0 out of 3 points Work Breakdown Structures can be displayed in a variety of formats inclu ding which of the following? Answer Selected Answer: fishbone or cause and effect diagram Question 38 0 out of 3 points Stakeholders may include which of the following people? Answer Selected Answer: external people affected by the project process like suppliers and competitors Question 39 3 out of 3 points A typical change request form will include which of the following conten t items? Answer Selected Answer: a description of the change along with the impact of making the change Question 40 0 out of 3 points Project managers must often face the challenge of compressing the projec t schedule. All of the following actions can be taken to reduce the duration of the critical path EXCEPT: Answer Selected Answer: Reduce the project scope. Question 41 3 out of 3 points When trying to understand a corporate culture, it is helpful to understa nd the types of power that are used. In power cultures : Answer Selected Answer:

Supervisors exert a great deal of economic and political power. Question 42 3 out of 3 points Figure 8-4 Project Crashing Information Consider the project crashing information presented in Figure 8-4. What is the incremental cost to achieve a one-day reduction in the duration of this project in the most cost efficient manner? Answer Selected Answer: $ 35 Question 43 0 out of 3 points Which of the following statements most accurately describes the negotiat ions between a client company and a contractor? Answer Selected Answer: Negotiations are generally focused on schedule Question 44 3 out of 3 points Which of the following are among the challenges faced by project manager s? Answer Selected Answer: They must determine how networks of people function in the organization. Question 45 3 out of 3 points When estimating resource needs, project teams should consider all the fo llowing EXCEPT: Answer Selected Answer: scoring models Question 46 0 out of 3 points Which of the following represents a valid approach that contractors can use to identify new potential projects? Answer Selected Answer: engage in a proactive customer relationship management effort Question 47 0 out of 3 points Figure 7-4 Lab Experiment Project Consider the Lab Experiment Project depicted in Figure 7-4. Based on the inform

ation provided, identify the critical path(s) for this project? Answer Selected Answer: A-B-E-F only Question 48 0 out of 3 points A clear and compelling vision will have all the following characteristic s EXCEPT: Answer Selected Answer: often requires extra effort to achieve. Question 49 0 out of 3 points Unknown unknowns is a term used to describe events which occur that are to tally unexpected. All of the following accurately describe an implication assoc iated with unknown unknowns EXCEPT: Answer Selected Answer: They need to be covered in the project budget. Question 50 3 out of 3 points Typically, a steering team or leadership team is responsible for all of the following project related roles EXCEPT: Answer Selected Answer: providing rigid policies, procedures, standards and guidelines Sunday, July 29, 2012 2:12:26 AM EDT

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