The Role of The Lexical Analyzer: Token Source Program

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The Role of The Lexical Analyzer

Source program Lexical Analyser get next token parser

Symbol table

Token a reserve word

Patterns the set of strings defined by a rule is called a pattern

Lexemes is a sequence of characters in the source program matched by the pattern for atoken

Input Buffering


Regular Expression:

Tokens are built from symbols of a finite vocabulary. We use regular expressions to define structures of tokens.

Regular Expressions
The sets of strings defined by regular expressions are termed regular sets Definition of regular expressions
is a regular expression denoting the empty set
A string s is a regular expression denoting a set containing only s if A and B are regular expressions, so are

A | B (alternation)
AB A* (concatenation) (Kleene closure)

Regular Expressions (Contd)

Some examples
Let D = (0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ... | 9 ) L = (A | B | ... | Z) decimal = D+ D+
ident = L (L | D)* (_ (L | D)+)*

Some more examples


Real Numbers:

Recognition of Tokens

A transition diagram

This machine accepts abccabc, but it rejects abcab. This machine accepts (abc+)+.

Transition Diagrams:
Depicts the action that take place when a lexical analyzer is called by

the parser

* Input retraction must take place

Implementing a Transition Diagram

Lex Specification
A lex program consists of three parts: declarations %% translation rules %% auxiliary procedures

Finite Automata
Generalized Transition Diagram Used to recognize regular sets Can be deterministic or [only one output from a state] Non Deterministic [more than one output from a state]

Nondeterministic Finite Automata

Recognizes a regular expression: (a|b)*abb

Transition table for the finite automation of previous figure

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