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So, here I am again... making myself a bit refreshed (may be you also). Oh! Are you worried about my topic... forget that... Is it always necessary to talk about our topic... whatever we type as a heading??? Well, many people think so. And if one will deviate from topic the they will say its totally irritating... its an irritating blog...blah...blah.. (In AADILian Language its called bad-bad {pronounce it in Hindi not in its translation}...) ok fine you want me to come into the topic...right???okk ya thats enough... thats what you are thinking... But you should know that I dont care ... So, where was I ?? ok ya ... I was talking about dimentions !... Oh! I started to talk about it but you made me to be busy in some other things... its okk no need to say sorry... okk fine as you wish coming to my topic... In the recent few days I encountered some characters which were amazing .. Well I always encounter amazing characters but there were really amazing... So the first character was OOGWAY well ...well ...well... He was the turtle in the movie Kung fu panda...Well he was really a character like one of my favourite coaches VM sir. But he was a multidimensional guy according to many people. Many of my close friends think that they are multidimensional. Is that so??... According to my point of view I think no one is Multi-dimensional and no one is single dimensional too ... But still no-one can stop anyone from speaking ... So, I let them speak... Earlier I used to make them bleeding from mouth... But now I am so called SUDHARA HUA BANDA from the point of view of many of my friends (though I dont have many and I dont want many) ... Well... Apologies... I again deviated from dimensions ...ok ... So I mean from single ... that One should interact in only one subject of interest... Now... think of it as like this!... If a person starts reading for pleasure then reads and reads and still reads... now he just reads... What we can call them... I call them single-dimensional... But some-one can claim that are not studying about only one stuff, they just are interested to STUDY about random stuffs... well, they study a lot I know... But they only study I want to say this ! Its doesnt matter whether they study about one stuff or more than one what matters is that they just study!!... Nothing else than study... What the hell someone will get by studying?? Well this question ll look senseless to those people as they ll say that ... they study for pleasure ... okkk... I know that you are studying for pleasure But never claim that By just STUDYing, you are a multidimensional person. Now I am defining Multi-dimensionality. I can say that I may be in near future a multidimensional. Completely shocked na?? Its okk lots of shocks are waiting for everyone in near future!! Dont worry!

In different scales people use many after a certain number... that is I meant that for example In a country the counting starts from one, goes to two and then many... means they tell One person, two persons, then many persons not three persons (Well, this information was given to me by KUAMUDHAN {sorry! If I violated any copy-rights})... Thats the reason that I am not giving the proper scale for multi-dimensionality. But I am telling how I can become multi-dimensional... Well, I am interested in... all of you know many things... but I am only interested in all these things till now and from now onwards I am thinking about applying all these things in life... But the biggest question before all that is, What are those things?? Answer lies downwards First and foremost CRICKET!! Yes no-one can snatch the relationship between me and CRICKET ever... I am confirmed. Second is KARATE There was a very strange relationship between me and this fellow... I always practiced it in the free times... but after coming to NISER I am fully detached from it. But I am going to reattach from it very very soon... Third is BADMINTON ... yes thats a bit new thing to my friends but Its started here in NISER. Fourth is BOOKS... well thats a heart attack to my known ones... because AADIL AMAN appreciating book reading is really shocking.. but yes get a heart attack if you want.. I ll do whatever I want. I have also read a book named OPEN by Andre Agassi Fifth is BIKING .. Yes from the very childhood of mine I am crazy about bikes... but get very less chance of riding ... I have a dream of getting the bike named MVAGUSTA I want to have its F4 version... well thats my dream so I think I ll fulfil it one day definitely. Sixth is MATHEMATICS well this fellow is my right hand from the very early childhood of my life and I have got him also here so now the journey will be interesting. seventh... well I cant telL this ... its a secret fOr me... and that thing i ll neVEr tell it here until it ll be fulfilled.. Yet i can tell that Of coUrse a speciAl meSsage is hidden in THis point.. if you cAn find it out then you are welcome.. but I WILL NEVER DETACH THIS THOUGHT FROM MY HEART... and I WILL NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO CHANGE IT. So, here I am ... I am a seven dimensional person.. well from the mathematical definition of dimensions, they should be linearly independent of each other... But let me remind you this is not MATHEMATICS it is AADILIA and here AADILian rules will hold and in

AADILian definition they can be dependent on each other... just they cant interfere in any others... And well I ll not allow them to interfere.. so nothing to worry its just NEVER SAY NEVER ... just listened to this song... So thats my definition to Multi-dimensions... Now A sincere request to my all close friends in NISER and DAV... I never meant anything for you guis... PLEASE DONT MIND IT! Actually Its an AADILian reply to a girl who was my classmate during my plus-two for saying me SHOWY... Yes I am showy... and You cannot do anything ... I ll do whatever I want... and THATS my another show off ... think it take it whatever you want!!!

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