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I bet I have never done such a thing before- thanked the driver more the number o f times I thanked

God!, M said, as he walked. A bastard, I should say, T remarked, Drivers out here dont know how to drive. Forget it dudes. Just take it as an adventure. Breathe taking one. It was enjoyab le, actually. At least for me!, P remarked, By the way, where have we left S? He moved his neck round only to find him at a small shop, struggling with his wa llet. Guys... having some change?, he shouted from there. Yeah, I have it, but wont give you for your bloody little cigarette, T shouted back . Here, catch it, M threw a 5 rupees coin to him. The four of them had just got down after an awful journey in a private cab. A di stance that was supposed to be covered in two hours was made to be covered in le ss than three quarters of an hour, by that driver, whom they had kept next to Go d, and prayed the other one, not to bless them with an encounter with this one, again. The joy of travelling to a foreign land for the first time was visible on faces of three of them, even though it was just the adjoining nation, Nepal. The fourt h one was busy with his cigarette, staring the faces of the girls crossing by. H e was above them all, only due to the fact that it was second visit to a nation abroad. Earlier he had travelled to Malaysia with his family. Here I am going to step in...! In Nepal! M remarked as he raised his foot up, aski ng P to take a photograph of that memorable moment. But P was too cunning for that. He handed over his phone to T, and asked him to take his photograph instead. The same thing was tried by T, until the phone was handed over to a locallite an d a group photo was taken. After performing their rituals, they stepped in Nepal. The place was Sinouli, to be exact. The country seems to be a lot different from India. See...see the houses, the roo fs seems to be of some different type., M was ecstatic about the place. Yeah, seems so. Traditional Buddhist kind of..., remarked the other two. Nothing like that, dudes, uttered S as blew out a puff of smoke, We have them in In dia also. Go to some hill station and youll easily find such different houses. He stressed on the word different to make us realise that we were so wrong, at the same time trying to depict the vast knowledge he was having.

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