Regeneration Lifestyle Program

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Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching the people.

The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, "Follow Me. - MOH pg 143

Session Description

Much of the impact of coaching flows from helping people take responsibility to steward their own lives instead of solving their problems for them. In this training, you will learn how to draw solutions out of others, instead of telling them what to do, in a way that reinforces their dependence on God, builds confidence, and results in real change. We'll demonstrate and discuss several powerful asking techniques, then give you a chance to practice with a peer so you can add these techniques to your own tool kit.
Session Goal: For members to use questions to draw solutions out of the partner they coach, instead of telling them what to do.

1. To provide an accountability partner for each participant.

2. To provide a real-time feedback to program staff helping us to

determine needs/obstacles and enable greater participant success through a needs assessment checklist. 3. To build a trusting relationship where life coach can transition the participant from health program/physical health to a personal relationship with Jesus.

Life Coach IS expected to:

Providing information

Provide brief summary of weekly 1/1

Document summaries for accuracy Have fun and be yourself Offer prayer for participants

Encourage participation
Serving as the participants liaison Connect participant with resources Ensure participants voice is heard

Be honest with participants

Set weekly time to connect with participant Pray for your participant

Show interest
Show compassion Inquire about emotion issues Follow up Establish trust

Attend program

Life Coach is NOT expected to:

Give specific health advice

Prescribe medicine Give money or resources

Provide transportation
Provide help beyond reason

1. Greeting and Introduction

2. Follow up/Create rapport

3. Perform Checklist (see checklist) 4. Offer Prayer

Helps to determine the right problem. People dont always tell you what the real problem is. Provides the opportunity to Get to know them Empathize with them

Win trust
The Gathering More Information Technique Take five minutes to gather more information about the situation before you jump into problem solving.

Get some more specific details out on the table before you start problem solving. Help the person articulate what they care about and what outcomes they want in the situation. Give me a little background: how did that come about? Can you tell me a little more about this? Run me through exactly what happened. What did you mean when you said __________? Give me an example of what you are talking about, with specific details. What do you want in this situation? What outcome are you shooting for? What makes this important to you? Whats behind this? How is this affecting you? What bothers you most about the situation?

The Listening for Significance Technique Listen for the most important or striking thing the person said, and ask them to tell you more about it. The conversation quickly moves to a deeper level. Sample Questions Take the exact words of their significant phrase, and insert them into the questions below: You mentioned that _______. Tell me more about that. It sounded like _______ was really important to you. Say more about that. What you said about _______ really struck me. Expand on that. I heard you say that _______. Tell me more.

Sample Questions How might your actions have contributed to the disease/disorder/sickness? What do you need to take responsibility for in the situation? What could you do that would turn this into a positive experience? If you were going to respond in the best possible way to this in a way youd really be proud of in the future what would you do? Since we cant change the situation, what could change about you that would make things better? If you were still sick with ________ three years from now, what would that be like? What would you be willing to do to keep that from happening? Lets say God is using this situation to get your attention on something. What do you think that something would be? What do you think God is trying to form in your character through this?

Objective: Educate participants on importance of daily exercise and the significant overall health benefits. Establish routine that works for each individual based on current physical capacity for exercise and any existing health conditions; Walking preferred method. Overall Goal:Work up to 30 minutes per day, 5 days/ week (minimum), preferred 7 days/ week. Goal (Week 2):Get moving! Exercise 10 minutes per day, 5 days/ week. Move at pace comfortable, enjoyable and sustainable for the individual (walk at fastest aerobic pace possible to raise heart rate but at pace that allows individual to be able to have a conversation). Goal (Week 3):Ramp up to 15-20 minutes per day, 5 days/ week. Goal (Week 4): Continue ramp up to 20-25 minutes per day, 5 days/ week. Goal (Week 5):Complete ramp up to 25-30 minutes per day, 5 days/ week. Goal (Week 6-8):Sustain 30 minutes per day, 5-7 days/ week.

Please Note: During call or visit (and especially at end of call/ visit), PRAISE in all efforts and improvements and ENCOURAGE in all trials and difficulties. Be consistent with follow-ups. Establish a weekly day and time for call, if possible, and do not let anything interfere with this time slot. Be personal but stick to the outline. Do not answer questions or talk about any topics not covered in class; stick to program agenda and materials covered. Class is foundational in nature. Keep up the good work!

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