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ANTI-ARMOUR Cartridges for guns used by or against armoured vehicles, or related items ANTI-TANK RIFLE CARTRIDGES: 7.

9215mm AMENDED 6 JUNE 10 7.92x57 (for scale), 13.2x92SR (German Mauser M1918 - the original anti-tank rifle), 7.92x86 (Polish experimental case), 7.92x88 (replica of Spanish ATR round, reputedly only one rifle made but used in Spanish Civil War),7.92x107 (Polish Maroszek service round), 13x94 (replica of German training round, allegedly made to mislead other countries about the highvelocity 7.92x94), 7.92x94 (German Panzerbuchse service round), 13.9x99B (British .55" Boys), 12.7x108 (Soviet HMG round; used briefly in the Sholoklov ATR),14.5x114 (Soviet PTRD/PTRS), 12.7x99 (.50 Browning for scale).

ANTI-TANK RIFLE CARTRIDGES: 2024mm AMENDED 6 JUNE 10 12.7x99 (for scale), 15.2x114 (US .60" experimental), 20x72RB (Oerlikon SSG), 20x105B (Solothurn S18-100 series), 20x110RB (Oerlikon SSG 36),20x120 (Madsen), 20x125 (Japanese Type 97), 20x138B (Solothurn S18-1000 and Finnish Lahti L39 - this round is Finnish), 20x144R (Bofors m/40),20x180R (Carl Gustav m/42 recoilless), 24x139 (Swiss Tb41). N.B. the US .60", Madsen, Bofors and Tb41 were mounted on low tripods rather than using bipods plus shoulder stocks.

BRITISH WW1/2 TANK GUN AMMUNITION 57x307R (6pdr WW1 tank), 47x376R (3 pdr Hotchkiss, similar to but slightly longer than 37x351R interwar tank), 40x304R (2 pdr WW2 tank/AT), 57x441R(6 pdr WW2 tank/AT - also US 57mm AT)

GERMAN & BRITISH W W2 TANK GUN AMMUNITION 37x249R (3,7 cm Pak / Kwk AP), 50x289R (5 cm L/42 Kwk Pzgr 40), 50x420R (5cm L/60 Pak 38, Kwk),75x243R (7,5 cm L/24), 75x495R (7,5 cm L/43 and L/48: later Pz IV), 75x640R (7,5cm Kwk 42 L/70: Panther tank), 88x571R (8,8 cm L/56: Tiger 1),88x822R (8,8cm L/71: Tiger 2). 47x376R (3 pdr Hotchkiss, similar to but slightly longer than 47x351R interwar tank), 40x304R (2 pdr AP),57x441 (6 pdr APDS), 75x350R (US/Brit ish 75mm HE),76x583R (17 pdr APDS), 76x420R (77mm

mm in Comet tank), 76x134R (3" Howitzer for closesupport tanks), 95x206R (95mm Howitzer for closesupport tanks).

1940/1 BATTLES: TANK GUN AMMUNITION (1) 7.92x57 (MG 34/42, Besa), 12.7x81 (0.5" Vickers), 13.9x99B (.55" Boys),15x104 (Besa), 20x99R (ShVAK), 20x138B (Kw K 30/38), 25x194R (French Hotchkiss), 37x94R (French Mle 1916/1918)

1940/1 BATTLES: TANK GUN AMMUNITION (2) 37x94R (French 37mm Mle 1916/1918), 37x149R (Fren ch 37mm Mle 1938), 37x249R (German 3,7cm), 37x257R (Polish wz 36 - 37mm Bofors), 37x268R (Czech 37mm vz 34/38),40x304R (British 2pdr), 47x195R (Italian 47mm Mod 37 - Austrian Bohler), 45 x 310R (Russian Mod 37), 47x193RFrench 47mm Mle 1935

1942 BATTLES: TANK GUN AMMUNITION 37x134R (Japanese Type 94 Tank), 37x165R (Japanese Type 94 AT/Type 98 tank: same AP projectile as 37x134R), 37x223R US 37mm M16 APCBC),40x304R (British 2pdr AP), 57x121R (Japanese 57 mm Type 97), 50x289R(German 5 cm L/42 Kwk 38 HE), 50x420R (German 5 cm L/60 APC),57x441R (British 6pdr AP)

EARLY SUB-CALIBRE AMMUNITION (1) 20x138B (German 2 cm Kwk 30/38 APCR), 28x187R (German 28/20mm PzB 41 Gerlich squeezebore), 37x94R (French 37mm Mle 1935 APCR),37x249R (German 3,7 cm PaK 36 Pzgr.40), 37x263B (German BK 3,7 Pzgr.40), 40x304R (British 2 pdr APSV Mk 1: Littlejohn squeezebore)

EARLY SUB-CALIBRE AMMUNITION (2) 40x304R (British 2 pdr APSV Mk 1: Littlejohn squeezebore), 45x310R (Soviet 45mm APCR), 50x289R (German 5 cm KwK 38 L/42 Pzgr.40), 50x419R(German 5 cm Pak 38 L/60 Pzgr.40), 57x441R (British 6 pdr APDS), 57x480R(Soviet 57mm APCR)

EARLY SUB-CALIBRE PROJECTILES From left to right: sectioned German 28/20mm PzB 41 AT (without nose cap), British 2pdr APSV (Littlejohn Mk 1), Russian 45mm APCR, Russian 57mm APCR, British 6 pdr APDS, British 17 pdr APDS, core from 17 pdr (all replicas, except for the 28/20mm and the 17 pdr core)

MODERN LAFV AMMUNITION (1) AMENDED 6 JUNE 10 20x139 (HS 820, US M139, GIAT 20M693, Rh 202), 23X152B (2A14),25x137 (M242 Bushmaster), 30x165 (2A42, 2A72), 30x170 (Rarden APDS),30x173 (Bushmaster II / MK44, Mauser MK30 - only with steel cases now rather than the light-alloy one shown), 30x210B (Zastava M86/89), 35x228(Oerlikon KDE, Bushmaster III)

MODERN LAFV AMMUNITION (2) 35x228 (Oerlikon KDE, Bushmaster III), 40x364R (Bofors L/70, Bushmaster IV), 57x347SR (Russian AU-220M), 60x410R (IMI / OTO 60mm)

MODERN SUB-CALIBRE AMMUNITION (1) 20x102 (M61 APDS for Phalanx naval CIWS), 20x139 (HS 820/M139 and Rh202 APDS), 20x141 (French APDS for F2), 25x137 (Oerlikon APDS),25x137 (M242 Bushmaster APFSDS), 30x170 (sectioned British Rarden APDS), 30x173 (GAU-8/A FMPDS for Goalkeeper naval CIWS), 40x255(CTWS APFSDS)

MODERN SUB-CALIBRE AMMUNITION (2) 40x255 (CTWS APFSDS), 35x228 (Oerlikon KDE APDS), 50x330 sectioned 50mm Supershot APFSDS), 40x364 (Bofors with exp. APDS), 57x441R (6 pdr 7 cwt with APFSDS: experimental projectile in WW2 case for developing 120mm APFSDS), 60x410R (IMI / OTO 60mm)

MODERN SUB-CALIBRE PROJECTILES From left to right: two AP cores for 12.7mm bullets, core (in sheath) for 14.5mm, 20mm APDS, 25mm APDS core, 25mm APDS, core for 30mm Aden APCR, expl. tungsten core for 30mm GAU-8/A, 30mm Rarden APDS core, 35mm APDS core, sectioned 35mm APDS, expl 40mm

APDS with front of sabot removed

MODERN ANTI-MATERIEL RIFLE AMMUNITION NEW 6 JUNE 10 12.7x99 (two variants of the .50 cal round used in many AMRs: French multipurpose and SLAP APDS), 12.7x108 (KBP OSV-96, other East European rifles), 14.5x114 (Mechem NTW14.5), 15.2x169 (flechette-firing, plastic-cased Steyr IWS 2000 exp.), 20x42B (Denel Neopup PAW-20), 20x82(Mechem NTW20), 20x99R (Helenius RK20 APH), 20x110 (RT20, Mechem, Truvelo 20)

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