Topic 5 1st Order

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Topic 5 : First Order Circuit The analysis of simple RL and RC circuits results in differential equations of the 1st order,

hence the name. There are 2 ways to excite the circuits: 1. Initial condition of the storage elements ( source free circuits) 2. Using independent sources Source Free RC Circuit Response

V o + V c ( t ) -

vc (t ) = Voe t / R C
Since the response is due to initial condition and the physical characteristics of the circuit and not due to some external source, it is called the natural response. RC is the time constant, called and it is the time required for the response to decay by a factor of 36.8%.

vc (t ) = Voe t /
t 2 3 4 5 V(t) 0.368Vo 0.135Vo 0.050Vo 0.018Vo 0.0067Vo

The key to working with RC source free is finding the initial voltage and RC. Example Find the time constant for the RC circuit below.
120 + 50V 80 12


Problem Find the time constant

8 20 0.5F 25

Example Refer to circuit below. Let Vc(0)= 30V. Determine Vc, Vx and Io for t 0

I o - >
12 6

+ V x -

1/3 F


If the initial voltage across the capacitor is not given, we need to determine it. Example If the switch opens at t = 0, find v(t) for t 0 and wc(0)
6 S1

+ 24V -

1/6 F V


Problem The switch in figure below has been in position a for a long time, until t = 4s when it is moved to position b and left there. Determine v(t) at t = 10 s.

+ 24V 0.1F

b +
V 20

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