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name Generic name: Dobutamine hydrochloride


ACTION Synthetic, directacting sympatho mimetic amine with electrophysiologic effects on heart. Produces inotropic effect by acting on beta receptors and primarily on myocardial adrenergic alpha receptors.

CONTRAINDICATION Hypersensitivi ty to other sympathomim etic amines, ventricular tachycardia, idiopathic hypertropic subaortic stenosis.

SIDE EFFECTS Headache Tremors Presthesia Mild leg cramps Fatigue Nervousne ss Nausea and vomitting

Inotropic support in short term treatment of adults with cardiac Brand name: decompensation Dobutrex due to Classification: depressed myocardial Autonomic contractility. nervous system agent; Betaadrenergic agonist; catecholamine Dosage: 10 mg Route: Intravenous

ADVERSE EFFECTS Increased heart rate and bp Anginal pain


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