Gay Marriages

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Voting to Ban Gay Marriages

Our United States Constitution is a transparent document. Color of

law is an idiomatic expression. The latter connotes the
interpretation that Congress has enacted a law that has prompted
an illusion of being justified. Yet, discovery reveals the law has
concealed a dagger to harm a minority class among our
Electorate Body.

Our First Amendment is intended to protect the civil liberties of

each minority class:

1. Freedom of assembly
2. Freedom of expression
3. Freedom of speech

Our First Amendment protects freedom of the press to avail each

minority class fair opportunity to report to the press breach in
Separation of Church and State:

1. Sound a call of distress

2. Opportunity to protest against our government
3. Scrutinize our elected incumbents

Our First Amendment has limited the power of Congress to make

laws that:

1. Respect the establishment of religion

2. Seek to legislate moral conduct of any minority class
3. Abridge the right of any minority class to petition a redress
of grievances

Referendum to Ban Gay Marriages

1. Signals a red flag against our government

2. Prompts an illusion of being justified
3. Discovery has revealed the law conceals a dagger
4. Breaches our 1st Amendment freedom of expression
5. Threatens to abridge civil liberties of a minority class

Written by
Stanley Green

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