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SYLLABUS School Subject Semester/Class Skill SMA Daar el Falaah English I/XII Reading

Standard Competence 1. Understand the meaning of simple essay in the form of recount and narrative text for interacting with surrounding.

Base Competence 1.1 The students can respond the meaning of short monologue with accurately, smoothly and acceptable with surrounding in narrative text.

Main Matter

Activity Read the narrative text based on the text Discuss the content and the language used Explain the material

Indicators Compre hend the contextual and textual massage from the text Able to comprehend the vocabulary in the text Able to answer the questions based on the text

Introduction of narrative text Read the narrative text

Technique Writte n (Multiple Choice) Assign ment

Evaluation Instrument Form Essay Presentation Complement ation

Instrument 1. The text mainly tell us about? 2. The true sentence is? 3. Who are the main character in the text?

Time Allocation 2 x 45

Sources English book: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. 2010. Bahasa inggris kelas XII. Karanganyar: DEPDIKNAS

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