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The .

NET Framework
Posted by Akash Padhiyar On July - 22 - 2010

The .NET Framework

The .NET Framework is the next iteration of Microsofts platform for developing componentbased software. It provides fundamental advances in runtime services for application software. It also supports development of applications that can be free of dependencies on hardware, operating system, and language compiler. This chapter provides an overview of the architecture of the .NET Framework and describes the base features found in the core of its class library.

Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) and Common Language Runtime (CLR)

At the heart of the .NET Framework is a new mechanism for loading and running programs and managing their interactions. This mechanism is described in the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), a specification for a runtime environment that allows software components to: Pass data between each other without regard to the programming language in which each component is written Execute on different operating systems and on different hardware platforms without having to recompile the high-level source code (a low-level compilation still automatically occurs on the target platform, as will be discussed in this chapter) Although the CLI specification was created by Microsoft, it has since been submitted to the ECMA standards organization (, which now has responsibility and control over it. The CLI is just a specificationit has to be implemented in order to be useful. An implementation of the CLI is known as a Common Language Runtime (CLR). Microsofts CLR implementation on the Windows platform is not under ECMAs control, but it is Microsofts intention that the CLR be a fully compliant implementation of the CLI. As of this writing, the CLI has not been implemented on non- Windows platforms, but Microsoft and others have announced intentions to do so.

The CLI specifies how executable code is loaded, run, and managed. The portion of the CLR that performs the tasks of loading, running, and managing .NET applications is called the virtual execution system (VES). Code run by the VES is called managed code . The CLI greatly expands upon concepts that exist in Microsofts Component Object Model (COM). As its core feature, COM specifies how object interfaces are laid out in memory. Any component that can create and consume this layout can share data with other components that do the same. COM was a big step forward when it was introduced (circa 1992), but it has its shortcomings.

Common Type System (CTS)

The CLI specification defines a rich type system that far surpasses COMs capabilities. Its called the Common Type System (CTS). The CTS defines at the runtime level how types are declared and used. Previously, language compilers controlled the creation and usage of types, including their layout in memory. This led to problems when a component written in one language tried to pass data to a component written in a different language. Anyone who has written Visual Basic 6 code to call Windows API functions, for instance, or who has tried to pass a JavaScript array to a component written either in Visual Basic 6 or C++, is aware of this problem. It was up to the developer to translate the data to be understandable to the receiving component. The CTS obliterates this problem by providing the following features:

Primitive types (Integer, String, etc.) are defined at the runtime level. Components can easily pass instances of primitive types between each other because they all agree on how that data is formatted. Complex types (structures, classes, enumerations, etc.) are constructed in a way that is defined at the runtime level. Components can easily pass instances of complex types between each other because they all agree on how complex types are constructed from primitive types. All types carry rich type information with them, meaning that a component that is handed an object can find out the definition of the type of which the object is an instance. This is analogous to type libraries in COM, but the CTS is different because the type information is

much richer and is guaranteed to be present.

Common Language Specification (CLS)

The CLI defines a runtime that is capable of supporting most, if not all, of the features found in modern programming languages. It is not intended that all languages that target the CLR will support all CLR features. This could cause problems when components written in different languages attempt to interoperate. The CLI therefore defines a subset of features that are

considered compatible across language boundaries. This subset is called the Common Language Specification (CLS). Vendors creating components for use by others need to ensure that all externally visible constructs (e.g., public types, public and protected methods, parameters on public and protected methods, etc.) are CLS-compliant. This ensures that their components will be usable within a broad array of languages, including Visual Basic .NET. Developers authoring components in Visual Basic .NET have an easy job because all Visual Basic .NET code is CLS-compliant (unless the developer explicitly exposes a public or protected type member or method parameter that is of a non-CLS-compliant type). Because Visual Basic .NET automatically generates CLS-compliant components, this book does not describe the CLS rules. However, to give you a sense of the kind of thing that the CLS specifies, consider that some languages support a feature called operator overloading . This allows the developer to specify actions that should be taken if the standard operator symbols (+, , *, /, =, etc.) are used on user-defined classes. Because it is not reasonable to expect that all languages should implement such a feature, the CLS has a rule about it. The rule states that if a CLS-compliant component has public types that provide overloaded operators, those types must provide access to that functionality in another way as well (usually by providing a public method that performs the same operation).

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