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Glossary of Key Terms

character formatting Formatting features such as bold and color that affect the selected characters only. cursor The blinking vertical bar that shows you where the next character you type will appear. Also called the insertion point. default The initial Word document settings that can be changed to customize documents. document window The area of the application window that displays the contents of the open document. edit The process of changing and correction existing text in a document. field A placeholder that instructs Word to insert information in a document. field code The code containing the instructions about the type of information to insert in a field. font A set of characters with a specific design. Also called a typeface. format To enhance the appearance of the document to make it more readable or attractive. grammar checker The feature that advises you of incorrect grammar as you create and edit a document. heading style A styled that is designed to identify different levels of headings in a document. indent To set in a paragraph from the margins. There are four types of indents: left, right, first line, and hanging. insertion point The blinking vertical bar that shows you where the next character you type will appear on the line. Also called the cursor. line spacing The vertical space between lines of text. page margin The blank space around the edge of the page. paragraph formatting Formatting features such as alignment, indentation, and line spacing that affect an entire paragraph. quick styles A gallery of predefined sets of formatting characteristics that allows you to quickly apple a whole group of formats in one simple step to a selection. sort To arrange alphabetically or numerically in ascending or descending order. spelling checker The feature that advises you of misspelled words as you create and edit a document, and proposes possible corrections. table of contents A listing of topic headings and associated page numbers in a document.

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