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The 2000 IBC

With Prince Georges County Amendments

The Prince Georges County Department of Environmental Resources

The 2000 IBC

Chapter 1 Administration With Prince Georges County Amendments

IBC General Overview

Note: Blue boxes in this presentation indicate explanation of IBC codes not local amendments.

The IBC has 35 code Chapters + 6 appendix Chapters The 2000 IBC contains both Structural and NonStructural Requirements Companion documents to the IBC are:
IMC International Mechanical Code (2000 replaces 1996) IRC International Residential Code (replaces CABO) IFC International Fire Codenot adopted (use NFPA 1 instead) IECC - International Energy Conservation Code ICC Electrical Codenot adopted (use NEC/NFPA 70 instead) International Plumbing Codenot adopted (use WSSC)

Organization of Non-Structural Chapters

Chapter 1 3, 4, 5, 6 7, 9 10 11 12 14 15 8, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31 Subject Administration Use & Occupancy, General Bldg. Limitations, Areas, Heights, Types of Construction Fire Protection Requirements Means of Egress Accessibility Interior Environment Exterior Walls Roof Assemblies and Roof Top Structures Miscellaneous (int. finishes, glazing, plastic, plumbing, elevators, special construction)

Organization of Structural Chapters

Chapter 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Subject Structural Design (documents, loads, analysis methods) Structural Tests and Inspections Soils and Foundations Concrete Aluminum Masonry Steel Wood

A Comparison of the Old and New Codes for Prince Georges County Old Code.
1996 BOCA = 357 pages. Local Amendments (Div. 1) = 98pages. The Old Code had a fractured structure due to many revisions since 1960s with no complete code overhaul previously.

New Code
2000 IBC = 755 pages Local Amendments (Div. 1) = 56 pages (a 42% reduction in local amendments) Some amendments grant relief from IBC provisions (e.g.-Townhouse roofs, stair requirements, etc.) The new complete rewrite is more readable

Chapter 1 - Administration
SCOPE The IBC applies to all buildings, except detached 1 & 2 family dwellings and townhouses not more than 3 stories high having separate means of egress. (101.2)

Amendments Adopted Codes

The Codes Adopted Are: IBC, 2000 IMC, 2000 IECC (Energy Code), 2000 IRC, 2000 Note - City of Laurel Exemption Continues

Note: Wherever you see this yellow box, it denotes a local amendment in this presentation.

Amendment Code Officials Building, Mechanical, & Fire Code Official.

Building Code Official is designated by the Director of DER, charged with enforcement of non-fire related portions of the code. Fire Code Official is designated by Director of DER, with Fire Chiefs concurrence, charged with enforcement of all fire related portions of the code. Note- see also 103.1 amended.

Amendment Grading and Storm Water Management

Additional Regulations (101.2.2): Divisions 3 and 4 or this Subtitle control grading, drainage, surface structures, erosion control.

NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment - 4-106


Amendments Specific Code Adoptions by Reference

Code References 101.4.1 - Subtitle 9 governs Electrical systems (National Electrical Code) 101.4.2 WSSC Plumbing and Gas Fitting Code applies to GAS installations 104.4.4 WSSC Plumbing and Gas Fitting Code applies to PLUMBING systems NFPA 1 and Subtitle 11 apply (National Fire Prevention Code)


Amendment -Work Exempt From Permits (105.2)

1&2 Family properties of less than 150 square feet, not designed for habitation 1 per property. Paving less than 500 s.f., except driveways. Retaining walls not over 2 high. Fences not over 4 high. Satellite dishes not over 2 diameter. Siding, roofing, storm doors/windows, insulation.

Amendment Repairs (105.2.2)

Application or notice to the Building Official not required for: Ordinary repairs. Lamp replacements. Connection of approved portable electrical equipment (e.g. - to a wired receptacle).
NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.


Amendment Repairs (105.2.2)

Application or notice to the Building Official is also not required for: Replacement of siding, roofing, guttering, sidewalks, driveways, patios, awnings, canopies, equipment, cabinets, slabs, handrails, window screens, storm doors/ windows, recirculating hoods, and windows.
NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.

Amendment Repairs to Residential Structures (

All hotels, motels, multi-family, and multiple single-family dwellings which because of lack of maintenance or structural damage due to a fire, explosion or natural causes, undergo repairs exceeding 50% of assessed value of the building shall have an approved automatic sprinkler system installed throughout.
NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.

Amendment - Repairs to Residential Structures (

Computation Method (new). Cost of repairs excludes:
Carpeting replacement. Electrical panel capacity upgrades. Painting and wallpapering. Re-grading and landscaping. Lighting fixture / appliance replacements. Bath cabinetry and fixture replacements. Required ADA improvements. Note Each street address is considered separately. All repairs in a 365 day period are cumulative for application of this sub-section. NOTE: This is a clarification of an existing amendment. It clarifies the methods of computing the cost of repairs to damaged property.

Amendment Application Exception (

The Director of DER may refuse to accept an application for a permit who is or was in default on a previously issued permit or listed on an expired permit which is not currently in process of being extended by County administrative action.


Amendment Time limit of Application (105.3.2)

An application for a permit for any proposed work shall be deemed to have been abandoned 24 months after date of filing unless such application has been diligently pursued in good faith or a permit has been issued. Extensions of time may be authorized by the Director. The Director may request any documentation or certification deemed necessary and assess an extension fee as appropriate.


Amendment Expiration (105.5)

Must start work within 180 days of permit. Must not suspend or abandon work for 180 days or more after commencement. Code Official may grant 1 or more extensions for up to 180 days each, with justifiable cause. Permits for property in pending Sectional Map Amendment (Zoning Code) which is rezoned to less intense zone, expire upon approval of SMA un less a building foundation is completed.


Amendment Suspension or Revocation (105.6)

Permit issued in error. Permit issued in violation of any ordinance or regulation or Code. Failure to locate utility lines on site if excavation is 12 or more. Permits may be re-issued, as follows:

Amendment Acknowledgement of Final Grade (106.2.2)

Builders and developers shall place on record with each utility company, a written acknowledgement that final grade has been achieved to within 6 inches. Utility lines shall not be installed until such acknowledgement has been received by the utilities. (CB-82).

NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.


Amendment Fire Protection Engineering Design Evaluation (106.3.4)

All design of Use Groups: I-2 (hospitals, nursing homes), I-3 (correctional facilities, etc.). H, A (>= 1,000 persons), M (covered malls), and, Projects >= $5M estimated construction cost shall be evaluated by a Fire Protection Engineer, registered in MD. Smoke Control, Detection, & Suppression Systems, if complex. NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment. The project valuation has been increased from $4M to $5M before these requirements apply.

Amendment Fire Protection Engineering Design Evaluation (106.3.4)

Signed and Sealed Report must document code compliance of:
Egress Fire Protection Systems Construction Type Fire Ratings of Structural Elements Height and Area compliance Fire Hydrants Emergency Vehicle Access Interior Finishes NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment. It has been expanded for clarity.

Amendment Fire Protection Engineering Design Evaluation (106.3.4)

The FPE Design Evaluation must include a statement by the FPE and Engineer/Architect of Record attesting that the plans are in compliance with applicable fire related codes and standards. If in the course of performing evaluating, the FPE finds there are fire code deficiencies in the the design, they shall be remedied prior to submittal of the report and the permit application.
NOTE: This is modified wording of an existing amendment.

Amendments Emergency Measures (116.1 116.7)

116.1 116.2 116.3 116.4 116.5 116.6 116.7 Abatement of uncompleted Structures Temporary Safeguards Closing Streets Emergency Repairs Cost of Emergency Repairs Unsafe Equipment Creation of Tax Lien Building Official may make safe by completion or demolition. Imminent danger => cause work done Building Official may order streets or buildings closed. Building Official may employ labor and materials to perform work. Costs paid from Treasury. OOL to pursue tax lien or cost recovery. Deemed unsafe => may not be operated. Lien to be collected by Dir. Of Finance.


The 2000 IBC

Chapter 2 Definitions

With Prince Georges County Amendments


IBC Chapter 2 - Definitions

Most definitions are similar to BOCA. The terms Use and Occupancy are not defined in IBC.


Amendments Added Definitions

Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Condominium Condominium Project Condominium Unit

Chesapeake Bay, and wetlands, plus 1,000 ft. landward Ownership of single units in a multiunit structure 5 or more apartments, rooms, offices, offered for sale One or more rooms of any use in a Condo Project


Amendments Added Definitions

Conservation Agreement Conservation Manual Conservation Plan

Commits applicant to Conservation Plan execution. Describes how Conservation Plan is prepared. Demonstrates how a project meets CBCA criteria.


Amendments Added Definitions

Director Hot Water Supply Heater Occupancy Building Foundation Director of DER, or designee. Pressure vessel of 200,000 BTU/HR and 200F and 120gal., or more Ownership/tenancy of a building, structure or land Footing supporting superimposed and special loads.


The 2000 IBC

Chapter 3 Use and Occupancy Classification

With Prince Georges County Amendments


IBC Chapter 3 Use and Occupancy Classification

Most classifications are similar to BOCA. Notice that there are some differences in Use Groups A, I, and R, in particular.


Comparison of IBC and BOCA Use Classifications Assembly Use

Use A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 BOCA Theatres, Arts & Mot. Pic. Dance Halls, night clubs Recreation, amusement, Restaurants (no worship) Exclusively for Worship or religious services Outdoor activities, fairs, open stadium, etc. IBC Theatres restaurants, night clubs, bars Worship, recreation, amusement Indoor sports events w/seating Outdoor activities, stadiums, amusement parks, etc.


Comparison of IBC and BOCA Use Classifications Institutional (1 of 2)

Use I-1 BOCA 6 or more, age or mental disability, physically capable of response w/out assistance (5 or less = R) IBC More than 16 persons, 24 hr. basis, age, mental disability, in supervised environment. Can respond to emergency w/out staff. (5 or fewer = residential, 616= R-4). Same as BOCA (5 or less=R-3). Note: Child care, 24 hr to more than 5 under 2-1/2 yrs = I-2.


Medical, surgical, custodial care, etc., 24 hr basis, 6 or more persons, incapable of s/p. (5 or less = R)


Comparison of IBC and BOCA Use Classifications Institutional (2 of 2)


6 or more under restraint or Similar to BOCA (conditions security. Incapable of s/p 1 through 5). due to security. (conditions I-V) No I-4 Use in BOCA Custodial care <24 hrs., any age, by non parents /guardians (5 or less = R-3, worship not incl.).



Comparison of IBC and BOCA Use Classifications Residential Use

Use R-1 R-2 BOCA Transient, Hotels, Motels, Boarding, <30 days Multi-Family>2 units, boarding non-transient Multiple 1&2 Family dwellings (townhouses), Child Care 5 or less of any age. Detached 1&2 family dwellings IBC Same Apartments, Boarding Houses (n/t), Convents, Dorms, Frats/Sororities, Monasteries 1&2 dwelling units, or adult and child care for 5 or less for <24 hrs.



Residential Care/Assisted Living, 5-16 persons, except staff. R-4 meet reqts of R-3 except hgt/area=503.


Amendment- Use Group U-PU (302.1, 313.0), Public Utility

This use group applies to installations by public utilities in or on buildings or premises used exclusively by the owning utility or agency. No public. Not regulated by IBC for accessibility and Energy Conservation.
NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.

IBC Classification of Use(s) 302.0

Section Title 302.1 General Main Points Classify Main Use(s) Identify specific hazard areas for separation by Table 302.1.1. Apply fire separations, AS Details A, B, E, F(1-2, H(1-5), I(1-4), M, R(1-4), S(-2), U, U-PU & Boilers, Furnace Parking Garages, Paint Shops, Labs, Laundry, Storage, etc.

302.1.1 Incident al Use Areas


Accessor Smaller occupancies y Use may be regulated as Area accessory uses to a major occupancy.

Except for H, or per 302.3.1 or 302.1.1, fire barrier not reqd if <10% & <Hgt&Area

IBC Classification of Use(s) 302.0

Section 302.3.2 Title Main Points Details Height & Area & Type of Construction of each applies to entire bldg. Other requirements apply to each use. Most restrictive of Hi Rise and FP systems apply. Each portion separately classed by Use per Table 302.3.3. Ratios of areas/use must be checked. Exceptions apply.

NonEach portion of Separated bldg is individually Uses classified by use. No fire separations.


Separated Traditional Uses separation of Uses by fire barrier walls and horizontal assemblies

Accessory Use Area 302.2

Use 1 may be considered an accessory use area if it: -Occupies <= 10% of total floor area, and - Occupies < tabular values permitted for the use (Height & Area), and -Is not a Group H Occupancy, and -Is not an incidental use area regulated by 302.1.1

Use 1 Use 2


Mixed Occupancies 302.3.1


Where a building is occupied for 2 or more uses not in the same occupancy class, the building shall comply with: -302.3.2, Non-Sep. uses -302.3.3, Separated uses -Combination of sep/non-sep -Group H occupancies must be separated -Section 508 has special provisions.

FW> F-1 H-3 H-3

N/S = FR @ H-3 only Sep = FR @ B/M & F-1/H-3 & FW Comb.= FR @ H-3 and FW (FR-Fire Rating, FW-Fire Wall)


Allowable Floor Areas of Mixed Occupancies 302.3.3

Problem Given a 1 story building of Type V-A construction, with the following uses: B, Office 4,500 s.f. A-2, Assembly 3,000 s.f. E, Educational 6,000 s.f., And having no increases for perimeter access, Is the building area within the allowable Area?
a1 + a2 + a3 < 1 A1 A2 A3 a = actual areas A= Allowable Areas

A-2 E B


Allowable Floor Areas of Mixed Occupancies 302.3.3

Solution 4,500 + 3,000 + 6,000 < 1 ? 18,000 11,500 18,500 .25 + .26 + .32 = .83 .83 < 1.0 Therefore: The building is within allowable area as a mixed occupancy.
A-2 E B a1 + a2 + a3 < 1 A1 A2 A3 a = actual areas A= Allowable Areas


Amendment Condominium dwelling Units (310.1.1)

Condominium dwelling units shall be classified as use group R-2 or R-3 as appropriate for design and use.
NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.


Amendment Use Group R-3 structures (310.1.2)

For fire protection design purposes only, Use Group R-3 structures shall include all buildings arranged for the use of: One or two family dwellings units or, Multiple single family dwellings where each dwelling unit has an independent means of egress and such dwelling units are arranged horizontally and/or vertically so that each unit shares common walls or floor-ceiling assemblies with not more than 3 other dwelling units.
Re-wording of existing amendment: May use NFPA 13D sprinkler systems in SFDs and NFPA 13R in Quadraplexes and MFD. NFPA 13 systems are required for mid-rise and hi-rise R.

The 2000 IBC

Chapter 4 Special Detailed Requirements Based on Use and Occupancy

With Prince Georges County Amendments


IBC Chapter 4 Special Detailed Requirements Based on Use & Occupancy

In addition to the occupancy and construction requirements in the code, the provisions of Chapter 4 apply to special uses and occupancies.


Chapter 4 - Special Detailed Requirements Based on Use and Occupancy

402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 Covered Mall Buildings High-Rise Buildings Atriums Underground Buildings Motor Vehicle Related Occupancies Group I-2 Group I-3 Motion Picture & Projection Rooms.


Chapter 4 - Special Detailed Requirements Based on Use and Occupancy

410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 Stages and Platforms Special Amusement Buildings Aircraft Related Occupancies Combustible Storage Hazardous Materials Groups H-1 thru H-5 Application of Flammable Finishes Drying Rooms Organic Coatings

Amendment Mall Tenant Separations (402.7.2)

One hour rating required between tenants. One hour rating required between tenant and mall above ceilings. Mechanical penetrations which are part of a smoke removal system do not require fire dampers.

NOTE: The wording of an existing amendment has been clarified.


Amendment Applicability Under Sloping Site Conditions (403.1.1)

Provisions of this Section also apply to B, R-1, R2 when such buildings have floors used for human occupancy more than 90 feet above the grade level on any side of the building.

NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.


Amendment Applicability under rescue conditions (403.1.2)

AS provisions apply to any building 4 or more stories above grade level or >45 feet in height, unless: o Local FD has Aerial equipment capable of reaching roof (local = 3 road mi.) o Accessibility on 2 sides by public way (21 min.)
NOTE: This amendment mimics existing State law.

Amendment Fire command center construction features (403.8.1)

The central control room must be located with convenient access to and in close proximity to the grade level entrance lobby, unless an alternate location is approved. The room must be used for no other purpose. The room must have battery emergency lighting. Type /arrangement of FA system subject to approval of FCO.
NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.


Amendment- Elevation Change (406.2.10)

Every opening located between a public garage and another occupancy shall be designed to prevent the transmission of liquids and vapors from entering adjacent occupancies.
NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.


Amendment Temporary Platforms (410.4.1)

Platforms installed for a period of not more than 30 days shall be considered temporary platforms. Temporary platforms that exceed 400 square feet in area in places of assembly use shall be of fireretardant treated lumber.

NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment, but the wording is clarified.


Amendment Underground storage (415.

All underground storage tanks for flammable or combustible liquids shall be separated from adjacent property lines and buildings by not less than 5 feet.

NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.


Amendments Security Devices, R-1 and R-2 Uses (419.0)

419.1 419.2 419.3 419.4 Locks on swinging entrance doors Locks on sliding entrance doors Surface mounted locks Locks on doors to nonhabitable rooms Motels, hotels, MFD = deadbolt with 1 min. throw, latch Motels, hotels, MFD= hardened steel and non-jiggling Allowed for existing only. New = mortise type. MFD locks on laundry, storage, trash, similar rooms= min. throw with keys for tenants.

NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.


Amendment Screens for Dwellings (420.0)

420.1 Locations - Every door from dwelling or MFD to outdoors & 50% of every window, etc., requires screen of not less than 16 mesh per inch. Every door to have self closer. No screens required above 5th floor. 420.2 Governing Code Refer to PG Housing Code for actual times that screens must be provided.
NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.


The 2000 IBC

Chapter 5 General Building Heights and Areas

With Prince Georges County Amendments


IBC Chapter 5 General (501) The provisions of this Chapter control the height and area of structures hereafter erected and additions to existing structures. (501.1). Height and Area limited by Table 503, with modifications for height (504) and area (506).

Premises identification (501.2)

Premises Identification. Approved numbers or addresses clearly visible from street or roadway fronting the property. (501.2). Minimum 3 in height with 0.5 stroke of contrasting color to the background. 11-273 of Fire Safety Law (Subtitle 11) requires numerals of at least 8 in height on commercial, industrial and residential structures, if having more than 1 numerical address.

8 8

7758-A 7758-B

NOTE: This is not an amendment. It points out new requirements in the IBC, and related requirements in the Fire Safety Law.

Chapter 5 Height and Area Modifications

503 H&A limits by Use and Construction Type (basements not included, Special Industrial Exempt) Height modifications (sprinklers increase 20 height and 1 story, except some I-2, H) Mezzanines do not contribute to Area for H&A Table but do contribute to Fire Area in 702, special egress requirements do apply.

504 505


Chapter 5 Height and Area Modifications

Area Modifications Aa=At + [At If/100] + [At Is/100] Aa=allowable area/floor At=Tabular area/floor If=Area increase for open frontage Is=Area increase for automatic Sprinklers 300% for 1 story buildings 200% for multi-story buildings (except H-1, H-2, H-3) (Note- single basement level is not included in area)

NOTE: This is how the areas modifications are computed in the IBC.

Area Determination (506.3)

The maximum area of a building shall be determined by multiplying the allowable area per floor (Aa), as per 506.1, by the number of stories up to a maximum of three stories. Except Unlimited Area Buildings.

A-2 Use, Type VA Const. 2nd floor 1st floor

Max. Area/Flr. = 11,500 s.f. Maximum Area for Building = 11,500 X 2 = 23,000 s.f.

NOTE: This is how the areas modifications are computed in the IBC.

Area Determination (506.3)

Given: B Use, IIA Const. & No increases Up to 5 stories allowed per Table 503 Up to 37,500 sf/floor per 503, but only Up to 37,500s.f. X 3= 112,500 s.f. total 5th floor 4th floor 3rd floor 2nd floor 1st floor 5th floor 4th floor 3rd floor 2nd floor Could be any combinations up to 5 stories, 65 height And 112,000 s.f.

Could be 5 stories @ Could be 5 stories @ 22,500 s.f./floor 22,500 s.f./floor Could be 3 stories @ 12,500 sf/flr + 2 stories @ 37,500 s.f./flr

1st floor

Note: 3 X adjusted area permitted for automatic sprinklers and frontage


Mezzanines (505)

Aggregate area of mezzanine(s) within a room may not exceed 1/3 of area. Such mezzanine(s) do not contribute to the building area. Such mezzanine(s) do not contribute to number of stories.

Source: 2000 IBC Handbook


Area Increase for Open Frontage (506.2)

Aa=At + [At If/100] + [At Is/100] Aa=allowable area/floor At=Tabular area/floor (Table 503) If=Area increase for open frontage P= 100+80+60+40+80=360 F= 100+80+60+40+40=320
Eq. 5-2: If=100 [F/P-0.25] W/30 If=100[(320/360)-0.25] 25/30 Note: W=min. width of public way or open space. W/30 may not >1.0 (or 2.0 for U/L area bldgs.) If=100[0.89-0.25] 0.83 If=100 [0.64] 0.83 If=53%

Source: 2000 IBC Handbook


Measuring Yard Width (506.2)

Frontage Increase based on public way or open space Width W must be at least 20 wide to receive open credit.

Source: 2000 IBC Handbook


Open Areas for Frontage Increases (506.2.2)

*subject to approval

Source: 2000 IBC Handbook


Allowable Area Increases for Sprinklers (506.3)

Source: 2000 IBC Handbook


Chapter 5 Height and Area Modifications

507 Unlimited Area Buildings, F-2, S-2, w/60 separations and 1 story A-4, B, F, M, S, 1 story, AS, & 60 sep. -Exception 1 applies (Type I/II racks with no public, & NFPA 231C compliant sprinkler protection) -Exception 2 deleted by amendment (Sprinklers are required in indoor arenas, except main floor Also see 903.2.1.4 amended) 507.3 507.4 507.5 thru 508.8.1 Two Story B, F, M, not limited w/AS & 60 60 may be reduced to 40 for 75% of perimeter if 3 hr wall w/3 hour protectives Special provisions apply for H, Aircraft Hangers, E, Motion Picture theatres, Parking Garages. Also U/L height for B, M, R, with fire resistant cols see 508.4

Amendment Minimum Accessible Perimeter (506.2.3)

A minimum of 25% accessible perimeter is required, fronting on a street or unoccupied space not less than 30 wide, accessible by a posted fire lane not less than 20 wide. All weather access to within 100 of the building is required. Exception Buildings fully sprinklered and U & U-P/U Uses.
NOTE: This is a carryover of an existing amendment, requiring at least 25% frontage for firefighting and emergency medical access.


Amendment Arrangement of Access (506.2.4)

Access shall be in accordance with NFPA 1141, Fire Protection in Planned Building Groups, except as otherwise provided for in this SubTitle.

NOTE: This is a re-statement of an existing amendment in SubTitle 11 the Fire Safety Law to provide for fire apparatus access.


The 2000 IBC

Chapter 6 Types of Construction

With Prince Georges County Amendments


IBC Chapter 6 Construction Classification (602)

There are 5 Major Construction Classifications in the IBC. There is no more 2-C type of construction. Fire Resistance Ratings of Elements are based on the Construction Type.


Amendments Chapter 6

There are no Amendments to Chapter 6


Construction Types vs. Combustibility

Element Type I Ext. Walls Int. Walls NC NC Type Type III II NC NC NC NC NC NC (FRTW Permitted) Type IV NC (FRTW Permitted) Type V Comb. (Any Matls.) Comb. (Any Matls.) Comb. (Any Matls.) Comb. (Any Matls.) Comb. (Any Matls.)

Comb. (Any Comb. HT Matls.) Comb. (Any Comb. HT Matls.) Comb. (Any Comb. HT Matls.) Comb. (Any Comb. HT Matls.)

Columns NC Floor NC Framing Roof NC Framing

Chapter 6 Table 601, Fire Resistive Ratings of Elements

Element I A Framing & Columns Brng. Walls, Interior Exterior Non-Bearing walls Int &Ext Floors & Supports Roof & supports 3b 3 3b B 2b 2 2b II A 1 1 1 B 0 0 0 III A 1 2 1 B 0 2 0 IV HT 2 2 1/HT V A 1 1 1 B 0 0 0

See Table 602 (Exterior Walls) See Section 602 (Interior Walls) 2 1.5c 2 1c 1 1c 0 0c 1 1c 0 0 HT HT 1 1c 0 0

Key Points Chapter 6

Buildings are classified as combustible or noncombustible, as well as, protected or unprotected. Table 601 identifies required fire resistance ratings of elements, based on type of construction. Unless a fire wall is used, structures can be classified into only one type of construction.


Key Points Chapter 6

Types I and II are non-combustible. Types III, IV, V are combustible. Type V is the most common type of construction. Automatic Sprinklers may be substituted for fire resistance under certain specific requirements.


The 2000 IBC

Chapter 7 Fire Rated Construction

With Prince Georges County Amendments


IBC Chapter 7 Scope (701.1)

Chapter 7 Governs: Materials Assemblies Used for structural fire resistance and fire resistance rated construction separation of adjacent spaces within buildings and between buildings


Key Definitions (702)

1 of 3

F Rating The time period that the through-penetration firestop system limits the spread of fire though a penetration when tested per ASTM E814. Fire Area Fire Barrier Aggregate floor area enclosed and bounded by fire walls, fire barriers, exterior walls or fire resistance rated horizontal assemblies of a building. A fire resistance rated vertical or horizontal assembly of materials designed to restrict the spread of fire.

Fire A vertical assembly of materials designed to restrict the Partition spread of fire in which openings are protected.


Key Definitions (702) 2 of 3

Fire Wall A fire resistance rated wall having protected openings, which restricts the spread of fire and extends continuously from the foundation to or through the roof, with sufficient structural stability under fire conditions to allow collapse of construction in either side without collapse of the wall. A continuous membrane, either vertical or horizontal, such as a wall, floor, or ceiling assembly, that is designed and constructed to restrict the movement of smoke.

Smoke Barrier

Key Definitions (702)

3 of 3

Through An opening that passes through an entire Penetration assembly. Through Penetration Firestop System An assemblage of specific materials or products that are designed, tested and fire resistance rated to resist for a prescribed period of time the spread of fire through penetrations. F and T ratings shall be in accordance with ASTM E814.


Comparison of Fire Separation Assemblies

What its called Fire Barrier Where It Is Typically Used Separates vertical exit enclosures, exit passageways, horizontal exits, incidental use areas and occupancy separations. Separates a structure into separate buildings. Key Characteristics Runs uninterrupted from floor to deck above. Isolate one portion of a floor from another by wall and floor-ceiling assemblies. Allows complete burnout of 1 side w/out affecting other side.

Fire Wall Fire Ptn.

Separate DUs, guestrooms in May stop at the membrane of a R-1, tenant spaces in covered fire-resistance rated floor ceiling mall bldgs., and corridors or roof-ceiling assembly. from adj. spaces. Separate smoke compartments. Vertical/horizontal construction to prevent smoke going beyond a smoke compartment.

Smoke Barrier

Amendments Parapets (704.11)

Exception Added (5.3): Deletes the IBC requirements for R-2 and R-3 Uses of: - FRTW sheathing 4 each side of Party Wall - Type X Gypsum Board on underside of roof on 2 ledgers for 4 each side of Party Wall or Parapets.

Parapets Not Required with A.S.

FRTW Not Required with A.S.

This amendment removes parapet and FRTW sheathing requirements in R-2 and R-3 because Automatic Sprinklers are provided. The IRC is also coordinated by local Amendment to reflect the same cost saving provisions. NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.

Amendments Vertical Continuity (of Type X GWB Fire Walls) (705.6) Not Required
with A.S.

FRT Not Required with A.S.

Paragraph 6.5 is added to remove IBC requirements for R-2 and R-3 Uses of: - FRTW sheathing 4 each side of Party Wall - Type X Gypsum Board on underside of roof on 2 ledgers for 4 each side of Party Wall or Parapets.
Coordination with 704.11 to provide credit for AS. NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.


Amendment Fire Partitions - General (708.1)

Walls separating tenant spaces in A, B, H, and M (except Mall kiosks) must be 1 hour rated. . The exception for R Use and hour with AS still applies.
NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.


Amendment Fire Partitions - Continuity (708.4)

Walls separating tenant spaces in Malls must be continuous to the deck above.

NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.


Amendment Protection of Truss Framing Members (713.7)

Combustible truss joist framing, where used as a component of a non-rated floor assembly, must be protected with either: Gypsum Wall Board, or, Automatic Sprinklers Exception: crawl spaces of <42 in depth
NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.

Provide either gypsum ceiling or automatic sprinkler protection. 91

Amendment Concealed wall spaces firestopping (716.2.2)

Firestopping is required in concealed spaces of stud wall and partitions at maximum 10 intervals both horizontally and vertically.

NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.


The 2000 IBC

Chapter 8 Interior Finishes

With Prince Georges County Amendments


IBC Chapter 8 General (801)

Chapter 8: Governs interior finishes, trim and decorative materials.


IBC Chapter 8 General (801)

Limits allowable flame spread and smoke development based on location and occupancy classification (and automatic sprinklers). Exceptions: Materials < .036 in., applied directly to walls or ceilings. Exposed portions of structural members which meet Type IV construction.


IBC Chapter 8 General (801)

Limits allowable flame spread and smoke development based on location and occupancy classification (and automatic sprinklers). Exceptions (continued): 10% trim/decorations unregulated (805.1.2). 50% unregulated in Use A with automatic sprinklers (805.1.2).


Amendments Chapter 8
There are No Amendments to Chapter 8


The 2000 IBC

Chapter9 Fire Protection Systems

With Prince Georges County Amendments


Amendments - Chapter 9 (AS Plans)

Section 901.2.1 What it says Fire Protection shop drawings must be reviewed prior to permit issuance. No plans are required for commercial buildings with 10 or fewer automatic sprinkler heads. Intent Re-statement of existing reqts in Subtitle 11 (FSL). Re-statement of existing amendment.

901.2.1.2 Establishes clear design and review standards.

Re-statement of existing amendment describes review assumptions. Eliminates confusion.


Amendments - Chapter 9 (A-1, A-2)

Code Sec. What it says 903.2.1.1 Automatic sprinklers are required in Group A-1 with floor area > 6,000 s.f. Automatic sprinklers are required in Group A-2 with >200 persons Intent Reduces value from 12,000 to 6,000 s.f. (same as previously)


Reduces value from 300 to 200 persons (same as previously)

NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.


Amendments - Chapter 9 (A-3)

Code Sec. 903.2.1.3 What it says Intent

Automatic sprinklers Reduces 12,000 s.f. to 6,000 are required in Group s.f. & 300 persons to 200 A-3 with >6,000 s.f. (similar to previous) or >200 persons Exception for AS over Provides relief for arenas floor area based on where little or no owner statement. combustibility is present on main floor.



Amendments - Chapter 9 (A-4)

Code Sec. 903.2.1.4

What it says Automatic sprinklers are required in A-4 Use if the fire area >6,000 square feet.

Intent Reduces the square footage from 12,000 to 6,000 before AS are required (same as previous). Provides relief for reqts. over main floor.

NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.


Amendments - Chapter 9 (M, S)

Sec. 903.2.6 What it says Automatic sprinklers are required in Use M > 6,000 s.f. or > 2 stories or if total fire area (including mezzanine) > 12,000 s.f. High-piled storage is defined as >12 above finished floor for this section. Intent Similar to existing amendment. Square footage relaxed for multistoried buildings (previously 3,000 s.f./flr.). This provides consistency with NFPA Standards.



Amendments - Chapter 9 (R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4)

Sec. 903.2. 7 903.2. 8 What it says AS reqd. in all R-1 AS reqd. in all R-2 Intent Same as existing. Same as existing. Same AS credits apply (omit attic AS if 5/8 DW, combustible balconies ok, omit open air stair AS, omit S/P for 3 story or less, soffit vents ok >3 from openings.) Same as existing & AS credits apply (bsmt. Exit NR, 2nd exit NR, escape window size NR, truss ok, 2hr reduced to 1 hr.)

903.2. 9

AS reqd. in all R-3 & R-4

NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.


Amendments - Chapter 9 (S-1, R)

Sec. 903.2.10

What it says


AS reqd. in S-1 > 6,000 6,000 is same as existing. s.f. or if > 2 stories or > Total floor areas relaxed from 12,000 s.f. total on all 3,000 s.f. to 12,000 s.f. floors. Codifies an existing practice in County that allows cost reductions in combined systems.

903.3.5.1. AS in R may connect to 2 a water closet.


Amendments - Chapter 9 (Misc.)

Sec. What it says Intent Same as existing. Same as existing.

903.3.7.1 Establishes number of FDC inlets reqd. 903.3.8 Establishes AS riser reqts. & WSSC reqts. for gradient. Establishes size of AS zones. Heat tape not permitted for AS

903.6 903.7.1

Same as existing. Same as existing.

NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.


Amendments - Chapter 9 (Miscellaneous)

Sec. 903.7.2 What it says Mechanical protection for AS piping against vehicular damage reqd. FA and AS zones must match. Zoning indicator panel reqts. stated. Fire Hydrant Reqts. Intent Same as existing.


Same as existing. (Relief in zone size of 22,500 s.f. vs. 20,000 s.f.) Same as existing, except FA lock-in until reset. Same as existing.

907.8.1 912.0


Amendment Smoke Control Systems Design Report (909.2.1) New Section

A Smoke Control Design Report is required. It must be Signed and Sealed by a Fire Protection Engineer. Supportive Calculations must. be submitted to Fire Code Official. The report must attest to compliance of design with 909.8, 909.9, and applicable NFPA Codes for smoke control systems.
NOTE: This is a new amendment.

The 2000 IBC

Chapter10 Means of Egress With Prince Georges County Amendments


Key Definitions or Changes - 1002 (1 of 3)

Common Path of Travel Slightly redefined from 1996 BOCA wording to match NFPA 101 in first 2 sentences. 3rd sentence is not in NFPA 101.

Door, balanced New definition not in BOCA. Not in NFPA 101. Egress Court Exit enclosure New definition not in BOCA. Not in NFPA 101. New definition not in BOCA. Not in NFPA 101.


Key Definitions or Changes - 1002 (2 of 3)

Exit passageway New definition not in BOCA (even though BOCA 1020 contained requirements for Exit Passageways). Not in NFPA 101. New definition not in BOCA. Not in NFPA 101. New definition not in BOCA. BOCA 1017.4.2 contains Panic Hardware Reqts. Explained in NFPA 101, 5- (not in definitions) NFPA 101, 5-2.1.7 contains Panic Hardware Requirements.

Fire Exit Hardware Panic Hardware

Key Definitions or Changes - 1002 (3 of 3)

Ramp Not previously defined in BOCA. Reqts. Were in 1016.0 New definition matches NFPA 101. Not defined in BOCA. Not defined in NFPA 101. Moved from BOCA 1013.2 explanatory material to a definition in IBC. Also defined in NFPA 101. Not defined in BOCA. Not defined in NFPA 101 (in index only).

Reviewing Stands Smoke Protected Assembly Seating



Assessing Occupant Loads

Design Occupant Load 1003.2.2 Number of occupants determined by largest of: 1003.2.2.1 Actual Number 1003.2.2.2 Number by Table 1003.2.2.2 1003.2.2.3 Number by Combination (of accessory spaces, plus the main space occupant load).

Note: Increased Occupant Load 1003.2.2.4 permits an Increased occupant load over Table 1003.2.2.2 under Certain conditions, up to 5 square feet per person, maximum.


Amendment - Increased Occupant Load (1003.2.2.4)

Sec. 1003.2.2.4

What it says Written approval is required by the FCO in order to increase occupant loads beyond IBC Table 1003.2.2.2

Intent Clarification of the application of this section.


Elevation Change 1003.2.7

Single Riser generally not permitted. Sloped surface required where change in elevation is < 12 inches. Ramp if slope > 1/20. <12 Some exceptions apply: 1. Single step with max. Riser of 7 inches in F, H, R-2, R-3 and exterior doors of S and U if not reqd. to be 1 accessible by Chapter 11. 12 2. Stair with 1 riser or 2 risers and a EGRESS COMPONENT tread permitted if not reqd. to be accessible by Chapter 11. 13 min. tread and handrail reqd. 1 3. Aisle seating of <12 elev. Diff. W/ 8 Handrail. NON-EGRESS COMPONENT

Amendment - Two exit or exit access doorways (1004.2.2.1)

Amendment of length of maximum overall dimension of the area served in R-2 of 4 stories or less with AS and open air exterior stairs. (Measured to 3 of landing edge.) IBC 2000, unamended 1/3 of length of maximum overall diagonal dimension of the area served with AS. (Measured to doorways.) MBPS Amended 1/4 of length of maximum overall diagonal dimension of the area served with AS. (Measured to doorways.) State Fire Code NFPA 101-2000 1/3 of length of maximum overall diagonal dimension of the area served with AS. (Measured to doorways (

NOTE: This is a new amendment, requested by industry, to coordinate with the MBPS amendments and State Fire Code.

The 2000 IBC

Chapter14 Exterior Walls With Prince Georges County Amendments


Amendment Balconies and similar projections (1406.3)

Balconies and similar projections undergoing repair or replacement must comply with this section. IBC provides for FRTW or AS for balconies in Types III, IV , and V construction.
NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.


Amendment Soffits of roof projections (1406.5)

R-1 and R-2 soffit openings shall be covered with minimum of non-combustible material and no vent openings. Exception for AS in attic.
NOTE: This is a new change to existing amendments to permit soffit vents in sprinklered buildings. Attic sprinklers are no longer required in order to comply.


The 2000 IBC

Chapter 30 Elevators and Conveying Systems With Prince Georges County Amendments


Amendments - Elevators

1. The State of Maryland Elevator Code, ASME A17.1 is adopted as a Reference Standard. 2. Note that there is a new requirement in the IBC for standby power for 1 elevator in all buildings of 4 or more stories in height.


The 2000 IBC

Chapter 33 Safeguards During Construction With Prince Georges County Amendments


Amendments Chapter 33 Safeguards During Construction

3303.4, 3307.3 Restoration of lots must comply with Div. 3, Grading and Erosion Control

3304.1.5 Excavations of 3 or more must have a fence or barricade if hazard is created.

NOTE: This is a repeat of an existing amendment.


Amendments Chapter 33 Safeguards During Construction

3304.1.6 3307.2 3313.0 Div. 3 applies if it conflicts with Chapter 33 Excavations cannot harm adjacent properties. At beginning and during construction, 12 wide emergency access road to w/in 200 of most remote building under construction. Must support 20 ton vehicle under all weather conditions (Subtitle 11 also).


The 2000 IBC


With Prince Georges County Amendments

The Prince Georges County Department of Environmental Resources


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