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Problem 1 Two kids, Jess and James, are playing tug of war with a 10 meter long rope, but

with a twist: they are pulling the rope around a pole so that they are pulling at 90 degrees from each other. They've marked the middle of the rope, and have put it exactly at the pole before they started. Jess is winning, and has gained x meters of length. Notice that if we connect a line between the two kids, we form a right-angled triangle. a) Show that the area of this triangle is 25/2 - (x^2)/2 b) Whats the largest possible area for this triangle? Answers: a) Jess has 5 + x meters, which means that James has 10 - (5 + x) = 5 - x meters. The area of the triangle is 1/2 base * height, or: 1/2 * (5 + x)(5 - x) = 1/2 * (25 - x^2) = 25/2 - (x^2)/2 b) The largest possible area is where (x^2)/2 is smallest. The square can't be negative, but it can be 0, so when x = 0, we get the maximum area. So the maximum is 25/2 meters squared.

Problem 2 A park is in the shape of a square. The area of the park is (25y + 70y + 49) ft. The side length of the park is in form of cy + d, where c and d are whole numbers. Find an expression in terms of y for the perimeter of the park Find the perimeter when y=8 ft Square Perimeter P= 4 x side Side= Area (Area=side) (A = 25y + 70y + 49) 1. 25y = 5y .5y 2. 49 = 7.7 3. 2 x 7 x 5 = 70y

There is a pool with a sidewalk around it. The pool measures 6m by 10m, and the total area of the pool and walk is 96 square meters. What is the width of the sidewalk? the pool is 6 meters wide. There will be a walkway x meters on each side. So the width of the pool plus walkway is: 6 + 2x Similary for the length 10 + 2x is the length The total area is: (6+2x) (10+2x) = 96 60 + 12x + 20x + 4x^2 = 96 divide by 4 15 + 3x +5x +x^2 = 24 x^2 + 8x - 9 (x+9)(x-1) x = 1 or -9 and since a distance can't be negative: the width is 1 meters.

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